7 Tips for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is one of the most exciting times of the year for most families. Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is walking around thankful and happy. No one is short, crappy, irritable...
Mentorship has always been something that has been incredibly important to me. I was very lucky to have some amazing mentors in my life.
I have played sports pretty much since I could walk. I have had many, many coaches. Some I remember. Some I don't. But what I do remember is the dedication of these coaches. Their commitment to coaching still has stayed with me to this day.
My dad was one of my coaches for years in various sports. He was a great father and a great coach. His mentorship over years made me a better athlete.
One of the best ways that I got mentor others was when my father and I coached Little League baseball together years ago. It was great to do something with my dad and even better to put the skills that he taught me as an athlete to test.
Inspiring children with mentorship and instilling in them the importance of giving back is something that is key with the Milton Hershey School and indeed one of the founding principles of the school.
Did you know that every time you buy Hershey’s, part of the proceeds help provide education, support and opportunity to children in need through the Milton Hershey School? Every time you buy Hershey’s you are giving back to the community!
You can even submit your own story on the Hershey Legacy website.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Hershey’s. They provided me with a gift basket of candy (pictured here) to munch on while writing this post!
To enter, share a story about inspiring children with mentorship and encouraging them to give back or share a story about a childhood experience that inspired you. This is the first mandatory entry that must be done before the additional entries will count.
1. Blog about the giveaway and leave the link to your blog post in the comments. Or post your own story on the Hershey Legacy Website. – 5 entries each
2. Add a relevant comment to any non-giveaway posts on my blog or Enter any of my other giveaways – 2 entries for each blog post you comment on
3. Follow me, @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter and then hit the Twitter Share button below to Tweet out about this contest. You can do this no more than once every four hours each day for extra entries AND you MUST have more than 100 followers on Twitter. Leave your Twitter comment link in the comments section below. Take an extra entry for each person who RT’s you! – 1 entry
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Contest ends on 11/14/2010 at 11:59 EST. Winner be notified via email and has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn.
When my son, Sam, was about 11 years old, he was picked on and bullied. Sam thought he was a freak because he was conciderably smaller than other kids his age. But Sam had some really good friends too. One of his friends, Spencer, had a bad home life that I personally witnessed several times. Spencer spent a lot of time at my house. I treated Spencer just like one of my own kids, seriously!! Well, Spencer is getting married in December and I know he turned out to be a fine, caring man! (So did my son!!! :o)
I volunteer for 3 hours every Saturday to mentor young children in our neighborhood and help them study
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I love your giveaway. Hershey’s is the best candy.
I was inspired as a child by man that was a good friend of the family. He was so funny and so friendly that people always wanted to be around him. He wasn’t particularly bright, now was he successful or rich. But everyone who knew him loved him, and I knew that those qualities that he had were what I wanted to have as an adult also.
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i once volunteered as a summer tutor for dc schools and it was interesting watching kids learn
Each Christmas we choose the names of a boy and a girl off the Christmas Angel tree at a local store. We buy an outfit for each child and the kids pick out toys for each child.
I teach my Sunday preschool class about giving and we do several giving projects together at church! Shoes for orphan souls and project shoebox for examples.
Donating canned goods during food drives at school as a child made me understand how many people couldn’t afford food in our own community.
When I was aworking in our local AWANA program there was a section the children had to complete on service. We did projects such as raking leaves, picking up garbage, walking dogs for people in our church, leaders did it right along with the kids what a great time
http://twitter.com/#!/mkjmc/status/28921306939 tweeted
Did volunteer work at a young age…trips to nursing homes to sing carols, canned food drives, etc. This has inspired me to encourage children today to do the same.
helped my nephew to give over the holidays mverno@roadrunner.com
I mentored an at risk high school student and helped guide her to apply to college. Now she does the same thing to other at risk teenagers.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
When I was in 3rd grade, a student in our class got cancer and had to go through Chemo. She lost her hair and was very embarrased. We all got together with our parents and shaved our heads too. The whole class was bald.
Thanks for the chance.
I work with developmentally disabled adults and I strongly reccomend volunteer work to those who want to do it, or want to keep busy. I donate blood. So I guess I’m not doing anything for children in particular right now. I did teach Sunday school many years ago though. Thanks!
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We teach the kids to use their time for helping others by all doing it together.
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Something that motivated me as a child was having a teacher that went above his duty and taught us at a higher level than what he needed to. If one students didn’t understand something, we would have a demonstration in class, which helped out the whole class. He truly believed in “No child left behind” before it was a law.
.-= Susan S.´s last blog ..Being morbidly obese in today’s world. =-.
I remember in Elementary school I had to tutor another student. Iwatching them understand was a really rewarding experience.
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The Milton Hershey school is a wonderful school for boys and girls. Milton S. Hershey did many great things for the Hershey community. The Hershey Medical center is one of the greatest around.
When I was in 4th grade we brought treats to a nursing home and each kid had an elderly person to visit with. I played checkers with mine and he cried when it was time for me to leave. Now every Thursday my daughter and I go to visit elderly people. They love my daughter (she is 9 months) and I plan on doing it with her throughout her whole childhood!
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My fifth grade teacher was a very good mentor for me in learning how to act less shy and get more involved.
Every holiday season our church’s youth group that my childen are apart of collection non perishable food items, I have local grocery stores donate turkeys. Together we put together food baskets and hand deliver them ourselves to the families in need. It is such a great rewarding experience for the children and one that we look forward to all year.
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As a teenager I coached a children’s soccer team and I loved that I was able to work with children who were so close in age – it made the whole experience really fun and showed them that giving back started early in life.
I once bowled for Big Brothers Big Sisters. It was a lot of fun! kekagel(at)yahoo.com
I teach and encourage teens to help improve neighborhoods by cleaning yards, streets and parks. We also do home improvements for those who cannot afford or are physically unable.
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When I was in 4th grade, my teacher knew how shy I was, so she spent some time introducing other students to me and playing games with me and 1 or 2 other kids, encouraging them to play with me.
She really gave me a boost of self-confidence! 😉
I did some volunteer work at the hospital for a few months when I was younger, i really enjoyed it.
when i was a teen, i coached a swim team for my neighborhood pool, i loved helping the kids learn how to do the different strokes, and i hope some of them were encouraged to help too!
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i’ve taught my kids to give to the salvation army kettles in front of the stores. 🙂
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Mentorship is wonderful and it seemed to be wonderful for my daughter as she started recycling after school.
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When I was very young, my maternal grandmother was dying of cancer. I vividly remember the days that the nurse came to the house to give her care–this was before the hospice care we know today, but of course the care was for the same purpose. I think that was the beginning of my desire to go into nursing, which I did do, and had a very rewarding career for over 40 years.
When I was in middle school, my Mom worked at a hospital. Every year at Christmas each department would sponsor a family and buy food, clothes, toys, and whatever else they needed to have a good holiday. They presented everything as a themed display. I always helped my Mom when she shopped and my whole family got involved with the display. One year my Dad even built a wooden sleigh and reindeer. Even though we didn’t have a lot, my Mom always taught me to give back. As an adult, I still make sure to pick an angel from the tree and donate to Toys for Tots to make sure everyone can have a happy Christmas.
I have a Grand child with mild autism, He attends regular classroom and is a good student he does have accomadations. he currently has a speech teacher who is working with him on understanding facial expression and speech. He can not read your face nor interrupt the tone of words. Happy is the same as mad. This teacher is working wonders, Last week when I asked him if I could have a hug he came over and hugged me. What a leap.
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When I was a teenager, our youth group leader signed us up for a clean-up of an elderly lady’s yard. We all went grudgingly but ended up learning from both women about teamwork, grace, community, and kindness.
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We adopted a family at Christmas and gave to them rather than each other
I love chocolate. Please enter me, thank you
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We think it is important that my granddaughter give her time and effort towards others. She is eleven (though she looks like fifteen) and has recently become the youngest volunteer at our local housing center. Many of the children are hungry for individual attention. It can be as simple as reading a magazine, helping with math problems, or playing a card game.
we pick out a gift together to give to toys for tots
My granddaughter’s go to the food shelves and help out.They also wrap Christmas presents at the Toys For Tots!
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I have been both a Cub Scout and Girl Scout leader for many years now. While it is a lot of work and is sometimes frustrating, it is also extremely rewarding. I just love it when the kids tell me what a great time they have in scouts and watching them do all sorts of cool things.
We teach our daughter to give back by going through her things every year and donating them to a family that needs them more then her.
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Both of my parents were police officers and when they would get called to domestics, etc they would remember the children in the homes…those whose parents were really poor (through no fault of their own or otherwise), or those who sadly just didn’t care. And when Christmas time came they would buy toys, sometimes clothes, and candy for them. Then whoever was working Christmas Eve would leave them. I thought that was the coolest thing ever!
I try to do buy at least one gift each year for a child and my son has to spend some of his allowance each year to buy at least one gift for a child.
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When I was a girl scout leader we had our girls do a community project once a month
My granddaughter is an inspiration to me because she shows the act of sharing. She has very long hair and she just had it cut off and donated it to the Locks of Love Foundation for the cancer stricken children. I would love to win this basket for her. Thanks
My parents raised me middle class, but also showed me migrant labor camps, veterans hospitals, tutoring programs, Rescue Mission, and showed me places the homeless live. They also gave me an introduction to how hard life is for the mentally ill. They were both social workers and devoted their lives to helping others by example!
I mentor a robotics team. These young men and women are truly what makes me so proud. They are working to make robotics for medical help to the elderly and hospitals. Dedicating themselves at such a young age is inspiring. Not one selfish or self centered one in the group.
I’ve always believed that reading to kids is very important!
.-= Tammy Darling´s last blog ..Annual Update =-.
I used to be a Youth Worker for juvenile delinquent youth, and I spent much of my time there speaking about giving back for past mistakes and to pay it forward.
.-= Melodic Mom´s last blog ..Seven Months Pregnant With 2nd Baby Guilt and a Private Concert At My House =-.
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Last year, while trick or treating for Halloween, my kids and I brought our wagon and asked for canned goods for our local food shelf. People were super generous! I’d love to do it again, maybe around the holidays. There are lots of people in need and I like my kids to know how lucky they are to have what we have. It was a great lesson!
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Sweet blog!
And thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Growing up, my parents were always “adopting” a kid, meaning friends of mine or my siblings would receive things from them that they just weren’t able to have in their own homes. Sometimes, this meant a roof over their heads, other times, it was Christmas presents. It was definitely a life lesson as a child to give unselfishly of myself.
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I remember when I was little. My great aunt always went to every school play I had. I thought it was so awesome that she took time out of her day to do that for me. 🙂 She is a great woman.
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My high school cross country/track coach was an amazing mentor at helping me see my potential as a leader and teaching me not to give up when things got hard.
My son is a great mentor. He is disabled and helps out with his son’s cubscout group. Teaching them that even with a disability you can still accomplish your dreams it maybe done in a different way than others but it is still possible to accomplish your dreams.
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I work at an Alternative School. We feel mentoring is critical. So critical that we have a program for mentors to come from the community and they take the students out for lunch once a week. This shows them that there is a room for change.
My senior girl scout leader introduced us to many life building activities. We learned community stewardship by painting fire hydrants. She took us white water rafting to teach us team work.
.-= ANGEL OF WIN $100 @ HYPNOTIC´s last blog ..74 in breast enhancement kits giveaway us & canada =-.
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Our county has a library book sale every year and they ALWAYS need volunteers. My son and I went one year, and he raved about how good the food in the break room was, so the next year my daughter wanted to go, too. After we were done, she was beaming from ear to ear. She told me that she felt like she had been REALLY helpful to people. We do it every year now, and she is also eager to go with me whenever I do volunteer work anywhere. Helping other people makes her feel good and I couldn’t have asked for anything more.
When I was a child our church help feed the homeless on Thanksgiving which really affected me because I had lived a rather sheltered life and it was nice helping to feed those who needed help.
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my child experience was many many yrs ago when I was a kid a friend and I collected at the Mill plant gate for Muscular Dystrophy, was a lesson for a 10 yr old
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I always try to connect with all our neighborhood children in a good and mentoring way, I think so many adults overlook these sweet souls and I know that they love it when i actually care what they think and I actually discuss real issues with them….
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We clean out unused toys with the little ones before the holidays and donate them to a local charity!
My grandson, a juvenile diabetic, had a benefit for JDRF this summer and raised $6000 all on his own at age 16.
When my brother’s and I were young, I was in Girl Scout and they were in Boyscouts. I remember lots of times we(they) did things for our community! This one inspires me: My brother’s boy scouts and the boyscouts family sponsored a Family for Christmas. I remember going and helping my mom buy clothes and toys and food for the family. When we took it to the family it just made me feel like I was helping someone. Around Thanksgiving and Christmas I love helping families!
as a child i was inspired by my mother, she went to night school to get her education and worked a full time job
After Hurricane Katrina, I organized a “penny drive” at my daughters’ elementary school and it culminated with a big Mardi Gras party, with masks (made by the kids), music, food, etc., and we presented the Red Cross with a check for $1,000. It was pretty moving, seeing the kids get so involved and want to give what they could.
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What inspired me as a child was when my dad taught another dad how to read. We were not allowed to mention it to anyone and my dad was so humble about it.
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I have not mentored a child, but as a teacher I have met many mentors that have touched a child’s life. It’s such a selfless act to give your time to make a child’s life and education better.
The company I worked for had a mentoring relationship with a school/residence for troubled kids. Those of us that wished to were assigned kids to mentor. Before the holidays, we would have a holiday party for the mentors & mentees. The one year we all put together packages for kids with paper, pencils and pens, glue stick, stickers and lots of other stuff. Each mentee wrote a note to include with the package. Our company footed the bill for everything and saw that the packages went to an appropriate organization.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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My parents who both grew up incredibly poor taught us how important it was to give back to the community. That continues to drive me through my career path and the organizations I help support.
My children have been to our local Children’s Hospital and have seen the kids there. My kids know how fortunate they are to have good health and are more aware of the kids at their school that are handicapped. They have befriended them which makes a world of difference to these kids. It makes my heart smile.
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My kids and I have volunteered our time.
I entered to Win the Hershey’s Gift Basket! I hope I Win !!!!! 😉
I entered to Win the Hershey’s Gift Basket and I hope I Win !!!! 😉 Thanks for the Chance !