Why Get a College Degree finishing your degree change your life

Why Get a College Degree

Why Get a College Degree

There are many things in life that we simply cannot control and then there are those things that we can take charge of. Finishing your degree tends to be one of those things that many of us plan to go back to do. However, the fact is that life just gets in the way. If finishing your degree is a dream of yours, there’s no better time than the present to pursue it. Because finishing your degree can be life-changing… especially if you find a program that will fit into your schedule and give you all the support you need. Speaking of which, I recently learned about The American Women’s College and was inspired to write this because their program is set up to get you to finish that degree and accomplish your goals. Here are 5 ways finishing your degree can change your life.

Why Get a College Degree

What Makes The American Women's College Unique

Are you one of 76 million American women who have accomplished many things in their lives yet still lack a bachelor's degree? You aren't alone.  This is what I was talking about above. Life happens and college gets put on hold. At The American Women's College, they understand the reasons that women pause their education early in life. They know that kids, marriage, hobbies, jobs, and other things might cause us to put getting that degree aside. For now.

The American Women’s College is fully online, just for women, and offers more than 20 exciting degrees. This non-profit college, accredited by NEASC, lets you earn credit for prior learning, transfer in up to 90 credits and offers accelerated 6-week sessions. They want to help you return to school and finish your degree. They will help you navigate the obstacles allowing you to finish your education and make your dreams come true. We all know that finishing your degree is worth it and now is your time to make it happen.

Why Get a College Degree

Increase your income

Seriously. According to a 2015 study, the average college graduate earned 56% more money than a high school graduate. That is a pretty significant difference, and it adds up year after year. That bigger payday translates into things like home ownership, retirement savings, and financial security. So, ask yourself, could you use a little more cash in the bank? A degree can help with that.


More job prospects

We have all seen the headlines about how hard it is for some to find a job, even for college graduates. But those headlines don't paint the whole picture. The US Department of Labor tracks all sorts of stats, and they show that in January of this year (2017), the college graduate unemployment rate was 3.8%. People who did not graduate college had a harder time with the job search; the high school graduate unemployment rate for the same period was 5.3%. Most importantly, the gap is widening. It is becoming harder by the day for those without a college degree to find a good job; it's a trend that is clear in the numbers. Having a college degree is critical to the job search.

Sense of accomplishment

You know that feeling you get when you finally finish something challenging? You feel good about yourself. You feel proud. Finishing a college degree is challenging, but the sense of accomplishment that you will feel when graduation finally happens makes all of the hard work worth the effort. Additionally, finishing your degree is an accomplishment that sets a fantastic example for your kids (should you have any, of course).

Greater confidence

You know that feeling you get when you finally finish something challenging? You feel good about yourself. You feel proud. Finishing a college degree is challenging, but the sense of accomplishment that you will feel when graduation finally happens makes all of the hard work worth the effort. Additionally, finishing your degree is an accomplishment that sets a fantastic example for your kids (should you have any, of course).

How to Prepare Your Teen for College

Personal satisfaction

One of the things that motivates me these days is that sense of personal satisfaction. I set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals for myself. I complete these goals (for the most part) and then I set more goals. Every time I reach a goal, there comes with it a sense of accomplishment that drives me to keep reaching and setting more goals. The importance of personal satisfaction is something that we instill in our children. It was amazing once I consciously began acknowledging that I was achieving my goals. I was stunned at how good it felt, how my sense of personal satisfaction rose, and how that motivated me even more.

The American Women's College at Bay Path University Programs

· Business Programs: o Accounting o Business Administration o Business Analytics o Digital Marketing Management o Entrepreneurship o Human Resource Management o Operations Management · Communications · Criminal Justice o Offender Rehabilitation and Victim Advocacy · Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics · Early Childhood & Elementary Education · Food Science & Safety · Health Services Administration · Leadership & Organizational Studies · Legal Studies · Liberal Studies · Nursing RN to BSN · Paralegal Studies · Psychology Programs: o Child Psychology o Counseling Foundations o Foundations in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling o Human Services & Rehabilitation o Psychology

We hope that this Why Get a College Degree post inspires you. Good luck!

Why Get a College Degree

This Why Get a College Degree is sponsored by The American Women's College at Bay Path University and SheKnows Media.

How to Get a Job After College Graduation?

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