What To Do After A Hit-and-Run Accident - Divine Lifestyle

What To Do After A Hit-and-Run Accident

What To Do After A Hit-and-Run Accident

Being involved in a car accident is a stressful experience, but it becomes even more unsettling when the other driver flees the scene. Hit-and-run accidents leave victims feeling confused, frustrated, and unsure of how to proceed. This guide will walk you through the critical steps to take after a hit-and-run accident, ensuring your safety, protecting your rights, and maximizing your chances of getting the compensation you deserve by consulting with an experienced car crash lawyer in Phoenix.

1. Ensure Safety and Seek Medical Attention

The first priority following any accident is to check for injuries. If you or your passengers are hurt, call 911 immediately. Even if you feel okay initially, adrenaline can mask injuries, so getting checked out by a medical professional is crucial. Don't hesitate to request an ambulance if necessary.

2. Secure the Scene

If possible, move your car to a safe location off the road to avoid further accidents. Turn on your hazard lights and wait for the police to arrive. If you are unable to move your car safely, stay put and wait for help.

3. Gather Evidence (if possible)

While waiting for the police, try to gather as much evidence as possible. Here's what to look for:

  • Description of the Hit-and-Run Vehicle: Note the make, model, color, and any unique features like dents, bumper stickers, or damage.
  • Description of the Driver (if visible): Any details about the driver's appearance can be helpful.
  • Witness Information: If anyone witnessed the accident, get their contact information.
  • Scene Photos: Take pictures of the damage to your car, the surrounding area, and any debris from the accident.

4. Contact the Police

It's vital to report the hit-and-run accident to the police as soon as possible, even for minor fender-benders. The police will file an accident report which will be crucial for your insurance claim.

5. Contact Your Insurance Company

Don't wait to notify your insurance company about the accident. They will guide you through the claims process and can advise you on what coverage applies in a hit-and-run situation. Collision coverage will help repair your car, while uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (UIM) can compensate you for damages caused by the hit-and-run driver.

6. Document Everything

Keep detailed records of everything related to the accident. This includes:

  • Police report number
  • Medical bills and records
  • Car repair estimates
  • Any communication with your insurance company

7. Consider Legal Representation 

Hit-and-run cases can be complex, and a lawyer specializing in car accidents can significantly improve your chances of recovering compensation for your damages. They can handle communication with your insurance company, investigate to find the at-fault driver, and negotiate a fair settlement.


  • Stay Calm: A hit-and-run accident can be overwhelming, but try to stay calm and focus on taking the necessary steps.
  • Don't Pursue the Driver: Do not attempt to chase after the hit-and-run driver, as it can put you and others at risk. Leave that to the police.
  • File Within Time Limits: Most states have deadlines for filing car insurance claims, so don't delay contacting your insurance company.

By following these steps and seeking professional help when needed, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome after a hit-and-run accident.

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