Ultimate Blog Party

Hi there!
Welcome Ultimate Blog Party 2012 Attendees! Thanks so much for stopping by.
I am Stacie and I started this blog three years ago. Since then, I have branched out into many other aspects of social media. Learn more about me here.
My first Ultimate Blog Party was in 2009 just a month after I started blogging. I visited every single blog on the list that year over the course of a week. I didn't miss a single one.
What happened is that I discovered some amazing blogs and made some great blogging friends along the way. I offer a few words of advice as you visit during the week:
DON'T do what I did. Go for quality over quantity. I did too much that first year and burned out quickly. Vist blogs that you think you might genuinely enjoy. Leave meaningful comments.
DON'T comment on this post with a “Hi. Stopping by from the UBP 2012” that you are just cutting and pasting for every blog you go to. Instead visit one of my posts that I really love. Like this one for instance: Nine and a Million or The Orange Shoes.
DO leave me a link below to your favorite post. Not a giveaway. Not a review. Something you put your heart and soul into. I will come visit and read it. I will also leave a meaningful comment.
DO enter some of the great giveaways on my site (EMANI, Starbucks, Carter's, McDonald's, Crayola and more), some of the ones listed below and the UBP main post.
DO enjoy yourself.
DO find me in other places:
BlogFrog Community
SUBSCRIBE to my blog so you never miss a post
Check out my friends. People are always asking me what blogs I subscribe to and/or read on a regular basis. Here are some of my favorites that are definitely worth a visit and a closer look:
Dear Crissy
Jolly Mom
The Mommy Insider
Mommy Niri
Stress Free, Baby!
Rockin' Mama
Tree, Root & Twig
Go Graham Go!
My Home Sweet Home
Feels Like Home
Crazy Adventures in Parenting
Have a great week!
Also just a side note, I moderate comments. Don't be alarmed if your comment doesn't appear right away. It's just that some people really want me to know about penis enlargement, Viagra and lots of dirty videos. I read each and every comment and then approve or Spam them.
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I loved your post ‘Nine and a Million’ and have to tell you I had a similar delivery with my now-18yo son. My water broke suddenly at 33 weeks, so he was 7 weeks early and weighed 4lbs 3oz. We were very lucky though because he was able to come home with me, however, we had a rough first year. It’s funny how 18 years can go by and I can still remember every second of that day (yet I can barely remember yesterday)! Hope you get a chance to stop by my blog, it’s pretty new but this is one of my favorite posts: http://www.kimperfection.com/god-gave-me-a-sunrise-that-woke-me-up/
I’m going to check out some of your fav blogs…
Good advice. UPB is fun but it’s tough to tackle for anyone new to the event and for new bloggers in general.
I have some orange clogs that I bought on a cruise after I stubbed my toenail. I felt so bad that those were all I could wear while out on excursions. I will never look at them the same. Thank you for sharing this story and what a flashback it must have been for you seeing your son drawn to those orange shoes.
Haven’t I red the Orange Shoes before? I think it might have been through SITS. That is a good post. It’s funny to see history repeat itself….
Hey there! We’re Triberr-mates as well, but I’ve just seen enough about the Ultimate Blog Party I think I will do that this year as well. Can’t wait to explore a bit of your blog, and I love how you organized your post for this intro post.
I only post a few reviews and giveaways on my own blog … I started posting more and more, and then found myself straying from the heart of what my blog was for. Now, more of my posts have my heart written all over them *grin*
I’m sure you’ll see me pop up here and there on your site as I explore a bit, and I think I’ll take your advice and be careful with my time and my energy in taking part in this very awesome looking party experience!
Those are some great tips! I don’t feel like we’ve gotten to know each other as well as we could so I’m gonna add you to my google reader and get better aquainted. (<– I can't spell that).
Wow… I can’t believe you visited EVERY blog that first year. Amazing… but I can imagine it burned you out. Yes, quality is more important than quantity.
But it’s clear you are a hard working blogger and to succeed in monetizing a blog and building a social media business, you do have to work darn hard. Congrats on all your successes and thank you continuing to participate in the UBP.
Fantastic tips. I also visited every blog on the linkie my first year. My second year I got a great tip from someone.Since many people who don’t get in the top 50 or so don’t get visited pick a number like 3 then visit 13, 23, 33 etc. Once done there pick another number. This makes sure even those furthur in the list get visits. UBP really is a fantastic way to find great bloggers you other wise would never find.
You know, Stacie, your blog was one of the first I followed and read when I first started reading blogs and one of the first that influenced me to start my own blog. Sadly, I don’t visit as much as I’d like, but I follow you on Twitter and FB quite often. However, I have to say that ‘It’s Heart Day’ made me cry. SO happy to see how far your little Laurel has come! (http://thedivinemissmommy.com/its-heart-day-giving-thanks/)
I recently wrote of my experience with my son’t ADHD diagnosis and what it meant for our family. I’m hoping to continue to share our journey, although I know it can be a controversial subject. http://www.asmomseesit.com/2012/02/adhd-add-depression-and-other-things.html
Hi Stacie. It’s nice to meet you here at the UBP 2012! As you requested, here is a link to one of my favorite posts. Honestly, I really didn’t think it was anything special when I wrote it, but it seemed to strike a chord with others, and now it’s one of my faves, too. π
Alesha Kay
Great tips. I visit your linky on a weekly basis.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the tips! This is my first UBP, and I admit I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Just dropping by from the UBP12. Great tips you shared here! I’ve watched your blog grow over the past few years and you have a wonderful site!
I really enjoy the effort you put into your UBP12 post. Thank you. Great tips for UBP etiquette. This is my 4th year participating in the UBP. I love it too. I have met some great bloggers, and we still comment on each other’s blogs to this day.
Now I need to get hopping over to your favorite posts and giveaways! Thanks for sharing those links with us.
LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella
Love your list of do’s and don’ts. Great idea!
Hey Stacie!! so this post is totally freaking awesome. And leaving a linky for honest, real posts? Best idea ever. I hope this weekend find you doing super fabulous my friend!
This UBP is a lot of fun and a great idea. I love the blog you recommended reading. It’s amazing how helpful a good Mommy Blog can be, particularly in the first few years of parenthood. It’s great to learn from the experience of others. One of my favorites is Young Urban Moms. I get great tips, advice, stories, and ideas from moms that are really easy to relate to and really funny. You should take a look.
Great do’s and don’t’s, Stacie! This is my first blog party, and I am loving all of the posts being linked up. I have been following your blog for a while now, but there was a couple here that I haven’t read yet. I think we’ve even been to a few events together, as I am just north of Atlanta and attend blogger events when possible.
My favorite post that I have written recently deals with deciding how many children my husband and I want to have. You can find it here! http://southerngirlramblings.com/happy-being-a-family-of-3/
Thanks for the great advice. I loved your Nine and a Million post. So far, my favorite posts are the 3-part birthing story I did last month after my son arrived. If you enjoy part one, I hope you’ll read the rest. http://mamademics.com/to-induce-or-not-to-induce/
Loved both of those posts and you should definitely get yourself some orange shoes! The post I poured a lot of myself into is http://www.ramonawritesagain.com/2012/04/redmption-in-church-kitchen.html Nice to meet you! π
Oh how I can relate to your Nine and a Million post! My oldest turned 7 in December and I still cant believe where the time has gone. My fourth son was born last Jan. 4 weeks early. Thankfully his stay was short and I got to stay with him the four extra days he was in the hospital being monitored. They pull at our heart strings the minute they are born and I dont think it will ever go away.
I am here as part of the Ultimate Blog Party please come and join our FREE blogger event. We are giving away a Kate Spade Pursehttp://madamedeals.com/ freebloggereventkate/… or come and win an ipad3 http://www.madamedeals.com/contests
Hey Stacie! Stopping by from the UBP12 to say hello! I truly enjoyed reading your post The Orange Shoes. It’s such a great story that everyone can relate to. We have all had that moment in school and questioned ourselves when we shouldn’t have just because someone else didn’t like it. I think its great that your son ended up picking orange shoes. Like mamma like son π Have a great rest of the week during the party!!!
-Emily, Timedog.com
Hi STACIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been way too long since we’ve seen each other!!! Just stopping by from #ubp12….hehehehe giggle!
Good afternoon! Stopping by from UBP. I’ve been a follower and subscriber for a while now. I enjoy reading your posts and entering your giveaways.
Dropping in from #UBP12. Great tips on enjoying the Party and THANK You! And I have to say, so cool you did a Windows7 Commercial! I have a Windows Phone and love it. π