6 Tips for Staying Unstoppable During the Holidays
I wrote this post as part of my participation in a blog tour for The Motherhood on behalf of the makers of Children’s MOTRIN® and received compensation to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
The holidays seem to come faster and faster every year. It never fails but all of a sudden I feel like a deer in headlights and then I am rushing right up until Christmas Eve. It sounds crazy but I wouldn't have my holidays any other way.
In between all of the shopping, baking, cooking, cleaning and working, there are several things that I do during the holiday that help me stay unstoppable.
1. Get plenty of sleep.
7-8 hours of sleep at night may seem like a luxury at time but you need a good night's sleep to function properly. I consistently get around 7 hours of sleep a night and if not, I try my hardest to get a nap in.
2. Hydrate.
Drink as much water as you can. I make certain that I always get 8 glasses of water in each day.
3. Don't skip meals.
Make certain to eat three healthy meals per day. Skipping meals can lower your blood sugar and make you feel tired.
4. List everything out.
I plan out my entire day by making a TO-DO list each night. Then I go through it the next morning to make certain that I didn't miss anything. Check out these cute free holiday planner printables to help you get started.
5. Plan it all out.
What stores do you need to get to today or what errands do you have to run? Take a few minutes and plan your entire route out to save a lot of time during the day. Also print any coupons that you might need.
6. Carry snacks and a water bottle everywhere.
I have a little snack box that I carry in my purse at all times. I add a water bottle in there is a well and I am always ready.
Want to be unstoppable during the holidays? Follow the tips above and you will have a much easier time.

The makers of Children’s MOTRIN® meals to keeping the kids entertained on rainy days. Moms may not always realize it, but they are amazing in so many ways. Moms are on call day and night and have so much unique knowledge that can really help other moms. That’s why the makers of Children’s MOTRIN® asking moms to share this knowledge in the form of tips and tricks that help keep them going.
These can be their own tips or those from moms they know, and can be about everything from how they create quick meals for their family to how they keep the kids entertained on a long drive.

The makers of Children’s MOTRIN® are asking Moms to post their tips and tricks to the MOTRIN® Facebook page under each week’s Kelly Ripa question video and for every post, Children’s MOTRIN® will donate $1 to Safe Kids Worldwide, a global nonprofit that provides moms with the tips they need to help keep their children safe. Moms could even win weekly giveaways of $100 gift cards just for posting.*
*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, OPEN TO LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 UNITED STATES are inspired by all the things Moms do, from quick family & D.C., 18 AND OLDER. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Promotion ends 11:59p.m. ET 12/28/14. Sponsor will donate $1 for each approved Submission made as part of the promotion, with a minimum donation of $30,000 and a maximum donation of $50,000.
For Official Rules, and complete details, visit www.unstoppablemoms.com. Sponsor: McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. To learn more about Safe Kids Worldwide visit safekids.org.

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Planning ahead is key for sure! I also like to carry around my water bottle. It really makes a huge difference to be hydrated. Great tips!
Thanks so much of sharing these tips.! Staying hydrated is definitely a huge one! Also, I do a lot of my shopping online!
These are some really great tips to remember–I’m sure I will be needing them!
I love all of your tips. I am totally going to work on that sleep thing. I need A LOT more.
One of these days I’ll figure out how to master tip #1. 5 hours a night just isn’t cutting it.
Planning and making list is how I get things done all the time, holidays included. I forget so much and get overwhelmed quickly when I don’t have a plan in place and list of to-do’s to work from!
I have to carry snacks and a water bottle with me. That is the best tip because I tend to skip meals when I am out shopping, especially lunch. Great tips to follow and to keep myself healthy this Holiday Season.
Thanks for the great tips. I try to always have water with me. The snack box is a great idea.
Not skipping meals is a big one for me. I get “hangry” pretty quickly if I don’t eat.
It’s important to take care of yourself so you can take care of the ones you love. It’s especially important around the holidays when we really start spreading ourselves thin.
Fantastic advice, Planning is the key.
I try not to overschedule myself. I also really try to get enough sleep. I don’t do well with less than 8 hours a night.
Great tips! I will definitely be utilizing them come Christmas time! I am nervous!
Always great when brands give back to great causes!
The holiday can be fun and also stressful! These a great tips for the moms out there!!!
These are all great tips. I think making a plan, yet being flexible as things come up, will keep me going this holiday season.
This are great tips! I always feel overwhelmed during the holidays!
Remembering to hydrate is a tough one for me. I always get into the zone!
The holidays used to be so easy and meaningful. The last few years they are stressful and filled with too much drama. I’d love to be able to go back to slowing down and enjoying the things that really matter!
#2 and #3 are my worst enemies. I get so busy that I will stop at 9pm and think, “I’m a little hungry/thirsty” and realize I hadn’t eaten all day. I’m so worried about fixing food for everyone else.
I try to stay well rested and organized during the holidays. It is not always easy to get enough rest so those days i rely on coffee to keep me going.
Oh my gosh, seriously I am already starting to go slightly nuts over here! I need to practice the dont skip meals tip!
I am a big planner – I have my Christmas list written and task planned. Your list is very good – lots of rest sure helps!
I am all about planning everything out. In fact, last night I got together with my MIL and SIL and we had a holiday powow about everyone’s plans. It was fantastic!
I’m not too sure that I am unstoppable, but I try to be, and great tips. I like to give myself a day or two here and there where I don’t have any errands to run. That really helps me recharge for those long days where it feels like I live in the car.
My big tip is to keep it simple. I am done with the running around doing unnecessary stuff that wear me out. I am all about enjoying the holidays with my kids
I try to do all those tips. Those are wonderful ways to beat the holiday shopping it can be stressful.
Awesome tips! Thankfully I have a secret weapon my Zeal wellness drink! Sorry for the plug.. but it truly saves my life daily! and sanity!
Lists are my life. I can’t function without lists.
Keeping a list is a must for staying unstoppable. So not ready for the holidays.
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