Atlantic Luggage Set & Tips to Travel Smarter
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Atlantic Luggage for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine. Our family travels a lot, and let me tell you, that means a lot...
I travel. It seems that is just a part of who I am. When I am not traveling, I seriously am dreaming of traveling. I love seeing the world even when the world is in my own city.
However, I have been extremely fortunate to see some parts of the world that many might not get to see. The latest place was Zanzibar. Zanzibar is the semi-autonomous part of Tanzania in East Africa. I know this because I had to look it up when I got the itinerary.
These pictures were taken last week on my Lumia 1020. This phone has 41 MP camera which means that it goes everywhere with me. All pictures were taken on the phone.
While in Zanzibar, I became fascinated with the doors. Often I held our group up during a tour so I could stop and take a quick picture (sorry guys!). I wanted to know more about these doors.
Who were they trying to keep out? Who conceived and then made this door? How long did it take? How old is it? I might never know the answers to these questions but that didn't stop me from wondering every time I took another photo.
I loved this color! Blue is one of my favorites and the door is stunning.
I was just in the process of taking the perfect picture of the door when this happened.
Take 2 was much better.
The best part of our tour was when some locals played a trick on us (I am not certain that our group even knew it happened). At one point, our guide was standing next to the door above explaining a little bit about it. All of a sudden, a local boy (maybe 14 or 15) came through our crowd to knock on the door. He knocked twice really hard and then walked away. Imagine the owners surprise to open the door and find a group of tourists standing at his door. He shook his head and looked around before shutting the door.
I immediately began to look for that boy and I saw him about one block away sort of hiding with his friends. They were all snickering and laughing. That was a pretty good joke.
The carving on those doors are simply amazing. Wasnt there anyone to ask about the history of some of them or were they commonplace to the area ? I love the second door- it is really something. I havent been much of anywhere (OK I went about 10 miles into Mexico once) but I have seen plenty on TV and other cultures are amazing!
Oh wow! Those doors are so beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so pretty!
I had no idea a door could be so beautiful. I would love to visit Zanzibar and see those doors.
Super cool place to visit, I need to put it on my travel destinations bucket list. Love all the different types of doors
I love the colors and the details. I’m a photographer and I love doing street photography when I travel. I would not be able to resist these photos!
Wow, these are all so beautiful! I love when traveling to new places and seeing all of the different architecture.
Why is it many of us have a thing for doors? LOL I wonder because I personally have a BIG thing for doors! I love this article! So much door eye candy here! These decorative doors truly are amazing! Thank you for sharing. I just love how strong they were made yet so tenderly carved. These doors have soul to them!
This reminds me of the episode from Amazing Race that I watched last week, they went thru beautiful doors like these! I wish I could see them in person.
These doors of Zanzibar are just gorgeous and very mysterious in my opinion. The history of tours is what I would love the most. We have always enjoyed history in my family. I have to admit that the kids did indeed play a good trick. Thanks for sharing all this beauty.
Chubskuilit was right! They were in Zanzibar two weeks ago. I believe one of the doors you captured belongs to one of the “royal families” in the town. There were three such doors in all. The “royal doors” have three animals near the top of the doors to set them apart from the other doors. I would have loved this tour and, like you, would have held up the group a few times capturing perfect shots of them.
These doors are amazing. I love the delicate carvings. What a great place to visit.
Zanzibar’s Stone Town is a real treat for a photographer, but especially for all the door lovers out there. Stone Town should really be marketed as Instagram follies’ paradise destination, as pastel colored doors make just a perfect background for rustic urban scenes.
I have quite an obsession for doors as well. These are all so pretty. What great photos! I would love to print them out and frame them for a cool wall, that would be something!!!
These doors look so amazing. I love looking at doors like this because so much work went into making these.
Those doors are so beautiful and hold so much history! They remind me of some of the doors I saw while visiting Italy!
Gosh I love them all. I am so glad you took the pictures so I could see them because traveling isn’t an option for me right now.
Wow, doors just amazing me. They are all so unique and the intricate detail is fantastic.
Loving the unique colors and architecture of these doors! I would love to see them in person.
I used to have a thing for large extravagant doors! Theyr’e soo beautiful and really shapes a neighborhood.