Rain Rain Go Away - Divine Lifestyle

Rain Rain Go Away

Photo credit: lemort from morguefile.com

We have had some rain here lately in Atlanta. Lots of rain. Nothing to excessive for this time of year but it still seems like a lot to me.

I like rain showers. The pouring down rain is not so fun!

My kids have been going to school everyday in their rain boots. My child at home seems to spend the entire day now in her toddler rain boots waiting for her siblings to come home so she can run outside to play with them.

I guess that my three year old does not find it as much fun to go outside and play unless her brother and sister are here. She patiently waits for them although she does look out the window a lot.

I strap my daughter into her cosco car seat, pick her up from school and my kids are once again off playing in the rain.

What do your kids do on rainy day?

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4 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. Eileen

    Rainy days in Wisconsin are still a bit in the future…we are still dealing with snow. But when we get a REALLY hard rain, the kids go out by the curb and wade as the water rushes past their toes. Umbrellas out and marching up and down the street. When it comes with the rumble of thunder, its a sit on the back screen porch to listen and smell the rain, then watch the birds come out to collect unsuspecting worms. LOVE it best at night though…when you hear the sound on the back porch roof when the rest is all quiet. It’s a fight for the porch swing every time. LOL!

  2. ellen

    Rain here too is just starting.. I remember living in the south and the rains would come on Feb & March. Such violent downpours at times, and the summer rains watching the steam rise from the ground when it was so hot.
    Rain is the time to listen & enjoy, it is the Earth getting a natural drink, usually it is pent indoors unless the rain is warm and its time to play in an almost shower like downpour.

  3. Debra P

    My nephews love the rain. I think they just love being out – whether it’s sunny, rainy or snowing!

    I spent a year in Alabama and though we had sunny days, there were some real torrential rainstorms. In one, the pickup i was driving tipped over. Scary!

    But, anyway, i think rainy days are good for hot cocoa and reading 🙂

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