Pitch Perfect 2

I saw the sign and it opened up my mind….that's the first thing that I remember from the opening scene from Pitch Perfect (spoiler alert: there is massive projectile vomiting). Aca scuse me? That's right, the The Barden Bellas are back and coming to theaters on May 15th, 2015.
In fact, we are going to watch the first one again as a family before we see Pitch Perfect 2 which opens in theaters everywhere on May 15th. How do I know this? My kids have written it on our family calendar so I don't forget to buy our tickets our Pitch Perfect 2 tickets at Fandango.

Directed by Elizabeth Banks, Pitch Perfect 2 finds the Barden Bella's entering an international competition that no American group has never won in order to regain their status and right to perform. This is all following a humiliating command performance at Lincoln Center.

Celebrate Mom with a gift worthy of the Red Carpet! Enter promo code 5MDAY to get $5 off any Fandango Gift Card purchase of $50 or more. Offer ends 5/10 11:59PM PST. Terms Apply.

We want to send two lucky readers of Divine Lifestyle to the movies with $100 in Fandango gift cards. There will be two winners. Please use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Pitch Perfect 2 opens 5/15. Sign up for a Fandango FanAlert to find out when tickets are available near you!
Disclosure: I’m a Fandango Ambassador, all opinions are my own.
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I never saw the first one, but everyone seemed to love it. Maybe one of these days I will watch it so I can see this one, too.
I am SO excited for this! I love the first Pitch Perfect, and I’ve been chomping at the bit for the next one.
I didn’t even know there was an original Pitch Perfect! Elizabeth Banks is great, I really liked her in What To Expect When You’re Expecting. I’ll have to give these two films a watch now and thank you for the great giveaway 🙂
We cannot wait for Pitch Perfect 2
Pitch Perfect 2!
Definitely beyond excited to see Pitch Perfect 2!
I’m excited to see Minions this summer.
I am excited to see Pitch Perfect 2-I like the first Pitch Perfect and really like Anna Kendrick as an actress!
I got chills watching the preview! I CAN NOT wait for this movie to come out! The first one is my feel good movie, and I am going to be the first in one for the second! And a discount on tickets (or winning?!) SCORE! Thanks!!!
My kids are excited for Pitch Perfect
My daughter and I are both very excited to see Pitch Perfect 2. I had introduced her to the original a few years back and she absolutely loved it…to the point of obsession. The premier cannot get her soon enough for her.
I would like to see Jurassic World.
This looks really good. I can’t wait for the Star Wars movie to come out later this year. Tomorrowland also looks pretty good.
After watching the trailer, I think I will have to make plans to see pitch perfect 2!
My kids are excited to, mostly my oldest. She has been singing non-stop recently. “Yes, I’ve finished my hooooomework” in her best opera. It’s funny (most of the time). It’d be nice to hear someone else sing for a few hours.
I actually really enjoyed the first one I wasn’t sure I would but it was too good. I am really looking forward to seeing number 2!
I’m excited to see Maggie this summer.
Excited to see Pitch Perfect 2!
So I love the first movie but really curious what the second movie is all about. Another competition, perhaps? I have to say though that from what I have been seeing in the previews I am loving it. So I will definitely watch this movie!
I haven’t even seen the first Pitch Perfect, although I would like to see it. Maybe I can talk hubby into taking us to see the second on as part of my Mother’s Day!
I’m looking forward to see tomorrowland.
I need to see them both! Just watching the clip had me in tears laughing 😀
I loved the first Pitch Perfect movie, it was hilarious. I can’t wait for the second movie to be released. I’m really looking forward to seeing this with my girlfriends.
Im most excited to see Pitch Perfect 2.
I would love to see the new minions movie coming out in June. We our minions!!
Pitch Perfect 2! I loved this first one!
I saw a preview for this movie this weekend! I can’t wait I loved the first one and have watched it a couple times since! This sequel looks just as funny as the first Pitch Perfect!
I have heard nothing but good reviews of the first movie, looks like something to watch!
I’m most excited to see Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation.
I am soooo excited about this movie! I am in love with Pitch Perfect 1, so when I found out this sequel was coming out this summer, I was thrilled! I thought the first one was so funny and I have seen it dozens of times. Thanks for the chance to win movie tickets, this is on my must see list this summer!
I am SO excited to see this movie! I am in love with Pitch Perfect 1 and have seen it dozens of times. All of the singing and the comedy is enough to make me watch it again and again. This is definitely on my must-see list for movies this summer! Thanks for the chance to win!
I know so many people that are super excited for this sequel. The first film was pretty darn funny!
I am seriously so excited to see this movie. I absolutely loved the first one and I know this one is going to be hilarious 🙂
I want to see Avengers: Age of Ultron
Look forward to so many great movies this Summer, Jurassic World tops our list. Will see Pitch Perfect 2, too!
I’m looking forward to seeing Jurassic World. I love the Jurassic Park movies.
My granddaughter is excited to see Inside Out.
I’ve never seen the first one, but I keep hearing about how excited people are that a new one is coming out. I’m excited to see PAN.
What an amazing giveaway! I’ll have to go watch the first one so that i can go see the new one. It sounds great.
Inside Out with the kids!
OMG – we have been counting down the days until this comes out. Our ENTIRE family loved the 1st movie !
I haven’t watched the first movie. I always like Elizabeth Banks, and to know that she directed the movie makes me want to watch the first movie, so I can understand the sequel better. Thanks for the giveaway!
I absolutely cannot wait to see Pitch Perfect 2! My friend and I are planning on a girl’s night to go see it together.
I can’t wait to see Jurassic World.
Between school and work and kids and blogging, we don’t get to watch too many movies. I haven’t seen the first one, but everyone has been raving about the second one. Must have been a great one.
I’m Most Excited To See Pitch Perfect 2
I loved the first Pitch Perfect movie so I am excited to see the second one.
I want to see The Woman In Gold.
I’m a fan of the first Pitch Perfect. We so loved it and watched it around three times! Surely, the Pitch Perfect 2 will be another hit and a great movie to watch with all friends and family. I can’t wait for the premier night!
I hadn’t heard of this film, but the trailer looks great! Cinema tickets in Denmark are upwards of $20/apiece, so I’ve only been the the cinema once in the 5 years I’ve lived here!
I think I’ll have to wait for the DVD, which is still outrageously prices, but at least we only have to pay for one : -)
I bet Pitch Perfect 2 will be all over my Twitter news feed anytime soon! My sister’s crazy about Pitch Perfect too, I still need to see PP 1 so I could catch up. 🙂
My daughter has been so excited for this movie to come out! I’m sure she’ll be first in line to see it!
I’m pretty excited for Jurassic World!!
I am excited to see the new minions movie with my niece.
I wouldn’t mind watching the Pitch Perfect movies. 🙂 The movie I”m most excited to see this summer is Jurassic World. I will be taking my kids when it comes out.
I think that this looks so funny! I can’t wait to see it!
Besides pitch perfect 2, I would love to see DTrain
Can’t wait to see this movie this summer!
I want to see Minions in July.
I can’t wait for this movie to come out! The first one was so hilarious!
I can’t wait to see Jurassic World!
I am excited to watch Pitch Perfect 2 this summer!
Our moms group is planning nights to see Pitch Perfect 2 and Magic Mike 2.
The movie I am most excited to see this summer is Avengers: Age of Ultron.
I think that this movie looks so funny. It will be perfect for a girls night out! Really is there anything better than popcorn, candy and a movie with your friends? I don’t think so!
I am most excited to see Maggie and of course Pitch Perfect this summer!
I loved the first one! Can’t wait for the second one to come out 🙂
I haven’t seen the first ione but I would love to watch both of these movies. I would even buy them when they go on sale. I love musical theme movies.
I can’t wait to see Jurassic World.
I’ve heard so many good things about these movies. I have yet to see the 1st one~
I adore Rebel Wilson and can’t wait for Pitch Perfect 2. She is my hero.
I have not seen the first movie. I am anxiously awaiting the new Jurassic Park movie!
Looking forward to watching Pitch Perfect 2.
Can’t wait to see it!
I want to see Pitch Perfect 2!
I still need to see Cinderella, and I’m dying to!
I’m excited to see Jurassic World!
We are waiting for Jurassic World to come out this summer.
I am lucky if I am able to see any movie that’s not Rated G at the theaters. But I must say Pitch Perfect 2 is on my wish list for thr summer!
This is very exciting. Of course I love the fact that you have a great giveaway going on too. =)
You’re making me want to watch this now! I haven’t watch it yet – the videos were cool to see 🙂
Honestly I never saw the first one but when I saw the previews for the second I realized I was missing out on something funny! I am looking forward to seeing this one in the theaters.
I really loved the first Pitch Perfect, so I’m excited for this second one! I hope it doesn’t disappoint!
I honestly don’t know how I haven’t yet seen Pitch Perfect, when it is right up my alley!!
I wanna see Pitch Perfect and Jurassic Park.
I want to see Hot Pursuit and after watching this trailer, I will put Pitch Perfect 2 on the list too!
Definitely Pitch Perfect 2, i have been waiting forever!
I love watching comedy flicks. Laughter is the best medicine, right? 🙂 I’ve seen the trailer many times and I bet the movie is hilarious!
I can’t wait to see The Avengers: Age of Ultron.
I want to see Get Hard and Avengers 2.
I think this movie looks good. I didn’t see the first one so I guess I should watch it before going to see this one. I really want to take my niece to see Inside Out.
I can’t wait to see this movie, I know it’s going to be just as funny as the first one was.
Jurassic world and mission impossible rogue nation
I would love to see tomorrowland and Spy the most they both look great one look adventurous and one looks funny.
We want to see Pitch Perfect 2
I’m definitely excited for Pitch Perfect 2!
This summer I’m most excited to see Pitch Perfect 2, the first Pitch Perfect was was too funny!
I think Jurassic World would be neat!
we really want to see jurassic world! Love these movies!
OMGosh I am counting the days for Pitch 2… I love the first one and watch it over and over so I know I am going to love it!
I can’t wait until this comes out! i have been waiting for months!!!
I’d like to see Pitch Perfect 2.
I’ve heard that this is going to be amazing! I’m really looking forward to seeing this – would be great for a date night with my hubby.
I would like to see Jurassic World.
I can’t wait to see Pitch Perfect 2, but I also want to see the new Jurassic Park movie!
Entered the Rafflecopter as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
My daughter and I can’t wait for Pitch Perfect 2!
I want to see the new Poltergeist next.
My family and I are excited to see The Avengers!
The avengers
I’d like to watch Insidious: Chapter 3. I like scary movies. Thanks.
I can’t wait to see Jurassic World!
I can’t wait to see the avengers
I want to watch Jurassic World.
Looking forward to seeing Pitch Perfect 2.
My family can’t wait to see Jurassic Park.
I’m looking forward to seeing Pitch Perfect 2.
I really want to the age of Adeline!!
i’m excited for jurassic world
i’m most excited about seeing Pitch Perfect 2 this summer because I love a good comedy!
I want to see ‘Mad Max, Fury Road’.
Star Wars!
jurrasic world
I am most excited to see Aloha;)
I’m excited about Pitch Perfect 2, and my nephew is dying waiting to see Jurassic World.
pitch perfect 2 and tomorrowland are the movies i’m most excited about this summer 🙂
ive already seen Pitch Perfect 2 so I want to see insidious 3
I can’t wait to see Jurassic World this summer
We want to see Jurrasic World.