Outdoor Safe SunBriteTV Veranda Series Weatherproof Televisions
Outdoor Safe SunBriteTV Veranda Series Weatherproof Televisions
As a home theater enthusiast, one of my biggest undertakings this year will be our outdoor space. The thing is that we love to spend a lot of time outside and everyone in the family wants a television outside. The outdoor living trend is here to stay and my family wants a great outdoor space. I thought that there was no way this would be possible for around the cost of television like we would have in our living room. But then I saw SunBriteTV. We hope that you enjoy this Outdoor Safe SunBriteTV Veranda Series Weatherproof Televisions post.
SunBriteTV, the leader in outdoor
television, designs and engineers the only time-tested TVs in the world that are specifically built from the ground up for the outdoor environment. These true all-weather, outdoor LED-LCD TVs deliver superior brightness, while resisting the harsh effects of rain, dirt, insects, extreme temperatures and UV rays. These televisions are designed for full-shade applications: Full Shade (Veranda), Partial Sun (Signature), and Full Sun (Pro).

With SunBriteTV there is no longer the need to choose between enjoying some great weather or watching your favorite sports team. Watch the game in your outdoor living space. Indoor TVs don’t belong outside. SunBriteTVs are true, made-for-the-outdoors products. Creating an outdoor home theater is the most affordable room addition you can make, and the best seat in the house is in your backyard!
SunBrite TVs offer 30% to 3 times higher brightness, reduced glare, and a sharper picture than typical indoor TVs. This provides an ideal viewing experience in brighter outdoor environments.
SunBrite TVs are specifically designed to handle rain, snow, dust, insects, salt air, humidity and extreme temperatures. Indoor TVs are made for climate controlled interiors. They’re engineered for permanent outdoor installation and are more durable, safer, and higher performance than using indoor TVs outdoors.
SunBrite TVs are engineered for safe, permanent outdoor installation. Indoor TVs manuals warn against outdoor use due to potentially dangerous consequences.

Get a FREE Outdoor Weatherproof Tilt Mount with Purchase
Shop now at
Best Buy and get a free Outdoor Weatherproof Tilt Mount for 37″ – 80″ TV Screens & Displays – (Black)
with the purchase of: SunBriteTV – Veranda Series – 55″ Class LED – Outdoor – Full Shade – 2160p – 4K Ultra HD TV.
We hope we've inspired your next outdoor living project with this Outdoor Safe SunBriteTV Veranda Series Weatherproof Televisions post.
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I never thought that there will come a time when I’d get to see waterproof television but here we are! I love the idea and it’s definitely perfect for vacation homes!
Those look awesome! Someday, we would love to build an outdoor deck and pool in our backyard and have an outdoor tv possibly!
Alright, this is the most awesome thing I have seen in a VERY long time! I love where tech is going these days! I am an outdoor person all the way and would love nothing more than spending my time outside on my patio under the night sky watching my shows! I need this weatherproof TV in my life!!! Thank you so much for writing about them I had NO idea they even existed!
My dad is looking for a tv to install in their sunroom. This would be perfect.
Next time that I build a house, I am going to have the builder add a huge outdoor patio with a built-in fireplace. I enjoy spending time outdoors but we don’t have a shaded patio during the evening hours. It makes it harder to sit outside since it gets to be 100 degrees in the summertime. I also want to install a television too. I will have to look into sunbritetv when I am ready to make a purchase.
I need one of these so bad. My husband is always moving a TV outside for games, I would love to have a permanent one set up.
My in-laws have an outdoor tv and it’s so perfect! That’s where everyone gathers to watch sports. Well, it’s where I gather to eat snacks while other people watch sports, but the tv is awesome!
Oh wow I have never seen anything like this before! That would be AMAZING for the garden!
A weatherproof TV…WOW! I want one and I bet my husband would love to have one too to be placed on the back deck where he would watch baseball.
I am so excited about this television. I can’t wait to get one when we’re back stateside. BBQs and parties will never be the same! Just more awesome.
This is an impressive setup for a home theater experience outside the home. It looks fantastic and is bound to provide quite a bit of relaxation for everyone.
This is great to be able to take advantage of a warm spring or summer day and see the shows you want to see too. It is great that it is weatherproof and has different brightness as needed.
This would be great to install in an outdoor space. Perfect for game days! The boys can have their friends come over and messes would be easier to clean. I will let my husband know about this. I am sure he will agree with me.
Weatherproof televisions are pretty cool. I hadn’t even seen these before. I am sure these would be a fabulous addition in the summer season here for us in NH 🙂 I must get one.
Well, it looks like we need to upgrade our patio. And by upgrade, I mean, buy one of these tv’s!
This is an awesome idea, to add to our outdoor area. Perfect for entertaining the kids, or guests.
This is the first time I am hearing about this brilliant invention and I totally love the idea of it! My hubby would have a blast with this TV… I mean, television outdoors?! Say it ain’t so!
I can see my family cozying up on the patio for family movie night. It would be fun to roast smore’s over the fire pit and watch t.v. together!
Such a lovely veranda!! An outdoor TV would be really amazing!
I definitely want an outdoor entertainment space. I like that this is waterproof for inclement weather!
I’ve seen outdoor TVs at restaurants and always wondered how they stood up to weather changes. It makes perfect sense now that you’ve explained it.
I want one of these SO bad. I can just picture it mounted out on my deck! I would never go inside.
I never knew they even made waterproof ones. That’s so awesome. Now I’m going to have to check these out.
I like the bright screen – we would need that here in Florida for this TV to work on our patio. Hope to try it one day.
Such a great TV! I’ve added it to my list! We love spending time outdoors!
My dad is looking for a tv for his outdoor patio. I will tell him about this one.
This is really cool! Would be great for relaxing!
An outdoor space like this would be amazing. I love to enjoy the warm air this time of year and relax at the same time.
I would love for my backyard to look like this. I wouldn’t mind a waterproof TV either. My daughter once threw water at ours and broke it :/
This would be perfect on our patio by our pool. It gets super hot and humid here in Fl, so we could use this
Wow! This is such a good TV to recommend. We all could use this and relax outside while watching our favorite movies with our family.
I am already spending so much of my time in my garden, I bet with a tv I would never come in. I love this idea!
Ugh, if only we had a suitable patio. I mean all we have now is cement block right outside our back door. This is amazing!
I would love to be able to redo our backyard. I think if it looked this beautiful and comfortable, we would spend so much more time back there.
What? A weatherproof TV? Now I’ve seen it all! That would be perfect for summer . . . no one wants to sit inside watching the game when it’s gorgeous out!
These look awesome. We moved into a new home last year and redoing the backyard is on our agenda. A weatherproof TV is definitely in our list to complete the space!
I saw this on Facebook the other day and was SO jealous! It looks amazing and would be the most fantastic feature for our outdoor space! I need one!
The weather proof TV is an amazing idea. It really ups the game of outdoor living spaces!
I have been wanting to get my hands on one of these TVs. They have amazing features!
I need one of these BADLY! It would be perfect when all the kids are over during the Summer! They love to “camp” in the backyard and this would complete it for them
That’s seriously awesome that TVs are now weatherproof. This will make outdoor nights in the yard a lot more fun when you can have a campfire and watch a movie at the same time!!