Wordless Wednesday – Side of Octopus With My Salad
After spending a few nights at The Raleigh Hotel in fabulous South Beach in Miami, Florida, I just had to try the Octopus Salad. $10 at lunch and $16 at dinner. So would you...
We just back from our weekly dinner at Outback Steakhouse. My four year old who eats like a bird nothing finished first, of course. She laid down in the space next to me. I was still eating dinner so I just let her plus there were not any other tables around us.
I look over and see her laying on her back, with her knees up and legs spread ala “feet in the stirrups style.” I am instantly horrified. I make her sit up and explain to her the a lady does not sit like that. We don't just lay around with our legs spread.
Then I explained to her that she didn't even have a bite of her dinner. I said, “You need to have a few bites of your food at least before you can be finished.” I left it at that.
She then eats a few bites of her broccoli and the baby (our two year old) comes over to her side of the booth.
She then puts her arm around the baby and begins to lecture her:
“Babe (this is what she always calls her), you cannot lay down on the booth. But if you do, you cannot spread your legs until after dinner. You have to at least get dinner first.”
Truer words have never been spoken. Right?
Have a little moment that you want to share? Link up here and I will come visit.
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LOL that’s pretty funny!
BTW, I put my link in because a post I put up earlier kind of qualifies for this.
I have several of these. I actually started a section called kids say the darnedest things.
Nice! LOL! Words that I hope she remembers for a long time.
This cracked me up.
Dinner and a movie…
That is just too funny!!!! It’s interesting how children interpret what we say to them!!
ROFL! For shame, what are you teaching your youngins??! LOL! That was too precious! Thanks for sharing!
That is funny. My five year-old daughter sometimes tries to apply the “lady like” rules to me. I keep explaining that those rules don’t apply to dad.
OMG that is so cute
lol. That’s so cute , I just love that kids say what is on their mind. Sometimes it just doesn’t come out right !
LMAO Well at least you know she listened to what you were saying right?
see, now there a girl after my own heart.
LOL Kids say the darndest!
LOL! They really do listen don’t they? I love that she took to telling her little sibling what you told her!
Cherish these moments, they go by sooo very fast! I don’t ever want mine to grow up!
Adorable. I look forward to my kids communicating more. Aren’t they great?
LMAO Too cute!
LOL that is too funny.
OMG I just spit coffee- that is too funny!
That is hilarious! Kids are so innocent about those things! And I could totally envision the scene! So funny how she was passing on the advice!