Wordless Wednesday – Cryptic Love Note
I have no clue what this is. My six year old daughter left this note for my husband last week. We still cannot figure out what it means but it is kind of funny....
I have been wanting to start a new weekly series called Little Moments Monday for several months now. There are so many little things that my children do during the week that I am afraid if I don't write them down, someday I will not remember them.
So here goes Little Moments Monday.
Take a few minutes to share with everyone. You just share a few sentences about a little moment between you and your child or spouse or significant other. Something that happened during the week. Something that is so small but you would like to remember one day. It can even be a picture. Anything. Just a little moment.
Link up and I will come visit to read about your little moment.
Here is my little moment for this week:
Where Are They?
I was sitting in the pool with my youngest child who is two. The water at this point in the pool is only a foot deep so we were kind of playing while she was sitting on my lap.
All of sudden she pulls out her bathing suit top and looks down to where her breasts will someday be. She pulls my bathing suit top out a little and looks down at my breasts.
She pulls her top out again and looks a little longer. Then she looks at mine again.
Finally, she just shakes her head and says, “No. Me” as she pats her bathing suit top. [I guess she figured out that they just weren't there for her yet!]