Fisher Price Baby Shower Extravaganza
Fisher-Price Precious PlanetTM Take Along Swing * Offers the benefits of a full size swing in a portable format! * Generous seat with 3-point restraint comforts baby while overhead toy bar with 2 animals...
Hi Party Goers!
It's kick-off time for one of the coolest parties of the year. The Ultimate Blog Party 2009 from 5 Minutes for Mom is happening now and you can be a part of it. I am so excited to have launched my blog a few weeks ago and really get to do something that I genuinely love every day. What an amazing feeling!
I am excited to be hosting a giveaway for the official party.
A little more about the Divine Miss Mommy. I am a work-at-home mother to three beautiful children, the oldest who is six. My husband and I both work in the restaurant industry. In fact, we have for most of working lives. We even met in the restaurant industry.
My mid 30's during the past few years and I started to stress about not really having a good hobby or anything that I was really great at doing. I saw all of these amazing, talented women around me and thought, “I cannot do anything that they can do.”
I tried scrapbooking, knitting, music lessons, making jewelry, foreign language lessons, photography, painting, golf (although I am pretty good at that, I must say – 28 handicap) and too many other things to count. Believe me, my basement holds the evidence. My own sister, sews like a champ, can make any room look professionally decorated and could probably realistically give either Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray a run for the money. It pains me to say that sometimes because I am pretty jealous of her abilities when I was only a serial hobbyist.
So back to my mid-30's and this crisis of creativity (my phrase for it). I was desperate for some sort of creative outlet but I had convinced myself that I had no creativity. When one day someone paid me a compliment that just blew me away and re-think my crisis of creativity. This person said that I had this great ability to tell a story or explain things especially when it came to writing things down. She also said that I was the first person that she came to whenever she wanted an opinion (in a good way, she claims).
Suddenly it hit me, I was a writer. I am a writer. Throughout my entire life, writing had somehow revolved around it. I am a writer. I never wanted to write a book. I couldn't sit still for that long. I just wanted to create, connect and network with people going through some of the same things or at least be able to commiserate. I am a writer. I have to keep repeating because someday I am sure that I will totally believe it. But for now, look around, see what I have to say, maybe agree or disagree and have some fun!
The Divine Miss Mommy (kinda creepy talking about myself in the third person) is giving away some great items this week so enter every day and check back often. Remember that I love a good comment and the more, the merrier. Thanks for stopping by my party!
***ALSO ENTER TO WIN A Pair of Girls Cotton Candy Mary Jane Crocs – Size 8/9***
Comments are closed.
Congratulations on the launch of your blog! That’s so exciting! I love the way your told this story…you are a writer! Which is funny, because I’ve always been jealous of people who can write. I’ve always wanted to write my own book, but never found it in me. 🙂
Thanks for the great post, I enjoyed the visit.
Hi! I found you through this UBP! Nice site and nice party:)
I enjoyed visiting your site! Especially since I found the ad for Ruffle Butts. With 6 granddaughters, we are always looking for cute things to wear under dresses. I’ll pass the info on to my daughters 🙂 Have a fun blog party!
Hi! I found you through the party. This is a great post! You are a great writer and had me hooked to the end.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your header design! I agree, blogging is a great creative outlet.
Good to meet you, Stacie! Nice party and awesome giveaway!! I’ve got cupcakes going on at my place from Bangerang Bakeshop!
I’m here for the party! Congrats on launching your site–it was nice to meet you.
Welcome to the blogging community. I found you on link referral, but dropped my entrecard on you while I was here also.
It’s never too late to discover your passion and to start doing what you love. Looking forward to reading more of your writings…
Nice blog!
I saw your $40 GC to Carrabba’s Italian Grill- one of my family’s fave places to eat! I’d love to win it!
Thanks for the chance and if you get a chance please head over to check my own UB Party! 😀
Being a writer is awesome!
Hi Stacie!
I have three kids, 5 and under. Just typing that exhausts me.
What type of restaurant business do you work in?
I’m definitely going to check out your Tag giveaway!
Hi Stacie, it’s so nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by. As you might have gathered from my party post (and if you scrolled down, the post before that) we are major readers at our house – in fact, both of our babies got read to their first night in the hospital 🙂
Hi Stacie, thanks for visiting my blog. I can totally relate to the serial hobbyist comment! The Tag Reading System giveaway is awesome. My son got this for Christmas this past year and both he and my daughter love it. I like it too. I even drag it along to dr. appointments to keep them busy.
You just launched the blog a few weeks ago?? Wow, I am IM-PRESSED!
Nice to meet you and I hope your “serial” hobby days are over! : )
You are a writer! An excellent writer! Party On!
Sounds like blogging is the perfect hobby for you! So glad that you found a solution to your creativity crisis.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog is great…I’ll be stopping in again soon! Happy partying!!
I always love a good party! Happy UBP ’09.
I am visiting from The Ultimate Blog Party to say hello and to check out your blog. I am
looking forward to a fun week!! 🙂
Goodluck on winning a prize.
My Little Drummer boys
I read to my 2 yr old twins , thye love books but I guess being in Australia disqualifies me 😉
If I win can I nominate a great bloggy friend in the US instead.
You know what, if you win, I will mail it to you personally! 🙂
Hi’ya Stacie .. Thanks for stopping by .. Your Blog looks Great! Happy UBP’ing!
Debbie aka Jadehollow
Thanks for stopping by my site! I had to come right over because your comment was so intriguing and your blog is too! Love it! You’ve done a really nice job. (And I totally love that you were a “serial hobbyist.” I laughed over that one. Guilty as charged!
Thanks for stopping by! Great place you have. Looks like you’ve got some great giveaways going. I will certainly check them out.
Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog! Blogging is a great creative outlet. Hope to see you around some time!
Congratulations, Mama – you’re a writer. Isn’t it liberating??
Thanks for stopping by Bubba Bubbles! I’m off to check out your giveaway now…
Hi Stacie. Well, it’s very nice to meet you. I’m a writer as well – but I did sit still long enough to write a book. 🙂 I had too…it was something God wanted me to do after my daughter Anna died 4 years ago. She was 6 and it was a huge, heart-wrenching loss. I’ve also lost 2 sons and I knew that I could help others. God has been so loving and faithful.
But enough sad talk – this is a party right? 🙂 Your blog is really cute. It was fun visiting today.
Take and care and come back and visit me again! I host a blog event called Getting to know YOU! I feature 2 blogs on my blog each Monday and Friday. It’s been a lot of fun and is a great opportunity to meet new friends and get new visitors to your blog. I have just over 100 participants and it’s growing every day. Join in the fun!
Have a peaceful night.
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
Just going from party to party to see how others are doing this blogging thing.
My prize is #115 check it out!
Have a good weekend blog partyn’!
Super cute site. I found you through the party!
Hi Stacie!
Wow, what a background! I can’t believe your blog is this new, look at all the comments! It really looks great too! I luv Ruffle Butts too ~ did a review for them once! Keep up the good work, you’re very talented & glad you got a head-start at your age, unlike moi.
Hi there, nice to meet you! My son just started reading so I will sure to check out your giveaway! Enjoy your party!
Hey this is my first party…and glad to happen upon your site. Love the story about how you became a “writer.” I’ve never thought much of myself as a writer and was in the public relations field and still didn’t think I could write that well. Anyways, great party! Hope to see you soon!
It’s so nice to meet you! Congratulations on launching your site! I must say, I’m impressed with your golf handicap!
So you’re a new blogger! Your blog looks great. What a great giveaway you have, too. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Enjoy the party!
I just had to comment and tell you that I have a sister who’s name is spelled the same way as yours. And I enjoyed your post!
I am so glad I stopped by to party , what a great blog!
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
I love your revelation!! I don’t feel like I have any stupendous talents. Certainly none like your sister! Maybe one day I’ll feel inspired identify one… 😉
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog with UBP09! I will be entering you leap contest now!
Hi there! Nice to “meet” you! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love polka dots. 🙂 Look forward to reading more from you.
You are too cute! So glad to “meet” you. Lets exchange banners!
Thanks for stopping by, I will enter your giveaway later, and blog it too 😀
Returning the Party Visit! Will be entering your contest when I can finally come up for air… the party got going so fast I can’t keep up!!
Party ON!
Your blog is the cutest! We’ll have to talk soon. I think we’d get along just fine. lol I’m adding you to my faves also and I will be back!
I’m dropping by via MBC.
Today I am leaving 100 comments.
Wish me luck!
Have a great day!
Stacie, I follow you on Twitter already and I am in the Atlanta area too. Specifically, I live in Cherokee County. I look forward to getting to know you better. Thanks for hosting a party.
Hi! Stopping by from the party! It’s great to meet you–you have a wonderful blog!
Happy UBP! 🙂
Hope you have a fabulous day!
Congrats on joining the blogging community. Welcome to the insanity.
Here for the party – CUTE blog!!!! thanks for visiting me!
Hi. Thanks for stopping by and the nice things you said.
Your giveaway sounds great, but my two kids are grown and out of the house – but not married, so no grandkids yet.
You write well. I’m a firm believer that what makes a person a writer is someone who has a passion to write and others find inspiration or some kind of emotion from it. I don’t believe you need to publish a book to be a writer.
Hi thanks for popping by hope you’re having fun at the Ultimate Blog Party – good for you finding your creative outlet!
Hey there!
Thanks so much for stopping by my party over at MyBrownBaby… a fellow writer? Whoo hooo!!! Writers. Rock.
Happy partying!
thanks you for visiting my site, and I so love the Leapfrog Tag Reader bec my boys are ultimate reader as well and that’s perfect stuff to win!
Thanks for stopping by my party! It’s great to see meet you.
thank you for stopping by my party post. I actually am a good knitter but I only like little stuff which meant baby sweaters and hats. I have to come up with stuff that is not sweaters or hats. Lately I tried cupcakes and hearts. The silly mom I am I crocheted 100 hearts for my daughter’s 100th day of school
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m enjoying the party! Nice to meet you!
God bless,
Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your blog, so much to offer! Have a great week 🙂
looks like you’re doing a great job on your blog!
thanks for stopping by my blog…
I host a giveaway linky every Saturday. it’s a great way to get your giveaway out there. looks like a great one!
have fun partying!
Thanks! I just posted my giveaway. 🙂
Hooray for UBP09!
Because of it, I am meeting wonderful people like you.
I love your giveaways. I will be sure to come back and enter. Who doesn’t love a great prize?!
Glad I found ya!
Hi, coming over from UBP. I’m trying to visit all the blogs. Right now, if I visit 149 per day in the next 7 days I’ll make it. I’m hoping for long nap times for the next 7 days! Anyway, it is really nice to meet you and your blog. I have a toddler learning blog myself where we do a lot of learning activities and have fun. Blogs are my favorite way to spend time. They’ve totally replaced magazines for me. So nice to meet you! Have a magical day!
I love your blog
Happy UBP!!!!
Thanks for visiting my party… I love your post!! i can so related to it…you have no idea! however i don’t think i’m a writer, but I help others write. and i love it! i’ll be back for more! love your blog
Hi! I love your blog! Great work, and in such a short time! I just read your post about your youngest daughter. I am so happy to hear she is doing well. My son is one month younger than she is. I will definitely visit again!
Found your blog while party hopping. I love it! Very cute! Nice to meet you.
First of all thank goodness for UBP09!!
I also thank you for spending some of your precious time with me at my place. 🙂
I absolutely adore your blog! I also understand the need to write, to creatively connect with someone or something else outside of yourself. I soooo get that!
I will be a new follower and I look forward to learning, seeing and hearing more about you.
Par-tay on!
Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog on your party hopping adventure! I had to return the favor! Did you enter my giveaway on my review site? If not here’s the link…
I’m so excited to see the prize I donated listed up there as one you’d like! 😉 If you haven’t seen already, I’m giving another PeanutButter Spanish program away on my blog!
Hi Stacie
Thanks for stopping by my party. Isn’t this UBP fun?
Happy UBP! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I hope to see you there again soon:-)
Hey there fellow partier! Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope I can help you save a buck or two or three! Have a fun party week and enter some contests at my pad! Clair at Mummy Deals
thank you for stopping by!
I’m coming over from Blog Stalkers Unite, asking for your help. I am in the running for a round trip airfare paid ticket to Connecticut, to meet a friend I became acquainted with through blogging. She is a super fun person and is holding this contest. I entered a funny story titled “Grapejuice Floaties, Now Marry Me.” The person whose story receives the most votes will win a trip to meet this generous lady, whom I’m hoping to meet. The voting ends tonight I believe. I am ahead for now but there is a story coming up from behind out of nowhere and I would so, so, appreciate your help. Her blog is and the voting is on the sidebar on the right. “Grapejuice, Floaties” Just go there and cast a vote for me, please. Thanks so much-you’re awesome! ♥
Thanks for stopping by for UBP 09– good luck to you with your writing!
Just wanted to say hi! Hope you are enjoying the party. I would also like to invite you to link to Show off your blog Saturday! I would love to read your favorite post! Yeah Saturday is over, but I would still love for you to link!
Now I have to enter your giveaway!
Hi there! Hope you’re enjoying the party! Great blog. Thanks for stopping by my party pad. Blogging is a great creative outlet and also a fabulous way to meet new friends. 😉
Thanks for visiting Shoot Me Now! 🙂 Your site is BEAUTIFUL! I’m enjoying the BP so much.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I really like your design. Happy blog hopping 😀
Thank you so much for stopping by. It was nice meeting mommy bloggers ffrom diff. parts of the world and it was so nice meeting you. Have fun and have a great day!
Thanks for commenting on my blog! Nice to ‘meet’ you. I write sometimes, too. Enjoy the party!
Thanks for stopping by jodifur!
IT is called well rounded right?? Having so many hobbies!! Lovely post . . . party hopping Thanks for the comment
I, too am a writer at heart, but not sure where I want to go with it. I was published in a local parenting magazine 4 or 5 times. Then, they got a new editor……
I have a home biz for the financial security, and write here and there. Will get more serious in a few years when I can “retire” 🙂
Have fun at the party!
Great site and intro post. I’ve been searching to get my creativity back for a while now too and hope that my new blogging adventure (and crafts with my little ones) helps. I used to do all sorts of things, but the practical side of me has sort of taken over. I’m working hard to win back the fun in life and be more creative and spontaneous. Anyway….got off on a tangent there. Happy blog partying!
Hi Stacie,
Thanks for stopping by my place, enjoyed my visit here. Glad blogging helped you fill that void!
Keep on writing …
I love your background story and how you got to be where you are right now. I know I can relate for sure. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I look forward to checking your place out some more.
Thanks for stopping by! LOVE your story and I am glad you found a passion! Wonderful!
Hi Stacie, it’s so very nice to meet you! Like you, I have been a Jill-of-all- trades, but master of none. I have recently begun to write seriously – something I always thought I would do (way back when). Best wishes on you writing ventures!
Hi there,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the sweet compliment. I love your blog! I would love to win the Leap Frog System for my daughter. Happy Partying!
Custom Photo Announcements & Invitations
happy UBPing!
come visit us for a chance to win a cool prize as well!
Wow you have one very popular party! Thanks for stopping by my party and leaving a comment! I will be sticking around to see what else I can find and I also like your writing style!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I am just now making my UBP rounds.
Hi and welcome to bloggyland.
It has been such a blessing to me.
Have Fun at the Party.
Thanks for the visit Writer. I loved your introduction. Keep expressing yourself through blogging. You do a great job.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog to party! It’s nice to ‘meet’ you! Hope you have a wonderful UBP ’09 week! 😉
Hi! Just stopped by from the UBP. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! What a great giveaway. Love your blog. Adding it to my reader. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog, it was nice to meet you 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my site! I love writing thru my blog!
Congrats on starting the blog! You are an amazing writer and I hope that you continue and one day you actually come to believe it yourself. I would love to write a book one day or short stories, but I can never figure out what to write about. Good Luck with everything.
Hi! Nice to meet you, and thank you for stopping by! Happy partying!
Thanks for stopping by my party! I really enjoy your site and have subscribed. I can relate to your creativity crisis.
Hi! I found you through the UBP09 and I have to say, you have a fantastic blog!! Lovely design, too. It was a pleasure to browse 🙂
Wow – so glad I found your blog! Thanks for stopping by and visiting mine through the blog party! Hope to check out more of your site.
Thank you for coming by. Your blog is adorable…I love your header!
You have a cute blog. I love pink and I love to write too. Have fun at the party!
Hi there! I’m popping in from the UBP. It’s so nice to “meet” you! You have a wonderful blog and are a great writer! I am just picking up golf, mainly since hubs loves it. I have to say, I never expected to enjoy it so much. I have already gotten a hole-in-one! (Maybe that’s why I think it’s fun!) I’ll be back for sure. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a wonderful day!
Hi Stacie!!! You sound so much like me! Doing all kinds of different things, trying to find that niche. Like you, I am a writer. 🙂
Your blog is nice! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for finding me at the UBP!!! Your blog is absolutely delightful- I can totally relate to you about needing a creative outlet! I needed one too- which is where my blog came from :O) I’ll be back to read!
Hi! I am finally making my way over! What a great prize to give away!
We actually have one for mu daughter, but I have a friend whose daughters bday is coming up and she would LOVE it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog I am having lots of fun as I hope you are. Meeting friends makes blogging lots of fun for me
hi, thanks for leaving a comment at my blog. it’s great to meet you. 🙂 (I worked as a banquet waitress in HS and early 20s, so much fun!)
Thanks for stopping by my site! I love your design!
Thanks for stopping by! Your site is great. I agree that you are a great writer, because your post was so easy to read and I can totally relate to what you said. I have hobbies, but there just never seems to be enough time for me to have some peace and quite to actually do what I like to do!
Thanks for stopping by my blog party.
I totally love your blog… but I truly love how you told of how you realized you were a writer. Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing.
I’ll be back!
Hello there. Knocking on your door from the blog party. Hope you don’t mind.
Hi, Stacie! Thanks for popping by my party. Great site you’ve got here. My husband worked in the restaurant industry for years, now we both work in theatre. Love that you’re giving away a Leap Frog Reader. Reading is my son’s favorite thing in the world!
Happy UBP!
Nice to meet you!
Talk about a party!
I’m quite intrigued and am learning how to get around!
Just stopping by from 5minutes for moms blog party!
Hi Stacie! I love the name of your blog! Also, I can so identify with your having to keep telling yourself that you’re a writer. I feel the same way. On my blog’s banner it says I’m an “aspiring writer,” but hey, we’re writing, aren’t we? So we ARE writers! I hope you’ll stop by and comment on my blog. Blessings!
Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and for following me on Twitter. You sure know how to work a party! Your blog has inspired me to find many new blog bling badges. Going to get my BlogHer badge now!
Stopping by from the UBP! Thanks for the chance for the leap frog reader. We don’t have one and I know my son would love it. He loves for me to read to him and I do every single day. I pledge to read to him 🙂
Stop by my blog, I am giving away a design of your choice!
Hey Stacie!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your’s is great. Have fun!!! LuAnn
Thanks for visiting my blog! Looks like you have a great blog, I’ll have to stick around and explore!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I’m so glad you found a creative outlet that works for you!
Thanks fo visiting my blog! Happy UBP!
Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your site – your “Speechless Sunday” pics are too funny! I think my 5-year old daughter and your daughter (in the Mamma Mia post) would get along just fine 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your site is cute! I will be sure to come back to visit!
Great blog:)
Thanks for stopping by!
You are a fantastic writer.
Stopping my from UBP
Great blog you have here will defintely come back for more.
Stop by and say hi 🙂
You ARE a writer!
I really enjoyed your post and will be back to read more 🙂
Ha! Love that you are a serial hobbyist… but so pleased that you have found your calling!
Hope you are having as much fun as I am with the party.
I have been a serial hobbyist, too. I’d like to get back into scrapping and stamping but just haven’t. You definitely have a knack for writing. 😀
Thanks for stopping by my blog! 😀
Have a great week!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is great!! Congratulations on joining the blogosphere 😉
you sound so much like me with trying this and that until until finally find something that you “click” with. I made pottery for years, tried jewelry making, painting, woodburning, yoga, you name it; I know the feeling of watching everyone else succeed at their hobbies! My husband keeps wondering what is next. Blogging is so much fun and has the additional benefit of interactions with people from all over the world 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your blog 🙂 I love how you say about creativity. I tried scrapbooking and other stuff too but what I am best at is writing. Thank goodness for blogging! Everyone in my family is very artistic and creative. That gene skipped me!
Thanks for stopping by my blog party! I love your blog design and your reason for blogging. I hope to stick around for awhile! Party Hardy!!!
I love the reason you started blogging! I am always trying to get a hobby, too, but I’m just not that creative. I’m counting blogging, though!
Just stopping by to thank you for visiting my UBP party blog! Your blog is fab! I plan to visit again soon!
Thanks for coming by my blog. I definitely pledge to read to my kids cause I think reading is one of the best learning tools kids can have!
I came from ICLW. First time here. I could have written the first half of your post, exactly. Seems ike we have a lot in common! I’ll be back!
Heeeey Stacie! I had to scroll down for two days to get to comments! ha! You’re giving away the Carrabba’s GC??? DagGUM I hope I win that!
It’s nice seeing more of “you” here; Twitter just doesn’t tell me enough sometimes. I’m a writer at heart, too…something I didn’t know til I was in my 40s…YIKES! Plus, I wish I could knit and speak other languages…good for YOU for pursuing those things among many :).
Hi Stacie!
Nice to meet a fellow Georgian! Thank for stopping by my blog via UBP! I love the way you write!
Hi, thanks so much for stopping by my party page! It is so nice to meet you. We have dropped Entrecards on each other before. This time I am visiting from the UBP09. I am having so much fun with it this week! I really love your blog and I enjoyed reading about how you arrived here. 😉
I also have been feeling a little upset about not having a creative talent. A woman from an Etsy review & giveaway I did loved my review and told me that my talent was writing. She said she could never do what I do – and it made me feel really good. I’d still ove to MAKE things, but I haven’t given up! Blogging is a great creative outlet – you are completely right!
Popped in to say hi from SITS! I’m a fellow writer! 🙂
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I’m here returning the favor and to PARTY with the UBP. It’s refreshing to hear that someone else had trouble deciding what they wanted to be when they grow up! Glad you too found your calling. THINK PINK! Moms ROCK!
Thanks for checking out my blog! It’s nice to meet you! And thanks so much for the writing compliment!
I will be coming back to visit you a lot!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Got enter that giveaway of yours. Reading is a favorite night time routine in our family, and I’m so glad it is.
Hi Stacie,
Thanks for stopping by my blog at Occasions To Savor! I love your blog and writing does become you.
We read alot in our household and anything by LeapFrog would be great.
Savor life’s best,
Congrats on your blog launch!
Thanks for dropping EC on me today! Have a happy UBP this week. Be well, Jen
Visit from UBP!! Love your site!
Thanks for taking the time to say hi!! You have an uber-cute blog, and adorable kids. I love your take on Speechless Sundays: There are many times each and every day that I find myself speechless, believe it or not. What a great way to capture those memories!!
Love your site!
So glad that I stopped by from UBP. I can totally relate to your post! Continue to write, it is a wonderful thing:)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just entered your great Leapfrog giveaway! Happy UBP!
Great to meet you! Great party 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you come again soon!! 🙂
And as for reading, I have been trying to make a point to spend time each day reading to my kids – my daughter, especially (age 2). They both love books (although my son – 6mo – just likes to eat them) and can’t get enough reading time with Mommy!
I would love to win the tag reader for my 5 year old. Have a wonderful UBP!
Holy cow, this is like a comment EXPLOSION on this post! 🙂
Being a writer is fantastic! I’m glad you found out that you were good at it! 🙂
I want to be able to sew though…….. 🙂
Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Your blog looks like a lot of fun & I’m looking forward to reading more.
Enjoy the party!
Aw see I live in the UK and so the giveaways never extend to us 🙂
but I love your blog anyway, especially as you’ve got it up and running so quickly and so beautifully!!!!
(Please excuse the abuse of parenthesis :-))
Wow, your blog is fantastic! Thanks for stopping by mine, debt reduction – such a pain! I’m with you on struggling with it every day. I don’t have kids, but I do have 3 pets, and let me tell you it is hardest for me to deny them something than myself – so I couldn’t even imagine with 3 kids!
All the best, happy UBP!
I really enjoyed visiting your site today. I’m having so much fun visiting all the blog’s participating in UBP 2009. I hope to make some new online friends, too! I’m a new follower.
You are #17 Visited on my
Blog’s I Visited for UBP 2009
Get on the list to WIN!
Slogbite brought me here. Fun blog. I’ll be back…
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I’ve enjoyed browsing through yours. I’m a writer too!
Hi and thanks for stopping by my party this week – it’s so nice to meet another mom of 3! 🙂
Stopping by to say Hi, I dropped my EC, and Happy Partying!
Great site, thank for stopping by my site as well!
since my babe was about a month old, i vowed to do “book a day”. Sometimes it is a quickie while he is in the bath, or about 10 during the day! love your blog!
I enjoyed finding your spot through the UBP. I had lots of fun entering your great leap frog giveaway. Thanks!
My little guy is about to turn 1 and would love to win this for him. Thanks.
Dropping by via UBP and Linkreferral. Hope you have been enjoying the party too 🙂
A big hello from Milan! Really enjoyed your party post. Come on over to mine. The drinks are on me!
Congrats on your new Blog…looks great! I still can’t believe how many blogs are participating in this party!
I’m with you on the creativity. I wish I could do some of the cute stuff that I see online. ANyway, can’t wait to chec out your blog!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! What a great blog party post and introduction of yourself! Congrats on your new blog!
Happy UBP! It nice to “meet” you. What a great blog… look forward to reading more posts.
Have a great week.
This is such an awesome party!! You have a fabulous blog! Glad you started it and at what a GREAT time too!! Thanks for stopping by my site! Will be checking on you often!!
Great party! and wow, what a prize!
thanks for hosting! you’ve got an interesting site, i’ll have to have a better look around! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog! have fun at the party and fun blog hopping!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love how you called it a “serial hobbyist.” Too cute! So glad you found your niche. I have to admit I don’t really have to many hobbies and I don’t really like doing things with my hands.
Hi there! I hope you have enjoyed the Ultimate Blog Party. I would love to win your giveaway. We are big readers around here and I am just now teaching my son to read.
Thanks for stopping by my blog…looks like you have a great blog here! Isn’t this party so much fun?
Hi, Stacie.. so nice to meet you! Enjoy the party!
I don’t know if I left a comment here yet or not. But thanks for stopping by Healthy Moms!
Thanks for stopping by my blog for the UBP! I hope I’m not too late in returning the visit…
Fun to be in the same state… I am in a suburb of Atlanta… about an hour out.
Amy Ellen at
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you’re having a great time UBP hopping!
I’m just stopping by for the Party. I love you blog. Thanks for stopping by mine as well. Looking forward to reading more from you.
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my party and it’s so great to meet you too! Love those Crocs but my girls are too big for them :(. Great giveaway tho!
Stopping by from the UBP! Enjoying reading your blog!
Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your posts! I’ve bookmarked your blog and will be coming back for more reads!
I think blogging is a great hobby.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Just saying hello from Go Baby= thanks for checking in before. Have a great day!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! It is nice to meet you! I hope you are having a great time at the party! 🙂
Happy UBP09!
You have a great looking blog!
Thanks for stopping by my party and the kind words about my little one.
Wow! You found your true calling. I enjoyed reading about your “creativity” journey.
Looking forward to learning more about you.
Thanks for visiting my party post! Your blog design is so cute 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet you. Lovely blog you have here. Drop by anytime.
Thanks for stopping by Dancing with the Daffodils.
Blogging is so much fun. I loved what you posted about yourself. I just posted these words today: Are you a runner if you run, but not in marathons? Are you a writer if you write, but have never been published? Who defines the answer to this?
I know you’re busy partying, but the post is
No one is youer than YOU!
Thanks for stopping over my place during the UBP!! Loe your site!!! I also dropped your Entrecard! Have a great night… be back soon!
Glad you’ve found your niche and welcome to the blogging world! You have put together a lovely little blog here! See you around the party & thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Thanks for stopping by Come Have a Peace. Your blog is beautiful and fun! Enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by my site during the UBP! I definitely enjoyed meeting you!
It is nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed browsing through your site. I loved the “snow people” pictures; and really liked your post on commenting (I’m new to blogging and just figuring out how to invite comments and how to respond to them). I look forward to reading more on your blog.
thanks for stopping by! ru in NY? i was there in october – just LOVE that place!!!
I am glad you found out what your talent is. Everyone has one, you just need to find it!
What a great post! Thanks for visiting my blog and I look forward to reading more of yours! Enjoy the party!
Hi, Stacie! Thanks for stopping by my site. I LOVE your header and your slogan. What a great testimony you have. So awesome.
It was so nice to “meet” you!
Hi, just stopping by for the party! Thanks for visiting my blog(s); I follow you on twitter (@avirtuouswoman)
Awesome blog! Saying “hello” from SITS. Stop by for a CUTE giveaway!
I’ll try for the CROCS, just in time for Spring.
Congratulations on finding your purpose in life 🙂 You do write really well!!
I have seen so many of your comments on other blogs – I had to stop by!
Please check out — I am just getting started and would love your feedback!!
Also I am giving away a $100 Zappos gift card to someone who registers on the site during the ubp week.
Nice to meet you!!
Thanks for dropping by my blog party. Are you a fan of Bette Midler? (The Divine Miss M?)
Great post, and you are an excellent writer. Everyone has their own creative outlet, some of us have a harder time figuring it out than others!
What a lovely party! I’m just returning your visit and wow! I love the place. My hubby and I met in the ‘biz’ as well, I haven’t worked in a restaurant in years, but it’s what I do! You know?
Thanks for visiting, I’ll be back…(not in a scary way)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is nice to meet you.
Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine to comment from the UBP. I’ve added you as a fave.
Nice to meet you. Happy blog party week.
I loved your post! So nice to get to know you!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! Happy Partying!
awesome blog. so glad I found ya, via minimalist mommy. Looking forward to taking more time to read through your posts!
Not in Georgia, just at the Denver Zoo. The gorilla is such a cool sculpture, I love it! Thanks for stopping by!
I wasn’t sure. I love the zoo. We go probably twice a month. 🙂
Hi. It’s so nice to meet you. You have a great blog here. I’ve bookmarked it so I can look around some more. Thanks for visiting my site.
Love, love your blog!!! You have totally described me and the dabbling in a billion hobbies, trying to ultimately find that one activity you enjoy and can do well. I also enjoy writing, and know I have one novel in me. I am looking forward to your future posts.
Stopping by for the UBP! Hope you win something! Have a great night!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. This party is so much fun. Love your blog.
This blog is abso-fricken-lutely adorable! I love it!
Just stopping in to say hello. Your giveaways are cool, just not in my category..I DO read to my 7 year old everyday, I have since he was about 3 months old.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and do come back…after the UBP, we’ll get back to normal blogging.
Nice to meet you.
Visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party – what a terrific site you have here! I’m so glad you were able to visit me – I look forward to coming back to visit you often in the future!
Hey, Georgia friend, nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog through UBP. Snow was a treat for my 5 year old too. I can’t believe the snowmen lasted for another week. Wow! Hope you have a great weekend.
Congratulations on your site! That is so exciting you found your creative outlet. I wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for stopping by Shannon Blogs Here!
Nice to meet you!
Lovely Blog!
Well, howdy do? It’s so nice to meet you. Thanks for popping by my place, It’s a woman’s world, and leaving a comment. This party is great, isn’t it? I’m glad I got involved. Have a great weekend. … Great blog!
I stopped by from the UBP. My daughters would be thrilled if we won. We have pledged 30 minutes a day on the leapfrog site & my youngest daughter wears a size 8 shoe!!!
Hi and thanks for visiting my blog for the party. Hope you are having a good time partying! Your blog looks very interesting.
I love the idea of committing to read to your child(ren) every day. This is such an amazing bonding time! Every night my kids each get to pick out a book that we read. The youngest will do story books and the older will do chapter books (we only read one chapter a night).
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Hi Stacie ~ Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s nice to meet you at the UBP09. Congrats on your first giveaway – so fun. Thanks for hosting it.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your introduction and can’t wait to learn more about you!
Thanks for visiting me, gonna take some time to look through your blog too – it looks great!
Have fun at the UBP
Thanks for stopping by my blog to party!
I love your site – so fun! And I love that you found what you’re good at 🙂 Everyone has different gifts, and it’s wonderful that you found yours. So many people can identify with you – I’ve heard too many times from people who feel badly because they cannot do crafty things, and I just tell them, “That’s my gift… you just have different ones!”
Cruising through from the UBP to say hi 🙂
Nice to “meet” you!
Thanks for stopping by my blog via the UBP! I too don’t have a whole lot of talents, I’m one of those jill of all trades… I’m ok at a lot of things, but not an expert in anything! I think writing is one thing where I excel, and Thank God for Blogging otherwise I’d probably only have my diary as an outlet! lol
Hi, hope you had a great party. Your site is rockin! I totally understand what you mean about wanting to find that “thing” that is your ultimate hobby. Glad you found it, sometimes I think I am still looking 🙁
see you around
I love the name of your blog is perfect. Thanks for visiting via UBP!
Great site. Thanks for checking out my site. The UB09 is awesome. I love your site and your writings.
Stoppin’ by on the tail end of the UBP 2009! What a party it has been! Hope you can mosey on over the blog range to our blog Raging Bear Ranch Tightwad and Proud and visit. I’ll be stoppin’ in more often!
Just coming by to say hello and thanks for dropping by Notes From the Cookie Jar. 🙂 It’s been fun reading all the comments from the blog party, huh?
Hi Stacie,
thanks for stopping by via UBP09 🙂
Great prizes that you are offering.
I too am trying out with writing
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I absolutely love your header. It’s so cute!
Hi Stacie,
I was out doing some last minute blog partying and thought I would stop by and say Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog and partying with me. My daughter Angie is autistic and her favorite toy is her leap pad. she taught herself to read when she was 3 using her leap pad. Happy partying to you. Brenda
Thanks for visiting my blog party.
I am a little late in making my rounds. I have been sick which left me in a fog all last week. Anyway, hope you had a great week at the UBP. Hope to see you again sometime!