IZON Wireless Security Camera
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of izon, the WiFi camera line powered by Stem Innovation for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

The IZON Wireless Security Camera is a budget-friendly, wireless video camera that can be set up anywhere that has a wireless network and an AC outlet. The izon camera has multiple, useful functions for home or business security. It streams directly to an Android or Apple cellular phone. The live footage is instantly available when set up is complete, and the app is downloaded to a phone. The app is free, and takes only a few minutes to set up.

As a home monitor, the camera will begin to record whenever motion or sound is detected. It will then send push notifications informing the user of activity in the area being monitored. If an intruder enters the home, the homeowner will be immediately alerted. It can notify parents when their children arrive home from school. Multiple cameras show what is happening in key areas of the home. As an izon baby monitor, a parent can feel free to go change a load of laundry or answer the door while the baby is napping, or check on a babysitter on a night out, adding a layer of security and peace of mind.

For business purposes, the IZON Wireless Security Camera can keep the business owner apprised of what is happening when they aren't able to be there. This device can also be used to monitor pets, assuring the owner that their companion is being cared for to their specifications, and ensuring the homeowner will know in advance of any destructive type behavior. This izon pet cam means that you watch your pooch at any time.
The izon home monitor is user friendly and easy to set up. After purchasing the monitor, it is then plugged in, and an app downloaded to the Android or Apple phone. Using available wireless internet, information will then be streamed to a phone, all ready for use. It is available as the IZON 2.0, or a model that provides night vision, the IZON View. The video is live, with noise and motion detectors, with video playbacks available. The camera will not slow down internet bandwidth.

This is a security system appropriate for the home owner or small business owner. The owner will have the comfort of knowing what is happening while they are away, eliminating unneeded stress and worry. Sleek and elegant, the design is as attractive as it is easy to use. If there are any questions or problems that arise, friendly customer service is there to help.
Now aren't you ready to get your own IZON Wireless Security Camera? Buy Here!

To enter, tell us how useful this IZON cam would be in your everyday life. Make certain to leave an email with your comment below in order for someone to reach you if you win. The winner will be selected at random by IZEA.

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This would be great to have when we are away at work or away on vacation. It helps to give me a piece of mind.
dlatany at gmail dot com
I would love to protect our home, but probably most of all, I would love to see the shananagins my dog gets into while we are away!
It’s great be able see remotely your view your place.
This would give us peace of mind when we go out and leave our dog home alone.
This would be great for when we are away from home. It would also be great for keeping an eye on the basement playroom when the grands are over–the basement is just very removed from the rest of the entertaining space.
This will be great when I’m travelling or at work, a sense of security for your home.
I would love to use this to monitor my house and check on our dogs.
Honestly I would love to set it so I could see out my window so I know what the weather is doing. I have a long commute and in winter it can be a huge difference between home and where I work.
What an awesome giveaway! I know my family could use this to help protect us and to keep watch over our home and pets. I often wonder what goes one when I leave. After all, my sweet fur babies tend to have fun once we leave!
I would definitely have greater peace of mind about my home and its contents with a video monitoring system to keep an eye on things while I was away. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
What an amazing product. It would be wonderful to be able to check my home and my dog on busy work days!
This would be extremely useful when Im at work and want to check in on things.
We would LOVE this – it’d be useful for when the crime factor heats up in our neighborhood.. 🙂
This would be useful to keep an eye on my dog when I am not home.
wow this is a great product would love to win this for my home always worry about what happens when i’m not their
I live in a bad neighborhood, a lot of break ins. This would ease my mind while I’m at work that my home and dog are okay.
I’d use it for security.
This would be great for me because I’m partially blind. When people come to the door, I never know who they are! With this camera, though, I’d be able to see who is knocking 🙂 it would also allow me to keep an eye on the kids in the backyard a lot easier 🙂
I would use this to secure my home.
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
This would help with home security and make me feel more secure about my home when I am away. It’s peace of mind.
tssk10 (at) gmail (dot) com
i would love to win one to keep an eye on my dog and daughter when I’m not home and also to see who has been stealing my mail 😉
This would give me peace of mind, when I leave our dog home alone.
forgot my email: Nickieisis3atgmaildotcom
It would be a blessing to win this! Someone keeps stealing the gas from our vehicles!!
I would love to have this to see who in the house is stealing from the cabinets and refrigerator. We have been having issues with this for sometime now and no one will admit to it.
I could check on our daughter when we are not home
This would be great when we are not home to protect our house!
to keep an eye on the house and baby/sitter would help putting my mind at ease when i am at work.
cdm65 @ cox. net
My house was broken into 3 years ago, 2 days before my birthday! They stole all my precious jewelry, including my grandmas wedding ring which to this day still upsets me! THey never found the people nor my jewelry. My house sets back off the road so no one would see this happening. I would use this camera to monitor my large door wall in my family room or the front door that they broke down.
My husband works nights so I’m home alone. I’d feel much safer when I go to bed if this was monitoring my living room/front door.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Soooooooooooooooo many ways that I could use this…I’d luv to watch the birds at my outside bird feeder and my kitties would to…thanks for the chance!
This would give us peace of mind when we are away visitig with the children.
It would help me know that my kids got home safely from school and to know what my dogs are up to my4boysand1@gmail.com
I would love to use this for front porch for security.
This camera would be extremely useful. We have lived in our home 25 years and the neighborhood has changed for the worse :/ We have had over 20 shots fired in the neighborhood now this yeaar and we are basically afraid of whats going on. This would be great when we want to go somewhere… we always have someone at home for fear we will be broken into.
I’d love to have this in our home right now. We have one inside our home, but we are traveling and realized if we had one looking out at our driveway we’d be able to see tire tracks in the snow. If we could see them we’d know our cat sitter is not having trouble getting up to our home to take care of our sweet kitties!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
This would be great for keeping an eye on family pets and children
We would use the IZON Wirss Security to monitor our home. The ease of set-up is wonderful and not too involved.
I would love to have this…it would make me feel much more secure about my home!
The IZON cam would be such a peace of mind for my family when we leave the house to know that the animals & our home & contents are safe & I don’t have to rush home!
This would be great to keep an eye on my pets with.
This would me good to check on my dog when I’m away.
holliister at gmail dot com
I would love this for security because I hear scary noises late at night. My husband sleeps but this would reassure me. There have been robberies on the next street over. Yikes! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
This would be awesome to check on our dogs when we are gone
donnapyszk at yahoo dot com
I’ve had attempted break ins over the past year in college and this would be great for when i am out of town!!!!
Stacie, those izone security cameras sure look pretty cool and quite small. It impresses me to see how security cameras have changed so much over the past 10-12 years. The cool part is that the cameras now days can be viewed straight from your phone to look at.
These wireless cameras are really awesome!!
They are not just awesome in look and appeal, but their working is also commendable. The best thing that I liked that they are compact and their excess is possible from any place, while staying away from home.
Above all, once it is installed, we wil lahve a piece of mind that now we can keep an eye on our home, kids and at office areas, quite easily.
Nice Share!!
I and my wife have been thinking of getting a home security system because our house is our sanctuary and we want to be safe and sound. I really like IZON wireless camera. Having a Surveillance is the only solutions that will work. Safety and security will always be first.
Thanks for this big help and keep sharing more.
Salvador V. Sherman