Improving My Smile & My Confidence with Invisalign

I am a member of the Invisalign Moms Advisory Board and am receiving complimentary Invisalign treatment.
Years ago I had braces. This was in my early 20's. We couldn't afford them when I was younger so a few years into college, I decided to get them for myself. This is what I looked like:

Wearing braces was neither a comfortable or a private experience. I constantly worried about things in my teeth, breaking one of my braces and smiling in pictures. I think that I spent a good five years right before getting braces only smiling with a closed mouth during pictures. It was sad.
After three years in braces, my teeth looked beautiful. They were straight, white and absolutely perfect. All I needed to do was wear my retainer and I would be all set.
I wore my retainer for years. I wore it religiously. Then life got in the way. I met a man. Got an MBA. Bought a house. Got married. Had a few kids. And a bunch of other stuff. Retainers were not even on my radar. In fact, it was a good six months before I realized I could no longer find them.
After having three children, I began to notice small changes in my teeth. On the bottom there was a lot of space and food gets caught down there but since I am an expert flosser, I can deal with that.
Then I noticed that the teeth on the top were crowning each other. A few of them had turned and while it may not be noticeable to most people, I notice it. I look in the mirror and think, “I need to do something about my teeth.” But for me, I have so many other responsibilities and things to do that there was no way I could make time to get braces or even go to monthly appointments. I just couldn't do it.
One day the folks at Invisalign contacted me about working together and the dream of once again having straight teeth came back. It was becoming more and more of a possibility. I want these teeth:

Even more, I love the fact that I will be able to wear braces and smile. I don't have to worry about things getting caught in them. They will not be big and bulky and have my mouth full of metal.
I am getting Invisalign 100% to improve myself and to do something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I have had my fitting for the trays and in a few more weeks, I will actually put my trays on for the first time.
I am thrilled to be a part of the Invisalign Mom Advisory Board. I needed this. My teeth needed this. I am going to take you along on my journey. Just wait until you see some of the fun things I have planned.
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I am a member of the Invisalign Mom Advisory Board. I am receiving complimentary Invisalign treatment as part of this program. All opinions are my own. Invisalign Mom Advisory Board Disclosure Statement.
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I can’t wait to hear about your experience! I have a similar experience to you, and want my straight teeth again. I have considered Invisalign but do not know anyone who has done it yet.
I needed braces when I was younger but chickened out. Now that I’m older and still in need of them, I’ll check invisalign out. I look forward to hear how it worked for you!
How exciting! My hubby is looking into those- so I will be looking forward to your follow up posts!
I too have thought about doing this as an adult. The costs have prevented it so far, but maybe someday!
I can’t wait to see your results. I am desperate to try invisalign!
I wish these were around back when I had those miserable metal braces. Those were awful!
I had braces as an adult and they were not fun. Wish I did Invisalign. Now my teen needs them. I’m hoping for her to try Invisalign one day.
this is great. I would love to check out this for myself, my teeth could use a better look.
i needed braces as a kid but never got them. I wonder if Invisilgn would work for m
My daughter just got her braces off. What an ordeal! I don’t know how many brackets broke over the 2 years she had them, but it was such a pain. Given the option again, we’d opt for Invisalign.
I’ve been wanting to get Invisalign for myself for several years now. I need to just buckle down and do it…or inquire about their Invisalign mom’s board. One of the two!
So excited for you! I need to look into Invisalign for my teeth that have slipped out of place since childhood braces.
Congratulations on making this change! I can’t wait to see your transformation!
my friend did invisalign. she loved the whole experience. if i was to do it again i’d go invisalign (and i may need to, i have an adult tooth that never formed and the baby tooth cracked so i have a big space)
I can’t wait to follow along on your journey! My husband has really been wanting to try this.
My teeth changed a lot after having kids. I never had braces but I’m pretty sure my mom used Invisalign.
Good luck with the new look! What a great option, especially for adults who don’t want to look like they’re wearing braces!
Yay! So glad you get to do this! I’m wearing Invisalign now (figured I’d better get them for myself and paid off before the kids start their braces) and I’m thrilled. I’ve seen a huge difference in the 3 months I’ve been wearing them, and I can’t WAIT to have perfectly straight, beautiful teeth. 🙂 Good luck on your journey!!
My husband is an orthodontist so we know a lot about Invisalign! Good luck with your treatment, happy to follow along and see the results!
Oh how cool! Invisalign sounds really incredible! I can’t wait to follow you on your journey and read your updates! So fun!
Braces were so “in” when I was in high school. I am thankful that I didn’t need them. I am quite sure that my boys will need help with their teeth. Maybe invisalign will be an option for them.
Will be following along with your experience! I’d love get this done for my teeth. I notice a little bit of crowding of my teeth. One of my boys is probably going to need these.
I didn’t have to have braces, but my daughter might. We have been looking into these and have heard great things!
I have several children who need orthodontia, so a product like Invisalign is defitely in my future.
I was lucky to have straight teeth, but my niece got braces as an adult. She’s looking into Invisalign for her son now though.
Congrats! I look forward to hearing about your results! I wore braces for years back in the day also and hated them.
I have considered invisalign in the past. I am still thinking about it. So much better than braces
Your teeth look great – I am lucky I have never needed braces.
I want Invisalign. I just can’t afford it right now.
I wish Invisalign was around when I had braces! Such a great invention.
I’d love to see my oldest get Invisalign. His teeth have shifted quite a bit in the last few years.
I Really want to try Invisalign! I’m curious how much it would cost with my insurance.
Good for you! I had braces in my teens and lost my retainers in my late teens. Now I am in my late 30s and I definitely notice how my teeth are shifting. Perhaps I can get Invisalign one day and fix the damage. 🙂
This is a wonderful opportunity for you, Stacie! I had the clunky metal braces for six and half years (fifth through eleventh grade!) and now my teeth are returning to their previous positions. Invisalign sounds like such a great alternative! You have a nice smile already, so I can’t imagine just how beautiful it will be once you complete your treatment!
I’ve always heard great things about this. So much better than braces
I absolutely WISH that I was contacted by Invisalign for this. It’d be incredible!!! Congrats to you and I’m excited to watch you go through the changes!
You have a beautiful smile… it shouldnt take long to get them perfect at all. Youre lucky to do this, this would have been wonderful to have years ago!
Very cool. My friend had Invisalign and loved them.
I wore braces as an adult. It sucked. I lost my retainer for night wear, though, so my teeth are slowly separating again. 🙁
I look forward to hearing about your experience. I have considered trying these for myself.
I grind my teeth so I know mine have gotten unaligned. I’m very interested in trying out Invisalign.
I’ve done braces for my kids and now I’d love to do braces for me!
I’ve always wanted to try Invisalign. I’ve never had the opportunity to wear braces. I used to have an overlapping tooth until I chipped a tooth and a bad dentist told me I had to replace it with a crown to keep it from degrading further. I didn’t understand what a crown was and what it would do to my tooth because I’d never had any problems with my teeth. The only reason I had an overlap was because I sucked my finger (instead of my thumb) so my front tooth grew in crooked. I would like to fix spacing that is off because I waited until 8 to remove my wisdom teeth and my lower front tooth is still a bit crooked from the finger sucking. It would all just help my bite a bit.
Many patients, from teens to adults are great Invisalign candidates. If you’ve considered improving your smile, let us see you for a complimentary consultation and empower you with information you need to know. We can give you a great smile, just like Stacie’s! We have a location in Brookhaven and Suwanee. Check out our website for more information.
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