Simple Vacation Packing List for Men
Simple Vacation Packing List for Men Men might have a reputation for packing last minute, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t do a great job. Even with the minimum effort, they still manage...
Over the last couple of years, more and more of my friends are adopting a digital nomadic lifestyle. I think it’s awesome and inspiring. One San Diego couple I know decided to make the move. On a recent Zoom call, I got the nitty-gritty on how they did it. We hope that this How To See The World In New Ways post inspires you.
There are a lot of people who go through life as if it was infinite. They talk about what they’ll do—in the future. But day after day goes by and they end up spending a decade in something they thought would be a couple of years.
If you’re in a marriage, partnership, or significant relationship—agree on what is most important. That’s easy to say, but not always easy to do. My friends both knew they wanted to travel and experience new places. They didn’t want to just be tourists. With this in mind, they outlined the steps and got into action — preparing for a mobile lifestyle.
Traveling is easier when you are carrying around less stuff. To say this is inspiring is an understatement. Getting uncluttered becomes more of a mantra, a prayer, or a super-important slogan. One of the first things my friends did was to give stuff away. Big things like furniture and patio furnishings went to a consignment shop. Piles of clothes, shoes, and kitchen items were given to Hospice and Goodwill. The remaining few boxes were things they couldn’t part with—mostly for sentimental reasons.
Putting things in storage helped my friends streamline their belongings—while honoring their personal history and treasures. I love how they named their unit: “The Treasure Trove.” And, having treasures in a safe place creates a homey sense of comfort and peace of mind.
Changing your lifestyle is an intense experience. Some folks will think you’re nuts. Others won’t say it to your face, but you can feel the vibe of judgment or criticism. The bottom line, it only matters what you and your heartmate choose. Along the way, it helps to have a big dose of tenderness, gentleness, and kindness. You may not know all the answers yet—but you can start by being kind to yourself.
While you’re making a shift to leave your home, make time to enjoy where you are. I don’t know about you, but this is so much how I like to live. If you’re packing up your house, find time to take a break. If you’re sorting through stuff, walk outside and stretch in the sunshine. If you’re getting lost in whether to keep or discard mementos and papers—have a cup of tea. Speaking of tea, I have a favorite tea box on my desk. Tea is scientifically proven to be relaxing and aid in reducing stress. It reminds me to take a break and enjoy a good cup with a friend.
I just have to say, a good ‘cuppa' deserves a good sweet. I recently found some great thin crisps that are a perfect companion for an afternoon tea break. If you’re feeling ready to relax and enjoy some me-time, explore your options. It may be that a piece of fruit will do the trick. Pear slices, apple slices, and orange slices are all easy and healthy choices. As you explore your choices, I’m sure you’re looking for things that are sweet and crunchy—without pouring on the calories.
Whether you’re renting or owning, leaving your home can be an amazing experience. I’ve talked to many friends who tell me it’s great to make time for reviewing all the memories held in a house.
My friends walked through their house and recalled the many people who had visited, celebrations, and events. I find it’s very helpful to reflect on what’s happened in space. If you are leaving a home, allow time for savoring all that’s happened in your home. I hope this gives you some fresh ideas about living the good life and seeing the world in new ways. We hope that this How To See The World In New Ways post inspires you. Good luck!