Dreaming Big for my Children
Dreaming Big for my Children We had a big day recently in our household. Our middle child joined the teenager club. She turned the big THIRTEEN. Presents were opened, cake was eaten, and just...
This How to Raise a G.I.R.L. Go-getter Innovator Risk-taker Leader is sponsored by the Girl Scouts.
I’ve been a Girl Scout since age 7! We spent years taking field trips, talking to industry professionals, completing projects, traveling and so much more. My sister and I also went to Girl Scout camp every summer for as long as our parents would let us. Some of my fondest memories growing up are because of Girl Scouts and to this day, I am still friends with several of the girls that were in my troop. The things that I learned as a Scout have helped me in life and I can 100% attest to the fact that being a Girl Scout shaped me into the leader that I am today. We hope that you enjoy our How to Raise a G.I.R.L. Go-getter Innovator Risk-taker Leader post.
Fast forward 25 years or so and my girls are in elementary school. They both want to be Girl Scouts and since troops did not already exist, I found a few mother's and we started troops for both girls. We started with Daisies and worked our way up to Cadettes. Being a leader just like my mother has been one of the most amazing experiences in parenthood. It’s the chance to shape and mold girls with the same activities that I grew up participating in. Plus it's with an organization that I love. The Girl Scouts.
According to the World Economic Forum’s “Outlook on the Global Agenda, 2015,” a lack of leadership is among the top three global challenges. Key skills like risk-taking, innovation and empathy have been declining in recent years. In addition, the traditional view of leadership continues to lock out women and people of color. Women have outnumbered men in college since 1988 and in earning undergraduate business degrees since 2002, yet they still represent just 10 – 20% of all leadership roles (depending on industry). Through the Girl Scouts, we can change that!
As the world’s largest youth leadership organization for girls. In the US, Girl Scouts has been preparing girls for leadership since 1912.Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character; prepares girls to empower themselves, and promotes leadership, entrepreneurship, and active citizenship through activities and badges involving community service and skill-building.
Girl Scouts is challenging leadership stereotypes and promoting Girl Scouts’ unique vision of leadership like a G.I.R.L. which promotes awareness of the importance of girls’ leadership and the types of leadership most needed today. Representing the leadership potential of every parent and professional, adult and adolescent, this campaign focuses on the potential that is realized by practicing grit like a go-getter, problem solving like an innovator, embracing new things like a risk-taker, and engaging with empathy like a leader. It is the power to empower oneself and demonstrate through action every day. Girl Scouts have found strength in numbers and they plan to rally the Girl Scout Movement with media partners, nonprofits, sponsors, corporations, and influencers in a nationwide initiative to elevate every voice in advancement of girls’ leadership and status in the world. As we all unite with the Girl Scouts to prepare more girls to lead, we increase the number of women in leadership positions and everyone wins.
Now comes the fun part. Let me show how much my girls have learned from being Girl Scouts and how they are completely G.I.R.L.s. They are both go-getters, innovators, risk takers and leaders.
Go-getter: My girls created a flyer so that they could earn extra money by doing jobs around the neighborhood. They are both hustlers who love to help others and earn money doing it.
Innovator: My middle child wanted to do something for kids who didn't have money to buy backpacks. She started a small, non-profit where she gathers backpacks from friends and family then takes them to school children in need. She saw a need for something and filled it.
Risk-taker: Both girls have started business, pushed themselves to do something that they were scared of (camping overnight in the woods and ziplining) and have found ways to put themselves out there in the name of helping others.
Leader: My youngest child asked me for the American Girl book on how to deal with bullies and conflict. I bought her the book and she took with her to school so that she could talk to the bullies who were picking on a few friends of theirs. She created a lunch group where anyone who feels bullied can come sit with her or play with her at any time. She leads this group daily and actively looks for other members who could use a friend.
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This How to Raise a G.I.R.L. Go-getter Innovator Risk-taker Leader is sponsored by the Girl Scouts. We hope that you enjoyed our How to Raise a G.I.R.L. Go-getter Innovator Risk-taker Leader post.
All boy mom here, but I was a girl scout when I was a kid. It was so much fun to be a part of.
That is AWESOME! I think it’s important for girls to learn how to be strong, confident leaders. As a dad, I have been horrified by the entire Weinstein fallout and how many women have come forward with #MeToo. I never want my daughters to have to use that hashtag, and I never want them to be less than a man out there in the world on any level.
What a wonderful post! I love the idea of empowering girls to be more independent, have leadership skills and be confident. I think that’s the key, raising confident girls who know that they can be anything they desire!
I think being a Girl Scout did help my daughter develop some important skills. They’ll definitely help with all sorts of things later on in life
What an excellent motto! I spent a few years as a Girl Scout and had a lot of fun. Glad to see they are still going strong and working to empower future generations!
I am so glad to see the Girl Scouts moving in this direction. I was in Brownies then Grl Scouts and enjoyed it. In fact some of my best memories are from scouts. Unfortunately I have lost touch with all of my old scouts, bu youre right it can make for lifelong friendships.
I joined the girl scouts when I was about 8 years old. The experience did teach me a lot of life lessons that I put into practice up to this day. My daughter joined too and I am loving the way she lives her life now- compassionate, confident, and definitely a go-getter.
Joining the girl scouts is a wonderful way to build confidence in young girls. I have always reminded my daughter that women are not the weaker sex. I love this campaign. Every little girl should be raised to be a G.I.R.L.
I love this those Girl Scouts they are really a great organization and building leaders. I was never a scout and my daughter was not one either but it looks like we missed out.
This is such a great post! I have always been a very shy person that hates speaking up or causing any kind of confrontation. I followed in my mother’s footsteps, and I wish I had been a part of an organization like Girl Scouts to give me courage and self confidence to speak up and do the things I want in my life. The Girls Scouts is so great for young girls!
I love how the Girl Scouts empower girls to be leaders in their communities. Far too long girls have taken a back seat in a male driven world, I think it’s wonderful that girls are gaining the tools they need through Girl Scouts to succeed and have a more equal footing in the world as their male counterparts.
I sure do! And I am proud to say I am because my mom brought the very first Girl Scout Troop to Bronx, New York, It was long overdue and overwhelmingly received in our neighborhood and community. I am still in touch with many of the members of my troop today!
What a great initiative started by the Girl Scouts. I am glad they are focusing more than just Girl Scout cookies to uplift and empower young girls.
What a beautiful message for the young women! I have two daughters and I hope that my youngest would grow up as confident as my eldest. She’s a leader and a go getter and knows what she wants. I make sure to instill the same confidence and knowledge with my youngest.
I’m thankful my parents engaged me in money topics growing up. I knew the basics when hitting adulthood.
My girls are Girl Scouts. There are so many valuable lessons gleaned from the experience.
Girls have it rough out there especially when they start they way up the corporate ladder. It’s good to start as early as possible with giving them confidence and empowering them that they can do anything and achieve anything in their life.
I was a girl scout but there were no leaders when I was older so it ended. Think it is wonderful you had a great experience and decided to start a local girl scout troop in your area. Hope it continues all the way through their high school days.
I loved reading all the positive examples of your daughters using the skills they learned from Girl Scouts. My daughter just joined Girl Scouts as a Daisy and I’m excited for her to learn leadership skills and for her to form friendships.
This is such a great initiative! I love that Girl Scouts is doing this and helping young ladies become leaders!
I needed Girl Scouts when I was little. Unfortunately, the small town I lived in didn’t have Girl Scouts. There was 4H and I joined that and learned crafts and knitting but that was about it. I’m glad Girl Scouts exist because girls need an organization like this to guide them into adulthood.
I love the idea of being a girl scout, not only does it teach you some valuable life skills but it will help young girls become leaders, these are some great ideas!
I run a girl scout troop of 10 girls! It is so much work, it really does take parent volunteers, and a lot of help. It is rewarding though, and both my girls are scouts.
I love this! My daughter is definitely all of those words and it makes me so proud. Her teachers tell me all the time how she is a leader in the classroom.
Allowing them to grow as leaders is really important when you’re raising a girl. I love that this initiative encourages parents to empower their daughters! It’s awesome to say the least.
I love this G.I.R.L concept GO-GETTER INNOVATOR RISK-TAKER LEADER!!! My older sister was a scout and stayed with it as a teen. She did turn out to be a real G.I.R.L. I’m sure the scouts helped nurture that.
I was in girl scouts growing up. It was an amazing experience. I loved going off to girl scout camp in the summertime. My daughter wasn’t ever introduced to girl scouts but it is something that I wish that I did. She could have used the leadership guidance.
What a great post for girls day! I miss being in the scouts.
I think every girl should have a chance to participate in Girl Scouts (if they want to of course). I did it when I was younger and had a blast.
I love the concept and the message behind this campaign! I’m toying with the idea of enrolling my daughter in Girl Scouts.
No more than ever, our girls need to be empowered. There are so many messages in the media, and even in toys, telling them that they have to look or be a certain way.
I love this so much! I grew up being so afraid to be seen as “bossy” that after a while I just kept my head down. I don’t want this for my daughter! I want to raise her to be a leader and a go-getter!
So sweet! I absolutely love when kids band together to life each other up! These kiddos look like they are VERY proud to be themselves!
This was a terrific read. Girl Scouts is such a great organization and is helping shape the leaders of tomorrow.
I was a girl scout for several years! It is important to teach our girls to be leaders. 🙂
Both my daughter and I were in Girl Scouts. It really helps girls learn good skills.
I never did Girl Scouts when I was a kid but I do like what they stand for. I love that there are people out there that want to empower girls to do what it is they want to do.
My friends Daughter is a Girl Scout and they have had an amazing experience so far. I think it is a great way to help girls reach their potential.
My daughter was in Girl Scouts and it was amazing how it affected her. I was a co-leader and I just loved it. I was proud to be part of that organization.
I wanted my girls to join Girl Scouts. Maybe next year they will participate.
I LOVE THIS! My kindergartener is in her first year as a Daisy… and it’s the best!
Ahhhh….. I love Girl Scouts! I was a Girl Scout, my daughter was and now my granddaughter. It’s an amazing program.
We’ve been lucky to be a part of all the amazing initiatives that Girl Scouts is bringing to girls of the future! While my daughter is just getting to the age to be a recruit, I have been helping to share all their STEM programs in the DFW area. I love the leadership component but it’s the feel that girls can do anything that get’s me fired up!
I’ve always loved the things the Girl Scouts stood for, especially empowering young women. I’m just sad I never got to join a troop.
I don’t think I’ve ever tried a pimento dip, but this sounds great for the holidays.
I love this post and I do absolutely believe in Girl Power! I also believe that Scouts did help to empower my girls to believe they can achieve anything they set their minds to.
I am a girls scout. I loved reading this post.
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