DIY Cleaning Paste
DIY Cleaning Paste It seems like we are always cleaning and organizing around our house. We always have some sort of house cleaning or organizing project we are working on and then a lot...
If you saw my last post, then you know that I am part of the Skype Ambassador Program. I shared a lot of details about how much I use Skype. I really love how much easier using Skype and indeed a lot of technology makes me life.
On a daily basis, I use Skype for business. As a professional blogger and social media consultant, my Skype is always open.
It is much faster to ask a quick question via Skype rather than pick up the phone and call. Conversations can continue on for days or even weeks and I save a lot of time. My problem is when I get on the phone, I tend to talk a lot so just “Skyping” helps so much plus saves me time! Even better that a record or transcript is created so I can go back and refer to it if I need to.
It turns out that a lot of other moms like me rely just as much on technology. In fact, 95% of the moms surveyed confirmed it.
Check out this infographic for more information:
This week, I actually used Skype on my phone. I have never done that before although I did have the app downloaded. This week, I used it to chat and call people.
I am surprised at how easy it was to do. I signed in to my account on my phone and I was ready to go. In fact, since I first did it a few weeks ago, I have done it every day since.
I am loving being able to Skype from my phone. Are you on Skype?
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Skype. I received Skype credits to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.
I adore Skype…and use it daily to IM with my friends. It’s so easy and convenient!