Side Hustles to Pay Off Debt
Side Hustles to Pay Off Debt The average American owes $52,940 one way or another. It's been like this for ages, and most people have accepted that this is just the American way. Unfortunately,...
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Good Scout.
I am a volunteer. I have been as long as I can remember. It started in Catholic school as being part of our church and then it continued on into Girl Scouts, high school, college and then the Junior League as an adult. Now I also give back through my own two Scout troops that I help lead plus volunteering at my kids school.
However, there are many times when I just simply don't have the time and I prefer to give money instead. And many people are that way. They will also give money when they can to help support others in their communities, nationally and globally. Even when I give time, I still give money.
I like giving money and knowing that my donation is helping a cause that I like. This makes me feel good and like I am making an impact. Many folks are particular about how they like to be asked for money and that is where Good Scout comes in.
The Good Scout Group is a social good consultancy that helps brands. They survey everyday people like you and I then teach companies how to take smart, impactful and sustainable leaps in how they do greater good. I love companies that give back!
Whether you give online, during your retail experience, in the mail or through an event, Good Scout wants to know about it. The giving of both our money and time is increasing each year and Good Scout can help companies really improve your overall donor experience. Good Scout wants to know about your donor preferences, how often you donate and what really motivates you to give. Good Scout wants to help the charitable industry evolve to meet donor needs.
I want to ask you to take the Good Scout survey and tell companies how you like to give back. Good Scout is looking for survey participants plus they are having some focus groups about the total donor experience. If you are selected to participate in the focus group, you will receive an Amazon gift card valued at $20.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Good Scout.
I volunteer too I think for me it started with my Mom who gave of her time. As I got older I kept volunteering. Now I volunteer at a food site and do TNR I was also considering going into the anaimal control facility and doing some things there.
Took the survey! I dont do webcams though so kinda out of this one.
I never heard of Good Scout but it sounds like a great company that does good for the community.
What an awesome business model! I love companies that give back, and it’s nice to know they need help, too.
I definitely feel better when I donate knowing that my money is actually being used for what I wanted it to be used for.
Great idea! It is aways good for companies to get to know their customers better.
I feel like I have heard of Good Scout… I will look into this more.. esp the survey
Thanks for sharing this! I hadn’t heard of Good Scout before.
Great concept. I want to know that my money is going for what I chose.
I never heard of Good Scout before so thanks for sharing this. I will definitely check out the link!
I want to do more volunteering in my community. I want my kids to be able to help too! Thanks for sharing this! I hadn’t heard of Good Scout before.
I can see how the survey would really give them valuable info. It’s certainly worth a few minutes of our time.
What a great organization. I need to volunteer and give more.
I used to volunteer my time but have since stopped. I would love to get back into it!
I’ve always either volunteered or given monetarily depending on the season in life. When I was younger I had more time than money. Now I have more money than time..but I’m still broke. That goes to show how little time I have. Hahahaha.
I love to volunteer my time, but it’s more difficult now with two little ones. I still donate when I can!
Sometimes I tend to volunteer more of my time when money is tight and I’m not able to donate. Other times, when I’m able to donate, I don’t volunteer as much.
I’ve never heard of Good Scout before. It sounds like a good program.
I am going to head to that survey in a bit- finishing up some work and I want to give it my full attention. i’m also a volunteer person and I was raised to give to others who may need it. 🙂
What a great idea. Glad they are doing research into how and why people like to give.
I really like this program. It’s a great way to support your favorite cause.
There are so many worthwhile causes out there. It is nice when companies make it easy to give back.
Good for them for providing ways to give back! I like that about companies!
This is a fantastic idea. More companies (like all of them) should have a model like this
I’ve never heard of them before. It’s great they put a focus on charity.
Interesting idea. If it benefits the charity in the end it’s worth it to answer a few questions.
This is a wonderful idea! There is great reward in giving back. I think the survey keeps people engaged. I wish more companies/programs would offer that.
That is a great business model. A perfect way to keep people engaged and learn what the customer wants.
I generally tithe regularly to my church, and try to give to local non-profits. This is definitely something to consider though. Thanks.
This sounds like a wonderful and unique organization. I’m glad someone thought to do this!
This is a great concept! I love to do business with companies that make giving back a mission.
I’ve been a regular volunteer at church too. I even ran the children’s ministry without pay. Volunteering is it’s own reward.
I’m happy to do my part. I’m going to mosey on over and take the survey. Thanks for sharing the link.
I like helping out companies that give back. Thanks for the link.
I love it when companies give back so anything that helps them do so is fine by me!
This is a great idea. I really like it when organizations make it easy for people to support the causes they believe are worthy.
Such a cool idea. I’ve always donated or volunteered in one way or another.
I love being able to volunteer, but don’t have the time to do it with any regularity these days. I love this concept.
Great program and great way to give back from home!
We volunteer too.Thanks for sharing this. I must check this out.