Things Remembered’s Charm Story Line
Debuting just in time for Mother’s Day, the new Charm Story Line program by Things Remembered is a great way to help put mom’s personality on display and recount her special memories with...
Please thoroughly read the rules here so that all of your giveaway entries will count. 99% of you who entry my giveaways do it exactly right and it is so greatly appreciated.
Every giveaway will have the same general rules and unless specified in the actual post, all giveaway rules stated in this post should be followed. Additional rules may be added and they will be stated on the actual giveaway posting.
You need to be 18 to enter any of my giveaways.
All giveaways are open to US only unless specified. Please do not write me angry emails about this. These guidelines are set by the companies that I work with. I love Canada. You people make awesome beer and talk with the cutest accents.
If the giveaway hasa mandatory entry requirement, this MUST be completed before any other entry will count.
All entries must be properly recorded in the comments to count (i.e. Link to tweets, Facebook page, etc). Leaving the link to your Tweet or Facebook is the easiest way to help me verify that your entry is valid.
I go through and verify that you did everything you took extra entries for. If you are a subscriber, I verify that your email shows up on my subscriber list. I really do check everything.
If you do not complete the madatory requirement for a giveaway or you don't properly record your entries and I happen to draw your name as winner, I simply draw again.
If you copy and paste someone else's mandatory entry, I also draw again.
If you say something like, “I Tweeted” without the link to your Tweet, I draw again.
The giveaways (unless specified) are one entry per household. This means please do not enter under your husband or wife and all of your children as well. THIS HAS HAPPENED. This is not in keeping with the spirit of which the giveaway is being run and is not fair to others entering the proper way.
Guess what? My blog tracks IP addresses and your will show up multiple times under several different names. All of the entries will be discarded if this happens. Play fair.
All winners are chosen via
Please know that you have 24 hours to respond to my email notifying you that you are a winner. I will email you at the address that you left when you entered the giveaway. If you do not respond within the 24 hour time period, I will draw a new winner. I have had to do this several times. Sending me an angry email after the fact or threatening to “tell” the company sponsoring the giveaway does not absolve you of the fact that YOU missed the deadline.
When the deadline is missed, I automatically draw a new winner and notify this new winner. Winners are almost always drawn during the week and if by chance they are drawn on the weekend, I usually extend the reply deadline to 48 hours to give you time to respond.
Be kind and be fair.
I notify winners but do not post their names on my site.