Ares Games: The Games We’ve Tried and What We Think - Divine Lifestyle

Ares Games: The Games We’ve Tried and What We Think

Ares Games: The 7 Games We’ve Tried and What We Think

If you’ve been around recently, you know that I have a new found fascination in board games! My board game journey started off with games like Catan and Ticket to Ride, but has recently expanded to my family’s now collection of over 300 games. 7 of those 300 were sent to us to try out by Ares Games. Let’s break them down and get to know Ares Games, and the games they sell!

Ares Games Mini Rogue

Mini Rogue

Mini Rogue is simply one of my favorite games! I can play it with a partner or alone. The game is a dungeon crawler card game where you have to balance your health, experience, hunger, and much more. This game is the first box I grab when I go on vacation since it is such a huge game in a small box.

Mini Rogue also has expansions available which help to thicken the plot of the game.

Ares Games Dungeonology


In Dungeonology, you and your fellow classmates are in a race to explore dungeons, collect information, and ultimately submit your thesis to become a scholar. Dungeonology is a super fun and unique game, I honestly don’t think I have a game similar to it on my shelf. 

Ares Games Sword & Sorcery

Sword and Sorcery

Now on to another one of my recent obsessions, Sword and Sorcery! This is my first Campaign game and I love it! Each quest is unique to each other by having a fresh board and a new objective, meaning the replayability of the game is amazing! My next step in the gaming process… Getting the expansions!!!

Ares Games Cangaceiros


Cangacerios is a competitive game set in 19th centruty Brazil. In this game, you play as a gang, trying as hard as you can to survive while being hunted by the police. With elements of card management, this game is sure to be a hit at your next game night!

Ares Games War of the Ring

War of the Ring

While I am not a lord of the rings fan and don’t understand the Lore of the game, I still enjoy playing it with my kids! A unique aspect of War of the Ring is that we can play this game in teams of two. This is unique to our collection as most of our games are cooperative or 1v1. If you are a fan of card games, this one might be the one for you.

Ares Games Pyramidice


While tile placement games are my favorite, dice centered games are a close second. In Pyramidice you must use dice to build pyramids, ultimately competing for the favor of the gods. Overall the gameplay and replayability are two of the main things that keep me coming back to pyramidice.

Ares Games Inkognito


Inkoginito is the perfect game for family game night, or a party. Being that there has to be at least 3 players to start the game, my family has to commit to playing it before we break it out. In incognito you have to work together, while trying to figure out which of the players is your partner. Just remember, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

Overall, I was very pleasantly surprised with the assortment of games from Ares Games. Each game was unique from the others, some of which were unique to my collection as a whole. Overall, my top pick would have to be Mini Rogue, but try them out for yourselves and let me know which one is your favorites in the comments below 🙂

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