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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Hear the World. All opinions are 100% mine.
Did you know that nearly 660,000 children around the world who are born with significant hearing loss each year? I had no idea but Hear the World knows and they are actively helping to solve this problem.
I cannot imagine having hearing loss and missing all of the beautiful sounds that the world makes. I would miss music, the laughter of my children, the song the birds sing outside my house each morning, the pounding of the ocean waves, the falling of rain, the thundering sound of my children's feet as they run through the house and so much more. A world where I could not hear would most definteily be a different world to live it.
I am certain that these children would feel the same way had the heard all of the sounds that I just described.
About 660,000 children are born annually with significant hearing loss. Hearing loss affects 15% of the world’s population yet it receives little recognition or acknowledgement. Nearly half the cases are preventable.
Hear the World promotes projects that support children with hearing loss, to enable them to develop at an appropriate rate for their age and to give access to school education. Since 2006, Hear the World has supported more than 50 projects across five continents and has already given countless people the chance of better hearing.
Hear the World Foundation envisions a world in which everyone has the opportunity to experience good hearing which is such an amazing vision. There is so much that we can do to support Hear the World and help those with hearing problems.
Take your own Hear the World photo and post it using #HearTheWorld and share the link in the comments below. PLEASE NOTE: Select shared photos may be used in education video to be released by Hear the World.
Readers who participate will be entered to win a calendar giveaway.
IF YOU ARE NOT A WINNER: For non-winners, you can purchase the calendar here. 100% of proceeds from calendar sales go to the Hear the World Foundation.
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What a great organization!!! It is sad how often hearing loss gets overlooked.
Children’s laughter is my very favorite sound! I’d miss it – big time. What a great cause.
Hearing loss is something that doesn’t get a lot of attention, but it can lead to social isolation and depression!
I had no clue that so many children were born with hearing issues. wow. Thank you so much for sharing such great information
I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to have hearing problems. That’s one of those things that affects every aspect of your life!
Ity breaks my heart that babies are born without their hearing. Not being able to hear their mommies’ voice must be so awful.
I didn’t realize that many people were affected by hearing loss. What a great cause to support!
Hear the World is a wonderful foundation. I will take my photo and post it using #HearTheWorld.
My husband lost 75 percent of his hearing in an ATV accident. He always has to ask people ‘what’ or to repeat themselves. They automatically assume he is ‘stupid’ because of this. He’s not, he just cannot hear you. This is a cause near and dear to my heart. Thanks for spreading the word!
Between damaging my hearing in a water-skiing accident and a friend who’s son was born with hearing problems, this is a topic that I’ve been paying a lot more attention to. This looks like a great group to get involved with on such a fundamental thing that gets taken for granted so much.
This is such a great organization. I had no idea so many children were born this way.
Who wouldn’t want to support a cause like this. So often we take things like haring for granted. Thanks for sharing.
My sister is deaf in one ear. It’s wicked awesome that they are raising awareness about it.
I love the movement and how they’re getting celebrities involved too! Great campaign awareness for a common disability
This sounds like a great foundation. I didn’t know so many kids had issues hearing
I have known many people with hearing loss, but I had no idea it was so prevalent. Thanks for sharing information about this foundation.
This is an awesome awareness campaign. I think hearing loss tends to go unnoticed!
This is such an important cause to be behind. I did a lot of research last year about them, and I was nothing but impressed.
I honestly could not imagine not getting to hear my baby boys’ voices and laughter! It’s good that hearing loss is receiving more attention through this organization.
This is such a great foundation. I didn’t know that so many are born with hearing issues. Glad there are those out there helping our kids(adults)
It is great to see such an awesome organization helping those with hearing loss. I like that they are doing the giveaway to help get more exposure. I didn’t know that hearing loss affected so many people.
This is really wonderful. My nephew was born deaf over 20 years ago and he’s struggled, they did lots of surgeries so this kind of thing is super important to me, I’m so glad there’s more posts like this! I’ve seen a few lately and I’m so glad there’s more awareness, it’s so important!
This is a great program. Good to spread the word.
I love that the celebrities are in on this one. People tend to pay attention more when someone famous they know is leading the way. 😉
I had no idea so many children had hearing loss. So happy to see celebrities use their status to lend help to a great cause.
Such a great cause. The Hear the World pics are assume!
Wow I had no idea hearing loss was such a prevalant problem at birth. What a great cause to draw attention too.
I’ve never heard of this organization or campaign before, but it’s so important. HAving a father who lost hearing later in life this is something that has a personal impact/connection to me.
When my son was born, he failed the hearing test they give babies at birth twice. I worried that he might be deaf because he didn’t respond as babies do. It turns out that he wasn’t deaf, but developmentally delayed that prevents his hearing and slow reaction. He has to see an audiologist every year.
My father-in-law just got (what I call) new years last summer. It was the best thing he ever did and he was sorry he waited so long to get hearing aids.
This is a great campaign to be part of. Hearing loss isn’t one of those things that we think about but we really should pay more attention to it. I’m sure it can have a huge effect if support services aren’t provided.
What an amazing organization. I’m not familiar with Hear World Foundation so I’m happy that you shared this.
This is such a great cause. Nice to see the support of celebrities. That always helps to bring awareness
Wow it takes reading blogs like this to really put things into perspective! I dont know what I would do if I lost my hearing…hearing is apart of my job I have to listen to people and communicate we take for granted these things on a regular basis…yes thanks for spreading the word and bring awareness about hearing loss!
Thank you so much for sharing this important topic. My own grandmother suffered from early hearing loss.