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Comments are the lifeblood of many or most good blogs. Comments are what let's a blogger know that their “voice” is being heard. Like any blogger, I love a good comment or really I love any comment. Even a bad comment can help a blogger out. But it all depends on how you use the comments.
Comments can:
-Let you know if there is something that your readers really like.
-Introduce you to potential readers and subscribers of your blog.
-Introduce you to new blogs.
-Let you know that your everyday readers are there and are paying attention.
-Encourage a healthy debate.
-Let you know if there is something offensive or something that your readers don't like.
My best advice for comments and commenting is to Ask & Respond. Asking great questions in your post gives people something to comment about or to answer. Responding to others comments lets them know that you actually read the comments and that you took the time to write back. This is an excellent practice that I am just now getting into and I love when I hear back from blogs where I left comments.
So get out there today and comment, comment, comment! Help a blogger out and you will help yourself out in the process.
More tips and insight about Blog Comments from the experts:
Darragh Doyle teaches you How to comment on a blog – a beginners guide.
Problogger expert Darren Rowse shares great advice in his article The Power of a Comment.
Mom's Blog Resource just posted the articles Leaving Comments – Some Dos and Don’ts & Encourage Reader Comments.
Read Write Web shared a post Blog Comments Still Matter.
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Happy blog party! I enjoy very much these blogs especially yours!
This is a great post, I just had to comment and say I enjoyed it 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! Come back any time!
I found this post to be very good. I have already gone through and read many of your articles. They are good!
I am somewhat of a regular visitor.. and I enjoy your posts alot. I especially like the variety you have!
I love a blog with good conversation in the comments.
I try to respond to all comments I get, and it is nice when bloggers respond back.
Great post from a great blogger. Well said I love this article.