NatureBox Snacks – Goodness in a bag delivered to your door
I am a snacker. I always have been and I am raising three children who are snackers as well. Because of this, I am constantly on a search for the best snacks that...
With the new line of dinner kits inspired by the chefs at Romano's Macaroni Grill, you can now easily make four classic Italian meals at home. With quick and easy preparation, a Romano's Macaroni Grill Restaurant Favorites meal is ready to eat in about 20 minutes. Seriously, that is all that it takes.
The dinner kits include everything needed to create a high-quality meal in one box including premium ingredients such as such as vine-ripened tomatoes, select cooking wines, specialty herbs and 100% semolina pasta. All you have to do is add one pound of chicken or your choice of proteins such as shrimp or Italian sausage. Varieties of Romano's Macaroni Grill Restaurant Favorites dinner kits include Garlic & Herb Chicken Penne, Creamy Basil Parmesan Chicken & Pasta, Chicken Alfredo with Linguine and Chicken Marsala with Linguine.
We have tried several of the varieties and each one has been a hit with my family. Try all of the flavors including:
Creamy Basil: Parmesan Chicken & Pasta
Chicken Alfredo with Linguine
Garlic & Herb: Chicken Penne
Chicken Marsala with Linguine
Chicken Piccata: with Angel Hair Pasta
If you are looking for easy meals that your family will love, then try Romano's Macaroni Grill Favorites today. If you would like more information about the product, please visit Three readers will win a complimentary gift basket.
Enter the contest in at least one way or both ways below (each one counts as a separate entry):
1. Tell me how often to you eat dinner together as a family and/or what your biggest struggle is with preparing dinner for your family.
2. Tell me what your favorite thing is to talk about with your family at the dinner table or how you make dinner time exciting for the family.
For extra entries (only available after at least 1 or 2 has been completed):
3. Write a post on your blog linking the giveaway post and linking back to The Divine Miss Mommy. – 5 entries
4. Enter my 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill here. -Worth 5 extra entries.
5. Earn 2 extra entries by leaving a comment on this post or 1 extra entry by leaving a comment on any other post. Leave a link with the post or tell me what post you commented on in the comments. Comments must be relative to the post to count as an entry.
6. Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway daily for an extra entry each day (leave the link in the comments each time that you Tweet).
7. Follow me publicly via Google Follower or subscribe to my feed or let me know if you already do either or both (leave a comment for each if you do it).
8. Go over to my pal at Father of the Blog and give him some comment love (leave a comment telling me that you did so).
9. Add my blog to your Technorati favorites and leave me your Technorati name in the comments. You have to be a member of Technorati to do this. – 3 extra entries
The Usually Unreadable Smallprint: Open to US residents only and contest ends July 10, 2009 at 11:59 EST. Offer does not include designer frames and sunglasses. The winner will be notified via email and has 48 hours to claim their prize. If the winner does not contact me, I will redraw. Thanks for entering!
my family eats dinner together nearly every night… No easy task when dealing with teens, but Mommy & Daddy get very annoyed with them if they decide not to be here… lol
we talk about what’s going on in our lives… it’s honestly about the only time we all sit down together
rss subscriber
We eat dinner together every day! That’s right, every day. I’m very proud of this. Thanks for the giveaway!
We try and have dinner together at least 3 or 4 times a week but it’s hard because my husband is super picky and i never know what to make!
I talk about funny stories in the news.
we usually talk about how our day was, and what cute things Leah our baby girl of 11 months did that day!
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I wanted to enter your reading tips giveaway, but it’s already ended? Please let me know if the deadline has been extended. Thanks!
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We eat together on weekends and seldom during the week. Timing is the huge issue. Dad is home somewhere from 5:30 to 9 and there is no way the kids or I can not eat at a reasonable time whether he’s arrived or not. Ironically if he is home early, its because there is a teleconference he needs to be on at 6 which means he’s eating at the computer
We talk about family, what each of us have done or plan to do. We talk about what we will do together on the weekends. The TV news is seldom pleasant so we tend to not talk about whats in the news while at the dinner table.
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10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway entry #1
10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway entry #2
10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway entry #3
10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway entry #4
10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway entry #5
Our library is really great about providing a strong summer reading program with activities for all age levels.
My biggest struggle is getting the meal prepared early. I like to eat before six for health and dieting reasons. But when you work till 4:30 it is difficult to get home and get a good meal prepared quickly.
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One of my favorite things to talk about would be the weather, things that happened that day.,,,,,
we eat together 3-4 times a week–
We like to sit as a family about once a week. Our conversations are “Eat your food ____”fill in the blank with the name of whichever one of my kids is not eating.
Entered summer reading tips giveaway #1
Please ignore my previous comment regarding the deadline. Careless me, lol.
Entered summer reading tips giveaway #2
Entered summer reading tips giveaway #3
Entered summer reading tips giveaway #4
Entered summer reading tips giveaway #5
We eat dinner together every day! We’ve made this a priority.
We usually eat together around four times a week and we talk about school and what going on in their lives.
We try to eat together every night hubby isn’t working (3-4).
I live alone but love the Macaroni Grill dinners because one package gives me more than one meal and is great on my budget! I’ve told many of my retired friends about the value and taste. We don’t have the restaurants in the Northeast but was happy to see the dinners in the store
We eat together four or more nights a week, and talk about whatever comes to mind. The kids can be very entertaining 🙂
Thanks for the chance!!
We try to eat together 5 days a week.
We try to eat together 5 times per week but usually it is more like 3 because of soccer, karate or t-ball! Thanks for the chance!
Our favorite thing to talk about at dinner is what we did that day! Thanks!
I am an email subscriber. Thanks!
I entered Summer Reading tips #1
I entered summer reading tips #2
I entered summer reading tips #3
I entered summer reading tips #4
I entered summer reading tips #5
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i try to eat with the boys every day of the week when possible.
we usually talk about the events of the day
My biggest difficulty is a combination of laziness mixed with a lack of inspiration. Deciding what to make is the worst.
We have dinner together anywhere from every night to just a few times a week, depending on what everyone is doing. The kids are older now and have stuff going on.
We talk about anything really, we laugh a lot at the table. Why, just last night we talked about my daughter’s boyfriend, where he’s at, what he’s doing. We talked about new technology, we made light of serious issues, talked about the vacation we just had, etc. Whatever comes up, but we always enjoy each other.
I am google following you.
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I keep trying to fave you on technorati, but that doggone monster escaped again. Also, do you realize your not small print at the end says this offer doesn’t include designer sunglasses? Kind of rude, you know – I always get designer sunglasses with my Macaroni Grill, especially if I order the tiramisu. 😉
technorati finally worked! Persistence pays! Entry #2 for techno!
entry #3 for technorati.
But I still sorta want designer sunglasses now. hehe.
I entered the ten summer reading tips contest
entry #2 for entering the reading tips McGraw-Hill
entry #3 for mcgraw-hill
entry #4 for mcgraw hill
entry #5 for mcgraw hill
We eat dinner together as a family everyday. Our biggest challenge is trying to decided what to make. I have no problem preparing dinner it is that I can never come up with something to make!
We eat together 4-5x/week. And the biggest struggle is trying to please my picky eaters.
My fave is asking how everybody day went, especially my teens.
I commented on the Wii Quipped post on Father of the blog.
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Entered my 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill.
Entered my 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill.
Entered my 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill.
Entered my 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill.
Entered my 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill.
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I commented on the Glitterful Felt Stories $100 BlogHer Scholarship – You Can Win Too! post.
I commented on the Glitterful Felt Stories $100 BlogHer Scholarship – You Can Win Too! post.
Unfortunately, we are only able to eat dinner together once a week (on Fridays).
Since don’t really get to spend much time finding out how everyone’s weeks went, that is what we catch up on at our Friday night dinners.
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Our families are grown and on their own, but my room mate and I eat dinner together almost every night.
1. 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan entry
2 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan entry
3 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan entry
4 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan entry
5 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan entry
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We eat dinner together as a family every night. When it comes to cooking the hardest part is finding something everyone likes.
Honesty we usually just watch a kids movie and talk about our days while we eat dinner.
My biggest struggle is finding something everyone likes! And for cheap! Food prices are so high now that every penny counts and it’s getting harder to plan meals around what’s on sale.
We try to eat together every nite–even if it is just cereal. Feeding my 6 year old and 3 year old picky eaters and my hubby who is meat and potatoes is very tiring after a day at work!
we talk about our day…I can’t wait for my kids to get a little older–I remember we used to “choose a topic” to discuss each day…I want to implement that
I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill
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I entered 10 SUmmer Reading Tips–5
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Jenny Martin
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My biggest struggle in preparing dinner is that we all have very different tastes.
We eat dinner every night together. I always make way too much though.
treasures giveaway
My biggest struggle on preparing dinner for my family is that I just don’t have enough time after working late everyday.
I try to make dinner more exciting by having my daughter make everyone personalized placemats.
what to cook different every day and i eat with my wife every day
We try to eat together at least 5 nights a week. Usually it is every night but sometimes hubby has to work a side job in the evenings.
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My biggest struggle is preparing something that everyone in the family will like. We have a vegetarian, one who hates vegetables of all kinds, and and another who is a meat and potatoes type. It keeps me on my toes! LOL
My favorite thing to talk about at the dinner table is what’s going on with everyone’s lives, it’s nice to relax together and catch up on everyone at the end of the day
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I commented at Father of the Blog on the gift ideas post
We eat together every night. My biggest challenge is preparing a meal on time to fit the schedules of the family.
The biggest struggle is finding new eats. It seems that, sometimes, I get in a rut of fixing the same thing over and over.
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We eat dinner together every night 🙂
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1 I commented on the BlogHer Scholarship
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Entry 5
We eat dinner nearly every night but Sunday together
Mostly my aunt talks about the old days
My family eats dinner together at least 6 nights a week. I think a good family dinner is very important.
At the dinner table we mostly talk about our day, or plans for the next day.
I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill #1
I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill #2
I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill #3
I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill #4
I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips & Treasures Giveaway from MacMillan / McGraw-Hill #5
My biggest struggle in making dinner for my family is finding something that everyone will eat, including the picky eaters.
I like to discuss what everyone did that day at dinner.
It helps us to keep up with what everyone is doing.
We eat ALL our meals at home together around the table. It is a VERY rare occaision for us to go out to eat. My main challenge is that I cook way too much food and we all over-eat too often.
This one is easy, we eat together as a family about 360 days a year!
We talk about NASCAR racing, racing and oh yeah NASCAR racing.
We eat dinner as a family every weekday night. The hardest meal time activity for me is the planning process.
Generally we talk about what happened during the day and discuss plans for the next day.
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