My Experience with 4X Pro-B - Divine Lifestyle
Health + Wellness

My Experience with 4X Pro-B

I posted a few weeks ago about my experience so far with and purchasing 4X Pro-B:

4x Pro-B – Probiotics in My Life


Since I have been taking the 4X Pro-B for several weeks, I have noticed several things. First I feel more energetic. I take 4X Pro-B with a daily multi-vitamin. My energy level has definitely increased.

Next, I have also noticed that I haven't been getting that bloated feeling after eating any more. Well at least not as much. Hardly at all, in fact. This is wonderful. I have been eating better but some foods still give me a bloated feeling.

Both of these things combined together mean that this is something I will continue to take. I like it and I feel like it works for me.


We are grilling out much more. We love using our grill so much in fact that we have had to buy more propane and more wood chips (we grill both ways). We plan our meals out each week and are planning things that can really only be grilled out.

See that picture above? That is Balsamic Glazed Pork Tenderloin. Seriously delicious.

We are also walking and just generally moving more as a family. We have been taking walks in our neighborhood every day or so but at least five times per week. It has been fun getting the kids involved. After I take them walking, I usually speed walk around the neighborhood a few times to get my heart rate going.

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This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBIAS All opinions are my own.

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2 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. Eileen

    Oh I am on the lookout for a good Pro B again. Stomach issues and taking antibiotics really mess me up and I know they work. I just forget and never know what ones are good. Thanks for the review. Good timing for me!

  2. Alicia

    We need to purchase a new grill! Your post makes me want to get another grill right away. I love how easy clean up is with grilling and of course the taste is awesome!

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