Valentine’s Day Printable Coloring Pages
Valentine's Day Printable Coloring Pages Valentine's Day is a time of fun, joy, and love. There are many reasons why people of all ages enjoy Valentine's Day coloring pages and we've listed a few...
Pacifiers are called “papi's” in our house. Not sure why but it has always been that way. My four year old tells us that she has given up the “papi” for the most part because she is a big girl. But there are times when she says “Today I am a little girl.” This was one of those days.
LOL, that is a cute pic.
What beautiful eyes and lashes, just incredible. Happy WW
OMG that is too funny. How did she get all of those to stick??
Back Road New England Stone Wall – Moomette’s Magnificents
my dh made charlotte give up hers just after three…it was harder on me!
Haha. That’s so cute.
That’s a good one 🙂
absolutely love it!!
my son has done this too
She is very beautiful!
HA! So cute. I told my daughter a little story about how her paci went away and got lost and will never come back just so she’ll stop using them! lol
Oh funny! my son likes to put two in his mouth at the same time, he’s only two. He calls them “num nums” ?
Please don’t take offense, but you’re daughter has a really big mouth to fit that many pacifiers, or they’re making them a lot smaller these days than when I was a kid. Too cute.
that is too funny
Stopping over from momdot. Happy WW
here’s mine
how funny!!