Wordless Wednesday (Ok Not Really Wordless) - The Curious Case of the Forgery with Linky - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Wordless Wednesday (Ok Not Really Wordless) – The Curious Case of the Forgery with Linky

It was an odd day. My five year old, extremely talkative daughter was very quiet on the way home from school.

“Are you sick?” I asked her.

She shook her head no.

“Are you tired?” I then tried.

Again, she shook her head no.

I was stumped. What the heck was wrong with my child?

Finally, it hit me.

“What color were you today in school?”

No answer from the back seat.

This was not good.

My child who was not talking had surely gotten in trouble for talking at school.

This is what I saw in her agenda when we got home (although note that I took the picture today after she got home – she was green for good behavior today):

Wow! This was her first one of the year. I mean, we know the kid is a talker. She is my daughter, after all. And she yaps non-stop at home. But until yesterday, she was able to control herself at school.

Apparently, she was also very ashamed about this because even though I had already seen it, she didn't want to bother me with having to sign it. I saw her doing some scribbling in her agenda and then promptly forgot about it as I immersed myself in helping with homework, dinner, baths, etc.

I was packing their bags for school the next day when I came across this:

Not sure how in the world she thought that this forgery would make it past her teacher! And? My name is spelled BACKWARDS!!!

Needless to say, we had a long talk with our chatty child about listening to her teachers and how she will never make it as a professional forger. We also talked about what being honest means and how she is NEVER to try to forge anyone's signature EVER again.

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