Worldwide Games You Can Play No Matter Where You Travel
Worldwide Games You Can Play No Matter Where You Travel With media connecting people worldwide, gaming is a great way to pass the time on long road trips or plane rides. Some games are...
My friend Desiree seriously has more energy than anyone I know. She exhausts me sometimes just watching her.
She is funny. She is kind. She is the life of any party. She organizes fabulous events.
Now I am convinced she is a genius. I just had to share this with everyone.
Desiree gave one of these below to every person in our group to carry with us during the BlogHer conference this past week in San Diego. It was simple (just a ring & hole punch) and so effective for keeping business cards together. I even put the cards of the people I need to connect with right away in the front for easy access.
Organizing business cards has never been easier. Now I can make one of these for each conference and really keep things organized. If you attend conferences and events, like me, you need to do this for yourself ASAP!
Thanks again, Des. You really are fabulous!!!
For more inspiring photos, check: The Bonafide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Momblog, High Impact Mom, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories
Other Wordless Wednesday places to link up: