Wordless Wednesday – Pet Shop Kids
We love spending time in pet shops. We don't buy anything but we love seeing what animals they have. This is a local, small pet store that supports the community and offers AKC puppies...
My friend Desiree seriously has more energy than anyone I know. She exhausts me sometimes just watching her.
She is funny. She is kind. She is the life of any party. She organizes fabulous events.
Now I am convinced she is a genius. I just had to share this with everyone.
Desiree gave one of these below to every person in our group to carry with us during the BlogHer conference this past week in San Diego. It was simple (just a ring & hole punch) and so effective for keeping business cards together. I even put the cards of the people I need to connect with right away in the front for easy access.
Organizing business cards has never been easier. Now I can make one of these for each conference and really keep things organized. If you attend conferences and events, like me, you need to do this for yourself ASAP!
Thanks again, Des. You really are fabulous!!!
For more inspiring photos, check: ย The Bonafide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Momblog, High Impact Mom, Colorado Moms, Rajean Blomquist and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories
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I saw gals with these! Very smart.
Aw, thanks Stacie…I really can’t take credit–saw it at BlogHer the year before and was determined not to forget it this time. Something else I learned from another blogger this year: there’s an app that lets you take pics of the biz card and it will essentially act like a scanner and put it in your database for you! way cool, right? She said it was called shoeboxed. Check it out if you want…I splurged and bought a biz card scanner which you are welcome to borrow any time…soon as I’m done scanning the thousands of cards sitting in ziploc bags all around my office. ๐
thanks also for the kind words about me. love you girl!
Such a fabulous idea!
Such a genius idea! I am so glad I got to meet you, hot stuff!
Genius, wasn’t it? Sebastian was just as excited about that as the toys I brought home. Really.
Interesting idea
I love it! cool!!!
Love it! I so need a hole puncher. My husband uses some phone app that takes a picture of the business cards and scans in the info. I haven’t tested it out yet.
YES!! I used one at BlogHer last year and loved it so much that I have taken it to every conference since. It’s a life saver….and people think I’m totally cool for using it, too. lol
so smart!!
That is so simply brilliant!
That is just brilliant!
That is one of those ideas that is so simple and effective that you wonder how you didn’t think of it earlier.
Thanks for sharing.
Wow! That is such a neat idea!
I’m going to lots of conferences this fall…I’m going to have to do this!
What a great idea!! Genius!
What a brilliant idea. I wish I’d hate something like this during my years as a loan officer. Super handy!
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
I love it! I’ll definitely do that next year.
simple and efficient. What a good idea
I love this idea because you can just attach this ring to your belt, purse strap, etc. and not have to worry about the cards getting lost or mixed up with other stuff. Great idea!!! Wish I’d thought of it!!!! ๐
Great organizational tips!
I got one of these from @TauniTweets during Mom 2.0 this year. It really is a fabulous idea!!
I love that idea. Des needs to start selling them on her site! I’d buy one! Yeah…I’m that non-crafty. lol
I had one of these! LOVE IT!
What an easy idea!
Nice! I’ve done several Expo’s too and they end up being so unorganized!
What a great idea!
What a genius idea!
Clever and handy. WTG!
LOVE that idea! Now if I could just get myself that organized…
What a simple and fabulous idea! I never know what to do with the cards when I get them. They are usually all over my pockets and purse.
Totally stealing this! I have a stack still from Brands And Bloggers Summit last month and wondered what I would do with all the cards!
Oh that’s GENIUS! Love it! ๐
Sweet – simple and really effective! Thanks for the great idea.
That is a really neat idea!
Such a great idea!!
Pretty Genius!!! ๐
What a great idea!! I’ll definitely use this tip ๐
I love simple ways to organize things we all have! This is perfect!
Thanks for stopping by my WW post too!
I’ll bet a lot of ladies at Blogher wish they had that same idea!
If you have that many cards that’s a fantastic idea.
Love simple! I bet it would also work for coupons/per trip, not for storage. I might try it out!
That is GENIUS!!!!
That is a great idea for organizing! Business Cards get out of control quick!
that is an awesome idea!
That’s exactly how I did my business cards at BlogHer last month. ๐