Windex, Pledge & Mommy's Little Helper Gives You a Clean Home - Divine Lifestyle

Windex, Pledge & Mommy’s Little Helper Gives You a Clean Home

Windex Pledge 5      This shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

We are a busy family. With three kids active in a variety of sports and activities, it sure seems easy for the housecleaning or having a clean home to fall by the wayside. That has happened to us many times.

Busy lives mean we have less time to clean. Windex® and Pledge® products give us an #InstaClean by helping us clean our house more efficiently with much less effort. These products help make our lives easier and our jobs more efficient. It really helps to have great products when teaching our kids how to help clean our home.

As a mom, cleaning is just not something that I enjoy but I have to say that sometimes my kids really love it. I feel that teaching them to clean also teaches them responsibility and is preparing them to be responsible adults.

Below is the chore chart that we have hanging in our house. We use a whiteboard because sometimes our kids like swapping chores and as long as everything gets done, we are good with that.

I love that my kids take pride in our home and do their chores (mostly) when they should. We all feel a sense of accomplishment when our dirty glass door or countertops become clean and clear. The accomplishment is because of Windex® and Pledge.®

Windex and PledgeABOUT WINDEX®

Windex® Original, America’s #1 glass cleaner, is trusted by generations for its famous streak-free shine. It is perfect for cleaning glass and a lot of other things as well. The key ingredient, Ammonia-D® starts working on dirt even before you wipe. The comfort trigger, easy-grip bottle and angled tube means you get more shine out of every bottle.

Windex Pledge 6


Spray your favorite Windex® cleaner on windows or glass surfaces, and then wipe it off with newspaper (our preference). Make certain to use enough Windex® to remove all the dirt. You can also use untreated paper towels or lint-free cotton cloths for a streak-free shine. Old cotton diapers are great to use as well.



Pledge® multi-surface removes dust, messes, fingerprints, smudges and smears, without leaving any residue. The Glade Rainshower fragrance freshens your home with the clean, fresh scent of spring rain while you dust and clean.

It is safe for use on:

  • Wood
  • Wood Laminate
  • Glass Mirrors
  • Stainless Steel
  • Plastics
  • Granite
  • Marble
  • Electronics Surfaces
  • Chrome
  • & more

Get natural beauty every time you dust with Pledge® Furniture Polish and their patented formula. This formula contains cleansing conditioners to gently remove dust, smudges, and dirt. Pledge® Furniture Polish helps protect against ordinary wear, water spills, and stains while giving your wood furniture the care it deserves plus bringing out/helping to preserve its natural beauty. This formula offers no residue build up and no wax.

Good for a variety of surfaces, including today's lighter contemporary woods like:

  • Pine
  • Teak
  • Oak
  • Walnut

Windex Pledge Windex Pledge 4 Windex Pledge 2 Windex Pledge 3


All of the Windex® and Pledge® products mentioned in this post are included in the Kroger Mega Event. You can buy 4 and save $4. Buy your Windex® from 11/3-11/15 and get Pledge® from 11/10-12/27.


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1 Comment Leave a Comment »

  1. Dandi D

    I actually really enjoy cleaning, but yes, finding the time to do it is really a chore!

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