What Motivates You to Succeed in Life
What Motivates You to Succeed in Life Success comes in many forms. While culturally, success is identified in dollars and cents, there are other ways to look at whether you’ve achieved a successful life....
At this time of year, online shopping is a must for me. I have three children, volunteer and work a full time job. I am busy and as a result, I don’t get the luxury of shopping in stores.
So I love online shopping and I don’t buy a thing before checking to see if I can go through Upromise. Have you heard of Upromise?
Upromise by Sallie Mae is a rewards program that can help you earn cash back from popular online retailers such as Bed, Bath & Beyond, Target.com, Macy’s, Best Buy and more. While you’re ordering holiday gifts online, you can earn money for college which can be applied to Sallie Mae student loan repayment, savings accounts, eligible 529 college savings plans or even request a check.
To date, I have saved a little over $2000 for my children's college funds. I started saving in 2002 when I joined shortly after finding out I was pregnant. I even got my parents to join in and help save as well.
First, by starting all your online shopping at Upromise.com you can get up to 5%, or more of your eligible purchases, back in addition to great deals.
Then, since Upromise has so many free shipping offers, online coupons and on Dec. 10th and 17th, college saving rewards will double to 10% at featured online partners such as Macy’s, Finish Line, and Harry & David.
How great is that? I am going to save even more at the stores I shop at every day.
Make sure to download RewardU, which will remind you where you can save with Upromise while shopping online!
To help keep consumers in the green, Upromise will feature a free shipping day on Dec. 12th, aggregating dozens of retailers’ free shipping offerings in one place.
Upromise is free to join and members have earned nearly $800 million in cash back for college including $14 million during the holidays last year.
Upromise compensated me for this post. The opinions are my own.
I’ve been using Upromise for years now and have a nice chuck saved up!
I’ve had a UPromise account for many years. It’s an awesome program! And you can never go wrong with a free shipping day!
Looks like a great deal! Anything that can save money is always a good thing. Do you know if they have a mobile app?
I signed up for Upromise years ago and have never taken advantage of it – I so need to especially having 5 kids! Thank you for the reminder.
I have an account and help save for my grand kids.
I have signed up seems great… Upromise seems like a great program,
I have had a uPromise account for years. Thank you for the reminder to check on it and see how I can earn additional funds
Thank you for reminding me about Upromise! I’ve had an account there since just after my own college days, but now that I have a baby girl who will be eyeing college in about 15 years, it’s time to update everything and get serious about using it!
This is such a brilliant way to save for your kid’s school! We all love cash back; and i love that it takes it and puts it into a savings fun for their college future!
What a cool idea and a great way to help save for college while doing the shopping you need to do! I love it!
Neat idea I have seen it around from time to time but never really knew much about it. Anything to save for these kids future is good cause I know Sallie and them personally lol
I joined uPromise years and years ago, I still have my original keytags from my grocery stores! I should check and see how much it has all added up to over the last decade!
I’ve been using UPromise for years to save!
I got an account years ago and have never done anything with it. I really need to put it to use with a couple of college bound kids.
You definitely should Brandy! It is such an easy way to earn money for college for your kids. And there is not much that you need to past setting up the account. They have a toolbar and you can put your credit card info in there.
5% cashback is awesome!
I have a UPromise account that I always forget to use! That is awesome that you’ve been able to save so much up!
That is amazing how much you have saved. I really need to get on this program.
we started doing upromise before we had kids, believe it or not!!
we started doing upromise before we had kids, believe it or not!!
Thank you for sharing! We have a uPromise card that we use.
We don’t have Upromise but it looks like I need to look into it. Anything to help save for college!
I do not currently use UPromise, but we need to check into it. I have one in college and two that will be there shortly. Any program that puts money toward college is okay with me.
I believe our local grocer has this program.
What a great organization. Thank you for sharing.
I’m signed up with them, but keep forgetting to check in there before shopping. Grr! Thanks so much for the reminder before holiday shopping starts!
I have GOT to start using this! I just did 90% of my holiday shopping online (avoiding the crowds so my prego belly doesn’t get bumped by someone or a cart). Checking it out now so I can start saving for my two kids!
I started a Upromise account too late but I firmly believe in it. It’s totally worth doing and I think everyone should set it up!
Man, this is something that I think about all the time but haven’t done yet. How great would it be to give this to my kids when they go to college.
I absolutely need to start thinking about this soon. My daughter is 8 and I haven’t even begun. Time to get on it.
This is such a great program. I know I signed up a while ago but keep forgetting!
I don’t have an account on uPromise and i really want to join it, thanks for posting such a good blog.
catalog shopping
I need to remember to use Upromise more often!
What a great way to help save for college while doing the shopping you need to do!
Wow I had no idea! I need to discuss this with my hubby! I love that you can shop and save money at the same time!
It i great to use programs like Upromise to save for college expenses.
i have one of these accounts, but i often tend to forget about it. thanks for the reminder. such a great program!
I love that not only do you get to save with UPromise but you get 5% back when shopping, which is a generous amount!
I signed up for Upromise when I first had Mary!
I keep forgetting to sign up with Upromise. Thank you for the reminder and I will take a look into them for the coming year.