Mamavation – I am the New Mamavation Mom
I am the new Mamavation mom. Well I am one of them anyway. I am so excited about the possibilities and the chance to change my life. The next week will be busy. Very...
February is National Children’s Dental Health month and Tom’s of Maine is teaming up with Oral Health America (OHA) to share healthy brushing habits and oral care prevention information. But as a busy parent, I pretty much need to make every month National Children’s Dental Health month in this household.
Tom’s of Maine is all about teaching natural oral care with an engaging coloring book called “Brushing Fun” for kids of all ages which you can download from their site for free. Launching in February, each free download of the book will donate 10 tubes of Wicked Cool! natural toothpaste in addition to a one-time donation of $50,000 to Oral Health America to OHA in support of its Smiles Across America program. How great is that?
As parents, we know that good brushing habits are a key part of a healthy bedtime routine and as big fans Tom’s of Maine, we are thrilled to celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month.
After receiving a $5,000 loan from a friend in 1970, Tom and Kate Chappell launched Tom’s of Maine, starting with non-phosphate laundry detergent and later, most famously, an all-natural toothpaste. Throughout its history, the company’s operations have remained in Kennebunkport, and the company’s mission has remained the same—to create practical everyday products that won’t harm the environment. (You won’t find animal ingredients, peroxides, or artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, or preservatives in any Tom’s of Maine products.) One thing that has changed is the ownership: Since 2006, Tom’s of Maine has been a subsidiary of Colgate Palmolive.
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We love Tom’s of Maine products. Their deodorant is our favorite but their toothpaste is good too.
Toms of Maine is an awesome brand. I have been using their toothpaste for many years.
We love Tom’s of Maine products! They kids like the strawberry flavored toothpaste!
I cannot tell you how much I love Toms! My girls will only ask me to buy them this toothpaste. Of course each girl has a different flavor.
Tom’s has such great products! We have the toothpaste for my son and he loves the flavors. (I love that it cleans his teeth so well.)
This toothpaste sounds awesome and I love the coloring books. The flavors are sure to please!
We know a lot about Tom’s at our house! We love using the toothpaste and the mouthwash!
I think we have only used their toothpaste. In fact I think a dentist may have given it too us. But I would love to try their other products.
That is what we use now. The Fluoride free version
I didn’t know February was national children’s dental health month! VERY cool! We like Tom’s of Maine and the fact that you won’t find animal ingredients, peroxides, or artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, or preservatives in their products.
We’ve never tried Tom’s of Maine, but I keep hearing such good things about it. My kids are weird about the flavor of their toothpaste. It can’t be too strong of a mint taste. I’m wondering if they’d prefer this.
Sounds really great! I wish I could find something like that here. My kids would love that more than our usual I think! I haven’t heard of this brand before!
For the last year or more, we are Tom’s converts! We love their toothpaste and will not go back to other brands!
They have some great products. Love the brand.
What my boys love about Tom’s is that it’s in flavors other than mint. They hate mint but it’s hard to find toothpaste in other flavors.
we love TOMS in this house. they have such great products!!!!!!
I only use Toms deodorant – all natural!! I will be giving their toothpaste a try!
I have heard about Toms of Maine so many times but never tried it. I’m not sure why! I will pick some up on the next shopping trip we take for tooth paste! Why not! 🙂
I just love seeing them all brush their teeth and get excited about natural products. That is something worth smiling about.
My kids tried Toms of Maine and they weren’t fans of the strawberry flavor, but I like if myself. I ended up using their toothpaste
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