Liberty Mutual Moving Preparedness
Join the Liberty Mutual #LetsMasterThis Moving Preparedness Twitter Chat 9.5.18 2 pm-3 pm We are back with another fun Twitter chat. This time we are talking about moving. Growing up military, I am no...
We are a very busy family. It seems like every single day of the week, we have an activity. We really do.
As a result, we spend a lot of time in the car. This also means that my car is full of kid stuff. Lots and lots of kid stuff.
Some of this includes coats, sweaters, shoes, sports gear, backpacks, water bottles, lunchboxes and sports gear. My car does not always smell that good. In fact after my son gets in the car from practice and takes those shoes off, I sometimes to need crack a window. I cannot be in close quarters when his shoes are around.
What is interesting is that I use Bounce all of the time. I love it. I especially love the smell and I use it for other things as well. But up until a few months ago, it never occurred to me to use it in my car. I mean I had before just because I like the smell but I have not continually used it.
What I recently did was add it to my sons lacrosse bag and to both daughters soccer bags. I also put them in my son's shoes and to the back cargo area of the car. If I could add them to lining of my son's shoes, I would do that too but what I have done so far has really worked.
Every week, I refresh the Bounce sheets and it has been great. This is definitely a time where I have bounced back from a smelly car.
As always, keep Bounce out of the reach of children and pets. Hang the sheet freely or place in an open envelope to avoid direct contact with fabrics.
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I love these ideas! I am going to try some.. first I have to see if sticking a sheet between the toilet roll will help keep things fresh in my son’s bathroom! Boys.. ahh!
Love your post and Vine video. I haven’t put Bounce sheets in my kids shoes before. Going to do that right now. Thanks for the great ideas.
Under my car seat!??! I love that idea!