Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies

Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies

Reading is a cornerstone of a child's development, offering a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond academic success. There are key reasons why reading is so crucial. Reading is a powerful tool that empowers children to become confident, knowledgeable, and empathetic individuals. Reading stimulates the brain, improving memory, concentration, and critical thinking skills. Exposure to new words helps children build a rich vocabulary, essential for effective communication. Understanding the written word is fundamental for success in school and beyond. Reading about different characters and their experiences helps children understand diverse perspectives and emotions. Immersing oneself in a story can be a form of escape and relaxation. Reading sparks creativity and allows children to explore new worlds. We hope this Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies post inspires you.

Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies

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Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies

Reading proficiency is essential for success in all subjects. Reading for pleasure cultivates a lifelong passion for knowledge. Shared reading experiences create special moments and memories. Discussing books with others enhances conversation and language skills. Children who read regularly tend to perform better academically. Reading helps children learn to evaluate information and sources critically.

Reading Tips from Treasures Author Tim Shanahan

Summer Reading Tips from Tim Shanahan, author of Macmillan/McGraw-Hill’s best-selling elementary reading program, Treasures, and past president of the International Reading Association. Treasures is a research-based, comprehensive Reading Language Arts program for grades K-6 that gives educators the resources they need to help all students succeed. High-quality literature coupled with explicit instruction and ample practice ensures that students grow as lifelong readers and writers. 

Summer Reading Programs Near Me

  • Read Together! Summer usually allows families to spend more time together. This is a great opportunity to read more with your kids to help keep their skills fresh. Children learn a lot when you read to them. Even if your child can read by himself, take turns reading to each other, and be sure to talk about what you are reading. Ask questions, answer questions and explore the ideas together.
  • Share the Experience. As kids get older, help them find books, magazines, or newspaper articles that they would enjoy reading. Take the time to read them too so you can discuss them. The point is to share the reading experience.

Have You & Your Children Joined the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge?

  • Ask Questions. Even if you are not reading the same books they are, talk to your children about what they are reading. Ask them questions such as what happened in the story or what might happen next, who is their favorite character, or who is the villain. This builds summarization and recall skills, and your interest helps increase their interest.
  • Designate a Reading Spot. Create a summer reading nook or spot in your home where your child can read. Make sure there is good light and comfortable seating and try to set aside one TV/video-game-free night per week for family reading. Reading night can be a special snack night, too. There is nothing better than reading with a big bowl of popcorn!
Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies

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  • Use Resources. If your children’s school program provides materials for home activities over the summer, absolutely use them. Additionally, you can help your children have more fun reading and enjoy summer with free bookmarks.
  • Find Reading Opportunities Everywhere. If you are taking a trip this summer, grab brochures and maps and have your children read them aloud with you.
  • Leverage Pop Culture. Don’t ignore the value of graphic novels or popular series like the Twilight books or Harry Potter. These are great ways to encourage adolescents to read more.
  • Plan an Outcome Activity. Whether you are reading to your children or they are reading themselves, plan an outcome event or activity based on the reading. For instance, if the book has been made into a movie, watch the DVD together after reading the book. Book reading can lead to picnics, museum visits, ballgames or even family vacations.

This is Where I Leave You Book Club

  • Write Letters to Your Children. Writing to your kids is a great opportunity to remind them of experiences that they had when they were younger or to tell them about the lives of older people in the family, like their grandparents. Kids love getting letters and you can even encourage them to write back, helping them practice their writing skills.
  • Mix it up. Don’t just focus on storybooks. Kids often prefer to read about facts rather than fiction, including books and articles about the environment, animals, current events, sports, and other topics. Talk to them about what they like and help them find reading materials that match those interests.
Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies

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Summer Reading Program Resources

Summer Reading Log {PRINTABLE}
Free Summer Reading Programs 2024
Books A Million Summer Reading Program 2024
Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program 2024
All Together Now Summer Reading Program
Panda Express Summer Reading Program
Pizza Hut Summer Reading Program
Library Summer Reading Programs
Scholastic Summer Reading Program

Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies

We hope this Summer Reading Program Tips and Strategies post inspires you. Good luck and happy reading!

Maximizing Your Day: How to Find Time to Read Books Amidst a Busy Schedule

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