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Activision Family Game Summit Recap

Activision Family Game Summit Recap

You may recall that I posted about the summit and ran a really cool giveaway from Activision last week: Activision Family Game Summit 11/7 RSVP Here & WIN! #ATVIFamGames @ATVI_Family I attended my first...

Teaching Kids About Thanksgiving

Teaching Kids About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for what someone has in life.  It is also a day built around family and tradition.  It is important that children understand why this holiday celebrated and...

Free Birds in theaters

Free Birds in theaters

We are movie lovers in this family. In fact, pretty much every movie I see in the theater these days is most definitely a kids movie. I don't mind and I even look forward...

Making Thanksgiving Easy on Everyone

Making Thanksgiving Easy on Everyone

Thanksgiving day can become very stressful, especially when you are taking care of everything by yourself.  It is important to include your family in on all aspects of the day.  This includes getting help...

Fall & Winter Handbags for Under $50

Fall & Winter Handbags for Under $50

Be honest, how many handbags do you have? The general consensus is probably that you just can never have too many! Handbags are the perfect statement pieces that will pull your outfits together. Sometimes...