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20 Halloween Slime Recipes

Spooky Fun: Halloween Slime Recipes You know that we are all about Halloween in this home. I have those kids who pick out next year's costumes after they finish trick or treating this year....

7 ways to stay safer behind the wheel

Driving Safety Tips

Driving Safety Tips Thousands of people are injured or die on the roads each year, so you must do what you can to protect yourself and your family from injury or harm. The more...

Style Tips for a Holiday of a Lifetime

Holiday Fashion Style Tips

Holiday Fashion Style Tips Holidays are a time when we make beautiful memories that we feed on for years to come. Naturally, you’d like to look your best and brightest during your trip, so...

Healthy Active and Fun Date Ideas

Healthy Date Ideas

Healthy Date Ideas Whether you have been married for years and you want to head out on dates together more often to keep the romance going strong, or you are dating and looking for...