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How To Layer Jewelry Like a Pro

How To Layer Jewelry Like a Pro   While fashion trends come and go, others come to stay and become iconic parts of the way we dress and represent ourselves. Some historical examples of...


Should you move to Texas?

Should you move to Texas?   Moving home is a big decision, but if the place you currently live doesn’t feel quite right for you, then it’s much better to uproot than stay somewhere...

pearl necklace

A Complete Guide to Pearl Jewelry

A Complete Guide to Pearl Jewelry For decades, our society has been fascinated by pearls. They were once a mythological symbol for tears of joy by the goddess Aphrodite and soon became the status...

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Must Have Baby Items

Are you looking for baby items must haves or best products for newborn? It's no secret that there are a ton of options out there when it comes to baby gear. I mean it's...