MAMMA MIA Fox Theatre, Atlanta Georgia
MAMMA MIA Fox Theatre in Atlanta Georgia The ultimate feel-good show that has audiences coming back again and again to relive the thrill has returned to Atlanta! Now it’s your turn to have the...
This past weekend, thanks to Olay, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend Oprah's Life You Want Weekend here in Atlanta. I got to see Oprah in person and it was really an uplifting experience.
I have always wanted to see Oprah in person and to see her combined with her trailblazers team of Deepak Chopra, Elizabeth Gilbert, Rob Bell, and Iyanla Vanzant…it just made for a wonderful weekend.
- You co-create your life with the energy of your intention. What’s your real intention? Your life is being shaped by your intentions.
- You are what you believe.
- There is no life without a spiritual life.
- Whatever has happened TO YOU has happened FOR YOU.
“We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Characteristics of Happy People:
- Happy people see opportunities where others see problems.
- Happy people see see life as a gift and live in gratitude.
- Have purpose in life.
- Hard truth about real transformation is that it is never easy, never painless. Change is scary and uncertain.
- All motion brings the risk of injury, which is why we don’t move. We stay in lives that aren’t making us happy.
- You must stop being who you are to become who you are meant to be.
- Hero’s Journey – it’s the “most important story we have as human beings. The hero’s journey doesn’t begin until you begin it! BEGIN!
- Are you planning on being the hero of your own story or are you going to let someone else step in and fill that role?
- The issue isn’t whether you’re a spiritual being but whether your eyes are open to it?
- People often ask – do you believe in miracles? More interesting question is … It’s all a miracle, isn’t it?
- Despair is what happens when the thought enters your mind that tomorrow is going to be just like today. When despair comes knocking…stop, breathe and think …it’s all a miracle, isn’t it?
- The life you want begins by embracing the life you have. The life you have is miraculous. The life you have matters.
- Experience the divine presence in the everyday things. Stop using the every day plates. Use the fine china EVERY DAY. We only have today.
- You want a big life. We all do. It begins with you returning to the first word that was said about you “You have received” For some reason, God has chosen you and given you a gift. You say THANK YOU. You were given YOU. Don’t lose out on the flesh and blood experience of THE GIFT.
- “When you see crazy coming, cross the street!”
- Tell the truth. If you don’t tell the truth people won’t know what you desire. Tell the truth in a way that inspires you, that empowers you.
- When you live your life with integrity, you can be vulnerable. Living with Integrity – means that what you think, what you say, what you do, what you feel are all in alignment.
- We want to blame life. Life does not play tricks on you. YOUR MIND does. Important to master your MIND. Life always tells you truth, your job is to recognize & accept it
- Greatest teachers in life are relationships. Life wants you to clean up your relationships. You have to learn how to forgive.
- Your life is in YOUR hands. Learn how to hold your OWN hand.
Want to see Oprah in a city near you? There are still several stops and tickets left.
As I mentioned above, Olay is one of the Oprah’s Life You Want Tour sponsors and they came with a beautiful message too! Olay’s “Your Best Beautiful” campaign asks women to share “their best beautiful moments and stories” with the hashtag #BestBeautiful. It’s about “putting your best face forward, the best possible version of yourself every day”.