Make Your Own LEGO Minifigure Holiday Card - Divine Lifestyle
Holidays & Shopping

Make Your Own LEGO Minifigure Holiday Card

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of LEGO for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Years ago my son developed a love of LEGO and all things LEGO. We have tons of them. We have the books, the accessories and bins full of the toys.

So when LEGO offered me the opportunity to do some LEGO Minifigure Holiday Cards, I jumped at the chance to create some of these super cute cards

The LEGO Minifigure Family is just the coolest thing ever. Check out my creation for my sister and her family:

To say that I cannot stop making these would sort of be an understatment and now I have gotten all of my friends interested in making them as well.

These cards are so easy to make and they are really fun. The options to customize are vast with hair and hearwear, skin color, facial expression and more. Next you choose the clothes by picking a top first and then a bottom. There a lot of options which makes it easy for everyone to look a little different.

Finally you set the scene. You can choose the scene to really show off your family and they have many backgrounds to choose from. Once that is done then let the sharing begin.

I downloaded all my creations which are automatically saved to my computer as a JPEG but you can also share on social media or email to someone as well.



Getting started is so easy. Make your own LEGO Minifigure Family right now:


Click on Get Started.

Add your family and then you can customize from there!

Have fun and happy holidays!

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27 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. These are so cute! What a fun way to make a great holiday card. I can’t wait to design one for the family.

  2. I have seen these floating around Facebook. They look like lots of fun!

  3. Curby Aardvark

    I love LEGO; I think I’ll make one of these for a friend. πŸ˜›

  4. Curby Aardvark

    I love LEGO; I think I’ll make one of these for a friend. πŸ˜›

  5. These are so adorable! What a fun activity!

  6. I love how easy this looks. My kids and I will have a great time creating our family tonight.

  7. I love your Lego family. This is such a cute idea for virtual cards.

  8. I let my 4 year old son help customize each of our family characters. He loved it!

  9. Ave

    This is so cool! Will go and check them out! Thanks for a great review!

  10. This is so cute LEGO family .. just a wonderful way to make a holiday card
    Thanks for sharing!!

  11. o yea i seen this a while ago, & my daughter created a family, she rally liked doing it

  12. I need to do this. my son loves legos so much.

  13. My son loves his legos. I know he would love this also!

  14. We are a family who is CRAZY about Legos! My son and I especially love legos and play together for hours every week . He actually found this the other day and I kid you not spent hours making our family and more.

  15. These are so cute! I really like the igloo background! My daughter was looking over my shoulder and shrieked “Can we do that?”…LOL

  16. My son and his friend did this the other day, they had a blast!

  17. We made one of these for our family. My youngest is a big Lego fan – pretty much everything from Santa is Lego’s.

  18. This is super popular – I’ve been seeing it everywhere. Cool idea. My hubby is into Lego.

  19. Lexie Lane

    My son isn’t into legos yet but this is good to know. I’m sure he’ll get there. Thanks!

  20. My son would love this. I will have to make a card for him. Thanks for sharing.

  21. katherine

    This is a really cute idea. I love legos so much!

  22. So cute! I will be making a card that I will post in my office’s facebook page. It will be a blast!

  23. This is so neat! My step son is a huge lego fan. Its a great way to stimulate the brain.

  24. Sheila

    My 5 year old love lego. this is a very cool gift for kids and they get to play this until 8 maybe

  25. kathy @

    Our house loves all things lego! I’m sure the kids will see this and go gAGA all over it!! so cute!

  26. I love your Lego family. I had fun making my family the other day

  27. Such a fun idea for a holiday card, my little guy loves lego and he would have a blast making a lego family.

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