Always Like a Girl Campaign
Always Like a Girl Campaign Keep Playing is a mantra that I have lived by my entire life. My father had two girls and he never treated us like girls. He said that we...
I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I write this post. And honestly I don't know why.
Four years ago today, my beautiful, vibrant daughter had open heart surgery to repair a defect called Tetralogy of Fallot. Read more about it on my post Giving Back or check out my previous celebration post: Happy Heart Day!
Every time I see this picture I can barely contain myself. Look at that beautiful face!
Everything is fine. I am lucky. We are lucky. My daughter is lucky!
My daughter will need another surgery once her heart stops growing which will be when she is around 18-20 years of age. But by then, I cannot even imagine the technological advances that would have been made. It is within the realm of possibility that the entire surgery could be done laparoscopically (through the belly button or some other tiny incision).
Our child is thriving. In fact, some might say she rules the roost. She really does.
Yet every year now on this day I reflect and give thanks. I am so thankful that my daughter was able to have the surgery that she desperately needed to stay alive.
I am so thankful to the doctors and nurses who performed the surgery and took care of my child afterwards.
I am forever indebted to all of the wonderful people in my life who provided support during this time.
Mostly, I am thankful that I have this child. Even with all of the stress and everything that our family went through, especially my daughter, I would do it all again. In a second. Just to have this beautiful child in my life.
I love you Laurel! I am so proud, humbled and honored to be your mother. Every. Single. Day.
I am lucky.
Happy Heart Day, everyone!
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Stacie I had no idea we had this in common. Or did I? As a mother of a heart baby, I can relate to this post. Congrats on four years of success! I saw that first picture of your girl and teared up as well. I know what it’s like to hand over your child to the nurses before surgery, to wait for those phone calls in the waiting room to say everything is okay, and to sit by the bed and watch that precious baby going through so much pain. Thankfully she more than likely won’t remember that surgery since she was so young at the time.. My son who is now five just had his second surgery and is now terrified of going to the doctor because he remembers it. We’re getting ready for another one in about six months or less, and I can’t even bear to think about telling him that he has to go through all of that again. Hugs to you both!
Oh I am sorry about your son. Thankfully my daughter was four months old at the time so she has no memories. I, on the other hand, can remember that exact moment where they wheeled her into surgery. I can barely explain it but I am sure that you can relate.
Good luck to you and your son with his next surgery! 🙂
My 7-year old granddaughter, Lacey, was born with a hole in her heart that didn’t heal. They did open heart surgery on her when she was 7 months old. I have photos here on my desk at work that look much like the one you have posted on your blog. It was terrifying to me to have her in that drug-induced coma, as well as seeing what seemed to be hundreds of tubes coming from various places on her body (and that emergency access tube that was in her jugular vein). I’m amazed at all of the problems we have as a result of her open heart surgery – she has filling in many of her teeth, and when those filling were put in, she couldn’t be anesthesized. What?? Somehow that heart problem is the cause of those teeth needing those fillings, and the thought of having that done without anesthesia is terrifying to me.
Not quite the same things as you are going through, but again, the photo took me back that that then 7-month old who just turned 7 years old.
beautiful!! Definitely a blessed day!!!
My son had a ball playing with her today. She was so sweet to share her bubbles with him… God has blessed you with 3 beautiful little angels!!! Hugs to you and the family!!! 🙂
My friend’s daughter had open heart surgery at 6 months of ago. I honestly cannot imagine going through that. It makes me feel so lucky and blessed to have my relatively calm life. I am certain that by the time she needs another surgery the medical advances will be beyond our imagination. She is a doll – as are all your kids!
Such a tough thing for a tiny baby to have to go through. I can’t imagine that emotional strength that must have required to get you through it. She is growing into a beautiful little girl!
Blessings to you and your family. Your daughter’s loving energy comes through in the photos. I can’t imagine what it was like to see her go through a life-saving surgery when she was so young.
Your children are beautiful and your daughter is very lucky…but they are also lucky to have you for their mama! I can’t even imagine going through it, I was a reck just having a c section!
I can’t even imagine having to go through that. How scary and one of a parent’s worst fears. What a blessing that she is so happy and healthy and that in the years they will develop something so easy it will be outpatient surgery.
Bless her sweet heart! That pic of her as a baby with the stitches is heart breaking. How did you ever get through that! It’s amazing to see her 4 years later. Happy heart day to you and your family!!
I Like Krystyn cannot imagine what it was like for you on that day,
You and your beautiful family are truly blessed.
I hope there was cake for heart day.
This is beautiful, Stacie! I’m so glad that your daughter is thriving, and I’m praying that the next surgery goes just as well!
What a wonderful thing to celebrate. She is beautiful!
I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been or how thankful you are now. Happy “anniversary”!
I can’t imagine going through that. My eldest spent a week in the NICU and it felt like a year. It’s so tough to see them with all those tubes coming out of their tiny bodies. Good for you guys to be celebrating coming through all that! Your daughter is a precious gift 🙂
I can’t even imagine what it must have been like for you to go through this. Wonderful to hear how much she is thriving-love the pictures!
I can’t even imagine how you would’ve felt at that time. But good to know she’s fine. God bless her and you too. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your story, and your thanks. It makes me pause and say thanks for all my good fortune. God Bless you, Laurel and your family.
She is gorgeous! You are so brave to have gone through this journey with her.
I cant even imagine what it took you to write this and previous posts about the surgery and recovery. I find it extremely difficult to write about my kids’ medical problems or emergencies
Wow she’s the meaning of a miracle. So glad she’s doing well.
She is truly beautiful and she’s obviously very lucky to have such a wonderful. Thank you for posting this as a reminder to all of us to be grateful everyday for all the blessings we have in our lives.
Got teary-eyed after reading your post! This is exactly what every mother will tell to their children. I’m happy that you and your family surpass that difficult trial. She is a miracle. All our children are miracle, and we are all a miracle! Let’s always be grateful on all the blessing we receive every day. 🙂
Huge hugs to you, Stacie. What a beautiful post, I’m so happy for you and your daughter.
How touching is this. Your daughter is absolutely precious, bless her little heart! 🙂