How Often Should You Wash Your Clothes?
How Often Should You Wash Your Clothes?
Does anyone else hate when you get that water bill in the mail and it's absolutely through the roof? I know I certainly do and that is why I began to think of ways that I could cut down my use of water each month. I am going to be sharing with you what we found were things that we could wear a few times without washes in between, and what needed to be washed every time. We hope that this How Often Should You Wash Your Clothes post inspires you.

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How Often Should You Wash Your Clothes?
To reduce water usage, my family began taking shorter showers, turning off the water while we brushed our teeth, and what I think helped the most was reducing the amount of laundry we did. Yes, you read that correctly. We began washing fewer clothes by seeing what did not need to be washed every time we wore them and what could be held off for a bit.
Most know that denim such as our everyday jeans do not need to be washed after every use and wear, but some don't. Denim is not a very absorbent material, and we don't tend to sweat from our legs as much as our arms, so jeans can hold off a couple of uses before they need to be washed. We all try to wear our jeans 2-3 times before washing unless something like a spill or some sort of mess prevents that.
How to Make Clothes Last Longer
When it comes to cotton material clothing such as our t-shirts and underwear, these usually need to be washed after every wear. This is due to the material being fairly lightweight and absorbent. Unfortunately cotton will absorb up all of your sweat throughout the day and really should be washed after every use.
Bras + Undergarments
When it comes to our bras that we have to wear every day, they can be pretty expensive and you may only have a few in your wardrobe. First, bras don't need to be washed after every wear. I usually wear my bras 2-3 times before I wash them. They are commonly made of stronger materials such as nylon and spandex. Bras are much more breathable than cotton and can withstand a few wears.
How often should you replace bras and underwear?
Nylon + Spandex
Clothing made from nylon/spandex tends to be stretchy and a more breathable material. They could be worn more than once if you are just wearing them for regular clothing. However, most people wear these types of stretchy clothing when they are working out. I would probably recommend washing them after a workout.
Sweatshirts + Jackets
With it being Winter right now, a lot of people are wearing hooded sweatshirts and jackets on a day-to-day basis. They don't need to be washed every time you wear them. You are probably wearing some sort of shirt underneath which helps block any sweat. I would recommend washing these items after 3-4 times wearing them.

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How often should you wash your clothes?
If you are looking to save a bit of money on your water bill, I would recommend looking after your laundry. There are ways to conserve water and not doing your laundry so often is a great start. We hope that this How Often Should You Wash Your Clothes post inspires you. Happy washing!

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