Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats
Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats It's almost Halloween or you are reading this in spring and dreaming about Halloween. That's kind of how it is in my family. We start planning for next Halloween every...
We eat dinner together every single night as a family. It was something that I insisted on once we had kids and it is something that we all really enjoy. We chat, share and talk about our days. We even play card games after dinner. Anything that I can do to spend a little more time with my children is pretty great.
Mac & Cheese is something that my kids have always loved. It is also one of the first things that they learned to cook for themselves. We love cooking together in the kitchen as a family and when we make mac & cheese, everyone has part. One kid likes to fill the pot with water, another puts the pasta in when the water is boiling and the third kid mixes everything together.
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While all of that happening, my husband and I are making a protein plus a vegetable to go along with their beloved mac & cheese. Then we all sit together and have a meal. Horizon Gluten Free Mac & Cheese is the perfect thing for my kids to make while we prepare dinner.
Horizon Organic Macaroni and White Cheddar Cheese is gluten-free and tastes great. This brings the cheesiness kids (and adults) crave. Made with organic pasta from a blend of rice, lentil, and corn flour and real Horizon organic cheese, our mac is the kind of thing you just cant outgrow. Gluten Free, 95 Percentage Organic.
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We LOVE mac & cheese in our house. It is one of the few meals we all agree on actually 🙂
Hi Stacie, This is fun – I was missing my mac and cheese – so I love the idea of GLUTEN FREE MAC & CHEESE – so I will definitely be looking for this! Thank you 🙂
I eat gluten free and my Hubs has just started. I bet he would like me to make this for him some night.
Mac and Cheese is one of my kiddos faves! They usually want my homemade Mac n cheese but this sounds great! A lot less work too!
This sounds like a great meal idea. I know many people are benefiting from eating more gluten free food.
Mmmm, looks yummy. Everyone here will love this. Can’t wait to try this. Thank you for sharing.
I love horizon mac n cheese its so delicious ad the kids love it.
I have never heard of gluten free macaroni and cheese before, I would love to give it a try~!
Our two year old was diagnosed with Celiac’s Disease this morning, so we will be looking into a lot of gluten free recipes over the next…forever or so.
Mac and Cheese is always a favorite of my ki-ds for dinner. I love that you can get it gluten free now.
I ate gluten free for a long time growing up. I was allergic to gluten, but I got over it as an adult. I am all for finding gluten free recipes still though! Thanks for sharing!
Can you believe that I’ve never had mac and cheese?! I really want to try it!
Oh yum yum! I love that this is gluten free. I feel like my kids are sensitive to gluten but they love mac and cheese so this would be great for them!
Yum! What is better than some good ol mac n cheese and this looks so delicious!
Great recipe. We love mac and cheese in our household and i am always looking for healthier alternatives. I think we will give this a try tomorrow night! Thanks so much!
This sounds like a really great option for people who are gluten free! Mac and cheese is such a traditional comfort food and it would be a shame for people with the gluten intolerance to miss out.
Mac and cheese is one of my favorite dishes, but I have never had gluten free version of it. I definitely need to try it sometime for my healthier lifestyle.
I am a huge fan of home made mac and cheese. The gluten free sounds interesting.
I will for sure let my mom know that Horizon makes GF mac and cheese. She is gluten free and I’m always looking for yummies to forward to her.
My kids love mac and cheese. This looks so creamy and good. I have to try it.