P&G Presents ReadyU
Whether you’re a busy, laid back or protective mom, every mother wants to send their child off to college well-equipped and prepared for anything. Thanks toP&G, you can now return to life as an empty...
If you read this blog or follow me on Facebook, then you know that the Girl Scouts are something near and dear to my heart. I was a Girl Scout through eighth grade. I participated in the I Live My Faith Badge with a group of girls that I had been in school with for years. My mother was one of our leaders. I still remember our living room being packed ceiling high with cases of cookies.
I firmly believe that Girl Scout cookie sales started me on a path where sales would always be some part of my life. I am not someone who is afraid of or shies away from sales. All of this is attributable to Girl Scouts.
These days, I am now a proud Girl Scout leader myself. This is my second year as a leader of my eight year old daughter's Brownie troop. This is my first year as a leader of my five year old daughter's Daisy troop. I lead two troops and love sharing this experience with my daughters as I did with my own mother years ago.
Here in Atlanta, we just wrapped up cookie yet not a day has gone by where someone does not ask me “Can I still buy some cookies from you?” This happens a lot. People just love Girl Scout cookies and while I certainly love Girl Scout cookies as well, what I also love are the life skills my girls are learning.
If you are in the Greater Atlanta area, head on over to ShowMeTheCookies.com and put in your zip code to find cookies in your area.
Outside of Atlanta? Click here for Girl Scout Cookies.
Tweet with them on Twitter
Visit the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta website
This Thursday, @GSGATL and @StacieinAtlanta (that's me) will be discussing all things Girl Scout cookies and how the Girl Scouts are training future leaders. Please join us!
WHEN: Thursday, February 7, 2013 from 1-2 pm EST
WHERE: Twitter with the #GSCookies hashtag
WIN: Prizes including cookies (of course!) and Girl Scout merchandise gift baskets.
If you live in any of the areas below which fall into the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta local area, then you are eligible to win prizes during the Twitter party.
Winners will be chosen from this linky. Winners must live in the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta area as shown above on the map to be eligible to win. Winners must be present and Tweeting during the party to be eligible to win.
I’m co-leader of my daughter’s new troop! Can’t wait to join in the fun!
I loved being a Girl Scout, and I’m excited that my daughter is now embarking on her own journey as a Daisy. In her second year as a Daisy, she has tripled her GS cookie sales over last year’s sales, something she is very proud of achieving.
I’m so glad girl scout cookies are around right now. My sister brought some home last night. It was the ones with peanut butter in them, not sure what they are called. They are so very good though.
I was once a Brownie and a Jr Girl Scout. I can remember the days when we had cookies stacked up to the ceiling .My mother was a girl scout n boy scout leader as well as a camp director at Camp Martha Johnson in Middle Georgia her name was PATCHES!!! I enjoyed swimming, horse back riding , hiking , movie nights and eating together and singing girl scout songs. I am now 40 yrs old and I hope my daughter will experience the fun with Girl Scouts like i did. It was very fun and exciting!!!!!
As a Girl Scout Daisy troop leader, I’m looking forward. 🙂
RSVP #foxywinter i am trying to cut back but i still made a 10 dollar donation
A former Girl Scout and still buy/love the cookies! Looking forward to the party!
Our daughter is a fourth generation Girl Scout (my grandmother and her sisters were in the first troop in Savannah)! I just uncovered my old “juniors” sash and she took it to her Brownie meeting last week to share. The girls thought it was cool – but weren’t impressed by the badges, since they already have more than I ever did!
Currently a leader to a combined DBJC troop. I’m looking forward to hearing about other cookie experiences.
Gotta love the Girl Scouts!
I am a leader of my daughter’s Junior troop. We have food allergies in the family too and are glad for the excellent labeling of the cookies!
Proud mom of a brownie Troop 10043
HEre we go! Avid cookie fans!
My Cadette troop is off to a great start and they are excited for booth sales to get under way.
Hi All,
I am the grandmother of my 7 year old granddaughter Jade and the Troop Leader of her GS troop!!!
I am really excited about teaching the girls marketing skills at this years cookie booths.!!! Thanks for inviting me to the party!! 🙂