Girl Scout Healthy Habits Journey Program
I am Girl Scout for two troops. Both daughters started as a Daisy Scout. Now my older daughter is a Junior Scout and my younger daughter is a Brownie. To say that they love Scouts and Scouting is an understatement.
My girls count the days down until their next Scout meeting. They plan ahead for things that their troops can do and they really, truly live the Girl Scout law. This makes me proud as I was a Girl Scout myself through 8th grade.
I love what my daughters get out of Girl Scouts and frankly, I get a lot out of it as well. I love the life lessons that Girl Scouts teaches my daughters.

In partnership with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, Girl Scouts developed three “healthy habits” booklets for volunteers to use in conjunction with their Journey Adult Guides. The free booklets help guide girls on their Journey as they learn to lead active, healthy lifestyles.
Through the use of these free resources for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, Girl Scout volunteers and families can guide girls in fun, easy ways to achieve “energy balance.” This is some that is key for girls when beginning their Girl Scout journey.
The three Healthy Habits Journey booklets available for download include:
- Between Earth and Sky with Healthy Habits
- WOW! Wonders of Water with Healthy Habits
- Get Moving! with Healthy Habits
The Together Counts program is nationwide and provided by the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation to inspire active and healthy living via physical activity and nutrition, a fundamental underpinning of efforts to reduce obesity. The principle behind the program is called Energy Balance, which just means balancing the calories we consume with the calories we expend.
- Energy In: the calories you get from eating and drinking.
- Energy Out: the calories you burn from physical activities.

Girl Scouting builds girls confidence, courage and character. I know this. It did all of this for me and more when I was in Scouting and to see the same thing happening with my daughter's makes me love Scouts even more.
Health and fitness have been part of Girl Scouting since girls ran foot races in 1912. In fact, this is something that we focus on in almost every meeting. We talk about the life choices the girls make every single day and we encourage them to constantly evaluate the decisions they make.
Girl Scouts Program is what girls do in Girl Scouting – and we sure do a lot! From patch programs to council-wide events, each council offers a variety of exciting program opportunities for girls of all ages. Girl Scouts gives girls life skills that
Volunteers will find it helpful to talk to their Girl Scout councils about handy resources including Volunteer Essentials—a guide for Girl Scout adults—and Girl Scouting 101, the online orientation.
Please join the Twitter chat on Sept. 9 with Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital and Together Counts.
To locate the council nearest you, see the Girl Scout Council Finder.
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I was a Girl Scout until I was in high school; before theatre took over. I learned so muc and now I’m ways prepared!
I was a girl scout back in the day. These days I have all boys, so now we are a boy scout family!
My daughter and I were girl scouts for years! Healthy habits sounds like a perfect fit for Girl Scouts. Thanks for sharing.
I hear such great things about the girl scouts. I was in Brownies as a kid, which is the same thing really but for younger gals. It was a ton of fun. Here Girl Scouts are called Girl Guides, such a great program!
This is a great program for keeping kids healthy and fit. I want to get my girls into the Girl Scouts when they are older.
My daughter just joined the Girl Scouts this year. She is absolutely loving it and so am I. On the very first meeting they learned etiquette and respecting your elders. They are learning new stuff weekly and I can tell my daughter is taking the knowledge in and is applying it to life. I never really knew what the Girl Scouts were. So glad someone prompted my daughter to join.
My little girl just joined last week! She is a Daisy 🙂 Can’t wait to bring her to her first Girl Scouts meeting! She is so excited!
My daughter and I were both Girl Scouts. It was such a great program to join. We both learned a lot and made a ton of friends. I also realized I was not a camper. lol
Sounds like a great program. Loved being a girl Scout growing up.
I’m going to have to make a note to attend that twitter chat! I love the Girl Scouts and everything they stand for!
We are starting our tenth year of Girl Scouts. Luckily my girls are in the same troop, or I couldn’t manage it. We just had an August full of sleep-away camp AND day camp. They are ready to go for the new year!
I love the Girl Scouts. They promote self worth and self reliance in young girls. They desperately need that these days.
The Girl Scouts rock. In these days of Bratz, twerking, and Miley Cyrus running around in next to nothing, the world needs the Girl Scouts. My niece came around the corner the other day singing Wrecking Ball, and I died a little inside.
The Girl Scouts is an amazing program. They do so much to teach girls how to be well rounded young women. I was not in Girl Scouts, I was in Camp Fire. Had a great time.
This is such a great program. I was never in it but I would be happy if my daughter wanted to join.
I was a Girl Scout when I was younger, but they certainly weren’t focusing on health living back then. I never see Girl Scouts in Baltimore, I’d kill for a box of Thin Mints!
Girl Scouts is such a great program for young girls. I will have to join in on the Twitter party fun!
I love Girl Scout programs. They’re always a great learning experience.
Seems like yesterday I was a Brownie myself. This is a much-needed initiative. Thanks, Girl Scouts!
I have such fond memories of Girl Scouts from when I was younger, and I love seeing all the ways they’re growing and becoming more modern. What a great organization!
I loved the Girl Scouts program when I was a little girl! It’s great to see they’re supporting healthy lifestyles!
This is really great! My girls did Girl Scouts, such a great organization!
I was never a girl scout but it sounds like a great organization.
What a great program. I always wished my mother signed me up for Girl Scouts when I was younger.
I really like the new healthy habits program. It is a great program.
It is great that the Girl Scouts is doing a program like this. Healthy habits are so very important to start and it’s great that they are starting this now.
I love how Girls Scouts build confidence and courage. I was not in Girl Scouts, but I hope my daughter is interested in it.
This is such a great program. Girl Guides teaches really important life lessons.
I remember being a girl scout when I was younger! How much fun that was!
I love that you’re passing on the Girl Scout Legacy…and to 2 troops, wow! I hope to do the same for my daughter
I was in Girl Scouts until I was a Junior in High School. It’s such a great program! I love the new programs they have! Thanks for sharing.
Girl Scouts is one of my favorite organizations. I was in it and my daughter is
l love organizations like Girl Scouts! I used to be a Girl Guide when I was a kid in Jamaica. It is such a great way to teach leadership and self worth
I love the Girl Scouts and kuddos for you for being involved. I think they are really important- they teach good values and also skills the kids can use later in like. I went through Brownies and although we didnt have a GS troup in our are my Mom was a BS den leader and I saw all the good it can do!
I used to be a Girl Scout when i was a little girl. It is never to early to start teaching kids healthy habits.
I actually JUST signed up to be a leader for my daughter’s Daisy troop! I am so excited to be part of this amazing organization!
I loved being a Girl Scout! I started out as a Brownie, which was for very young girls, then moved up into the Girl Scouts. I learned so many things while earning my badges, loved earning the cooking badges!! 🙂
I was a Brownie and absolutely loved it! This is just a great campaign. I’m a cub scout mom since I only have boys. Love it too!
I was a girl scout in middle school and loved all the trips we went on!
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