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This Pair Up with JCPenney and Give Back for Back to School #SoWorthIt post is sponsored by JCPenney. Pair Up with JCPenney and Give Back for Back to School #SoWorthIt School just started this...
This year for back to school, every one of us needs new shoes! We all need tennis shoes and we are heading to Rack Room Shoes to get exactly what we need from our favorite brands.
Rack Room Shoes footwear is known for offering the season’s latest trends in comfort, dress, casual and athletic categories. In every store, you will find on-trend footwear for the family through a wide selection of nationally recognized and private brands of great shoes for men, women and children.
Rack Room Shoes carries the top brands for your family’s Back to School shopping needs including Nike, Skechers, Vans and Converse and they are known for their everyday “Buy One Get One 50% Off” promotion on all styles.
The Rack Room Rewards® program allows customers simple, instant savings on shoes for the family and you get rewarded for the everyday purchases that you make. Some of the member’s only perks include exclusive discounts, coupons, and $15 in rewards for every $200 spent on the retailer’s extensive offering.
Every year, children head back to school with ill-fitting or damaged shoes because they don’t have any other option. Even worse, some children aren’t able to attend school because they have no shoes at all – this program combats that issue. Over the last two years, Rack Room Shoes has donated more than $1 million to Shoes That Fit through the annual fundraiser.
This Back to School season, Rack Room Shoes is raising funds for families in need through their annual Shoes That Fit campaign to provide new shoes to at-risk children to start the school year.
Rack Room Shoes makes it easy for shoppers to make a difference in their communities by allowing customers to donate to Shoes That Fit at the register upon check out in-store, or online at http://www.rackroomshoes.com/content/shoesThatFit.html. 100% of the donations will be distributed in the local area where the shoes were purchased.
Local school liaisons will identify children needing new footwear in the area and supply them with new shoes – so all of the donations benefit students right in your community. Rack Room Shoes has committed to match 100% of all donations raised, up to $300,000.
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This is part of a sponsored campaign.
I will have to check this out. I am borderline obsessed with shoes, so I need new places to shop for them.
I never heard of that site before, but after reading your post I am going to check it out, I like that they have buy one get one 50% off since I always like to buy more than one pair of shoes at the time. Thanks! 🙂
We are always looking for new shoes (since my kiddo insists on growing LOL). Sounds like these would be a great deal!
Now that’s what I like to hear. Another spot (whether it be online or in stores) a place that you can get brand names for less. I LOVE shoe shopping.
I have never heard of this company before, but I love the idea of making money when spending it! Who doesn’t love new shoes!! Gonna go check them out!
With a daughter like mine, it’s always nice to have a good source of shoes. Rack Room sounds great.
I think I found a shoe store that I would always go to. My reason? I easily become a patron when I learn that they participate in programs that give back to the community. I love that Rack Room Shoes give to the program ShoesThatFit.
This is the first time I heard about this store. Rewards are the best! I would most definitely check this out.
This sounds like such a great place to get shoes for the family at great prices! I always like to get boots or sneakers that are unique!
Rack Room is such a great place for back-to-school shoes! My kids are all grown, but Rack Room brings back fond memories. There have been many trips to Rack Room over the years for sports shoes. Love that they are raising money for families in need. I’m all for supporting companies that give back.
We don’t have Rack Room Shoes around our area. Ut looks like a nice outlet to find great shsoes in great prices.
Who doesn’t love shopping for shoes?! I wouldn’t mind a new pair …. okay maybe two. 😛 Thanks for introducing me to the brand.
I would love to join their rewards program, but I don’t think we have Rack Room Shoes here in the city. I will check if we have it here.
I love Rack Room for shoes!! They always have that great BOGO sale and that always makes me buy more!! HA!!
Oh awesome! I need to see if theres a Rack Room near me. My boys need new shoes. Again. I just bought new ones 3 months back so Im surprised to have to go again. lol.
Little man just got some new shoes for school. Looks like you really loaded up nice for the whole family!!
I need to get me some new shoes. I haven’t been to Rack Room shoes in a long time. I like that they have a rewards program.
I love the instant rewards! With three kids, we go through shoes far more than we would like. We are about due for another trip!
I love shoes. I am very simple with my tastes though. I don’t think we have a Rack Room Shoes here. But, they look like a great place to shop for the whole family.
I have never been to this store before. It looks like they have a great selection of shoes for the whole family.
Thanks for this wonderful blog post! Rack Room Shoes has been quietly helping children in need near each of their stores across the country through Shoes That Fit since 2008. They have helped thousands of students in need attend school in comfort and with dignity in new shoes that fit. Rack Room is a shining example of a company giving back to their community and we are proud to count them as one of our corporate partners. (Full disclosure; I’m an employee of Shoes That Fit).
I wish we had one of these around here! With seven people getting shoes for everyone can be INSANELY expensive I’ve gotta say!
Glad to hear they are a socially conscious company and are doing something to give back, it’s always a feel good win/win to be able to shop and know you are helping a great cause at the same time!
I have heard of Rack Room Shoes, but I thought it was just an online shoe store for some reason. Sounds like a fun place to shop at for shoes, which I can hardly get enough of.
Ahhhhh so wish we had one here near me in WNY! We need to take my disgusted shoe shopping for school this weekend and this place sounds fantastic!
Rack Room Shoes is awesome! I used to love them growing up. Unfortunately, there isn’t one near me. If there were, I’d be there all the time.
I need to check this out! I have an obsession with buying my daughters shoes. I usually get them about 3 pairs during Back to School Shopping
Rackroom reminds me of Payless but with better shoes lol! These look like great finds! I wonder if they will have one open by my house in LA