American Girl Shine On Now Initiative
American Girl has been a part of my family for a while now. I don't remember American Girl when I was growing up. I was a child in the seventies or at least this...
I received product and compensation from Mead Johnson Nutrition to create this post written by me. All experiences and opinions expressed in this post are my own and not those of Mead Johnson Nutrition. You can contact Mead Nutrition with product related questions or comments toll free at 1-888-777-3395 or through the Contact Us link at
Choosing a formula to feed your baby is not always an easy decision to make. As a new mother, I remember looking at the shelves in the store, which were full of formula, and not having any idea of what to give to my baby.
Where do I start? Do I do research? Do I try several different types?
As a young mother, I have to admit that all of the choices in formula were a little overwhelming. Until I found Enspire™ by Enfamil®.
Did you know that Enspire™ is Enfamil’s® closest formula to breast milk?
As a mother who decided to use formula, I love knowing that Enspire™ provides nutrition inspired by comprehensive breast milk studies. Enspire™ by Enfamil® uses the remarkable components also found in breast milk.
Enspire™ by Enfamil® is an innovative, non-GMO* formula that offers two new components found in breast milk, making it their closest ever to breast milk. I love that besides DHA, Enfamil knows that components like MFGM and Lactoferrin are important.
MFGM is made up of layers of lipids and proteins that also surround breast milk fat droplets, and it has been shown to support cognitive development.
Lactoferrin, also found in mature breast milk along with colostrum, is a specialized protein that helps to support your baby’s immune system and intestinal development.
Enspire™ by Enfamil® has:
Enspire™ by Enfamil® costs a little more due to premium components, but this is totally worth it, because I know that it’s Enfamil’s closest formula to breast milk. Because Enspire™ narrows the compositional gap between formula and breast milk, I know that I want my baby to have it.
My sister has been using Enspire™ for a little over a week with her 2-month-old son and they both love it. Her son drinks this easily, so now they can both rest easier. As a new mother, she says that this gives her peace of mind knowing that she is giving her the child with Enfamil’s closest thing to breast milk. He clearly loves it.
I honestly wish that Enspire™ by Enfamil® had been around when my three children were babies because they really could have benefitted from this formula. However, I did feed my children Enfamil® and I already trust the brand. We feel confident that Enfamil® has my child’s and my best interests at heart.
Enspire™ offers dedicated experts to help answer your questions about Enspire™ or questions about you and your baby. Now you can visit to learn more or call 1-888-777-3395 to talk to a dedicated Enspire™ Expert.
Join Enspire Family Beginnings by Enfamil to get samples, offers, plus great content focused on your stage as a mom and your baby’s age.
Enspire™ by Enfamil® is available at local grocers, Target and on
My daughter just had a baby and she is formula feeding. I don’t know if she has tried this formula yet but it sounds like a great option.
I’m not a momma yet but will definitely look into Enspire by Enfamily once I’m at that point in my life!
This sounds like a great formula. This was the only brand of formula we could use with our son.
This sounds like great formula. One of the big problems with formulas is that they’re so foreign to a baby’s system. This sounds perfect.
All three of my babies were formula fed and I appreciate that companies continue to make health conscious advancements to their products. How awesome that this version is non GMO too!
It is so wonderful that there are many options out there ready for babies and young toddlers. Enfamil really was a great brand I used when I switched from breast to formula … which was at varying stages for each of my three kiddos!
This sounds like a great option for those who need to formula feed their little ones. x
Enfamil is the only brand of formula I have ever used. My kids really enjoyed it and I liked the product a lot.
I love how things for babies just continues to get better over time. Thank you for sharing. We used enfamil as well when I needed to supplement.
I have heard many mothers talk about how much their babies love and do well with Enfamil formula. It’s great that they offer such a good and protein packed formula.
Enfamil offers a lot of products, it’s great to have this as an option if you’re a mother to be and you’re not sure if you can breast feed. A lot of research was put into which is amazing.
This looks like a great option. It was so hard making choices for formula when our kids were infants.
I have a friend who is about to have a baby. I will have to share this with her. This sounds like a great formula to use.
I know a mom who’s about to give birth any day now. I must share this with her 🙂
I breastfed both of my babies, but did have to supplement a little in the beginning. I honestly don’t remember what I used, but if I were breasteeding now and needed to supplement, I would be inclined to try this one.
Oh I like that they have a non GMO option. This is important for new moms to realize who are not able to breastfeed because we don’t need to alter nature.
Wow. I wish this was around when my baby needed formula. He is about to turn 2 and he stopped bottle feeding at one. My milk supply was shot so he would have starved without formula. I love that they are constantly improving.
After reading this post, I have to say that I am so happy I’m way past this phase! SO many brands to choose from! This one didn’t even exist when I had my kids!
They have come a long way when it comes to baby formula. I breast fed all of my kids and didn’t use formula except twice. My youngest I gave him a bottle of formula in the hospital bc my colostrum just wasn’t satisfying his hunger. I would have to say choosing formula would be hard for me.
This sounds like a good formula. I’ll share it with a friend who is expecting! My youngest ended up being formula fed around 5 months I think it was. She was allergic to dairy, so it was difficult for me at the time to give up dairy, so we went with soy formula for her.
This sounds like a great product. I was only able to breastfeed my kids for a few months. I used Enfamil when my kids were babies.
I’m not a mama, but I’m definitely looking forward to breastfeeding and creating that bond with my babies. I’ll keep this in mind if needed. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by – Yolo
I love how they have these packaged. A lot of moms can’t breastfeed even though they want to so it’s good that there’s Enfamil!
I have always heard great things about Enfamil infant formulas. I think this is the formula that my friend is using for her baby actually.
It seems like this is a great brand and it’s awesome that moms have a choice for what formula works best for them. I have a baby shower to attend and I think I will pick some up!
Right now we’re using Enfamil Gentleease but I want to give this Enspire a try!
This looks like a great option for those who formula feed their babies. it’s amazing that there are many great options out there!
Interesting stuff
This is awesome!
I would have loved to have this when my kids were little. My oldest used formula we had a hard time finding something that agreed with her stomach. My son nursed but it probably would’ve been easier to get him to eat when I left the house.
Hi Everyone~ we are casting real parents, with babies 12 months or younger, for the baby formula featured in this blog. You must live in the NY -Tri State area to participate. Please call us before October 14th, 2016. 347. 449. 4303