Lovable Labels Review and Coupon Code
Lovable Labels Review and Coupon Code It's time to go back to school and for my family, that always means a scramble to get supplies, get clothes, decide on activities and then get everything...
We had a big day recently in our household. Our middle child joined the teenager club. She turned the big THIRTEEN. Presents were opened, cake was eaten, and just maybe a tear was shed (mine…why do they grow up so quickly). As we enjoyed dinner that night I couldn’t help but look…ok stare…at her. She was becoming an amazing young woman, and I found myself daydreaming about what her future would bring. Would she be a doctor? Pilot? Maybe a teacher? What did the future hold for my daughter? We hope that you enjoy this Dreaming Big for my Children post.
I may not know what the future will bring for my girl, but I do have aspirations for her. I want her to be happy. I hope that she meets her soulmate. I want her to find a career that she genuinely loves. In short, I want her to find happiness, passion, and fulfillment in life. I want the same thing for all of my kids. The big question for me is how do I help my kids achieve these things in life.
I believe the most critical thing that I can do to help my children is to simply be a good role model. The problem with this of course is being a good role model is one of those things that’s easy to think about but difficult to execute. As an example; I want my kids to find their soulmates and experience the joy of a loving relationship. This means that I have to model what that looks like. Now that is pretty easy when my relationship with my husband is all roses. This becomes challenging though when my husband and I have an argument or when we are angry with one another. We have to remember that how we argue is a lesson on love and relationships for our children, and that can be a challenging thing to keep in mind during the heat of the moment. But we do it.
It’s no different with our professional careers. Both my husband and I work at things that we love to do, and we do so with passion. Now of course we both have bad days at work. But that is ok, because in the end we spend our time working on things that we love, and our kids see that. We model what a fulfilling career looks like, and by doing so we teach them what to look for in their own future careers.
The one thing that scares me a bit about their future though is the cost of higher learning. College has gotten pretty expensive, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. But the last thing that I want is for my kids futures to derail because of the cost of an education. It was this thought that spurred me into action many years ago.
I started saving money for my kids education not long after my first child was born, and that is key. The bill for a college education can be overwhelming to think about. A ton of money has to be raised…how do you do that? Well I believe the simple answer is you start saving early; the earlier the better. I came to realize that thanks to how interest compounds, if I started saving early, I didn’t have to save a ton every month in order to make an impact on that future college bill. As long as I started early and just saved a little bit every month, I could help my kids. That was an eye opening thought for me.
Want to know how to come up with a realistic plan to start your family on the right path towards saving for college? The professionals at COUNTRY Financial can offer planning assistance to make your life a little easier. We hope that you enjoyed this Dreaming Big for my Children post.
This Dreaming Big for my Children post is sponsored by COUNTRY FINANCIAL, but thoughts are and opinion expressed are my own.
I try my hardest to make sure I am the best mom possible at all times. Thank you for sharing, I am always inspired by other moms!
We are all about dreaming big in our family, too. We are firm believers that if you work hard, treat people with kindness, and never give up, good things will come. And it doesn’t hurt to have the financial sense to save money to help achieve your dreams!
Our family is our life. It is a true fact all have to agree. I think I had tried to my best for a mom!!!!
We have HUGE dreams for our kids! We have been saving a long time for them and I hope that they will have little debt when they get out of college!
I’m sure that taste as delicious as they look! I would love to try making this recipe. this will be a huge hit for sure!
I know how you feel kids grow up so fast and it seems like they were babies and now teenager next college. I am glad I started saving early but college costs are going up so high all the time.
I always dream big and I told my son many times too to dream big. Our son is already in high school and he’ll be in college before we know it. We should look into saving now.
This is a good reminder. Saving for college is definitely important and it’s going to make a huge difference when you start early.
I really wish that I was in a better place financially when my kids were little. I just wasn’t able to save up any money for them.
My daughter had an eye-opening experience last fall when she went off to college. It was a huge adjustment compared to high school. She ended up not doing so hot but I’m not upset with her. I know that she was at a disadvantage because she didn’t get her cochlear implant until after her 4th birthday. She missed out on 4 years of early language development and she just wasn’t able to catch up once she got her implant. Those first two years are critical when it comes to language development. We told her that college isn’t for everyone. I’m sure she will find something else that she is passionate about.
You are so right about starting early! Our children are the best investment ever! It sounds like we have a lot in common as parents.
Kids really do grow so quickly!! I cannot believe my daughter will be 11 soon!!
Having 4 children…3 girls I totally understand your post! There are so many hopes and dreams I have for my kids and I know that college will help them reach their goals in life!
Saving for college is so important. College can be extremely expensive. My second oldest daughter chose a school that was over $30k/year if you didn’t live on campus!!!
Saving money for college and the future is so very important. I actually believe a good financial class should be a prerequisite for graduating high school. I’m going to check out COUNTRY Financial and see what I can do to help my kids and grandkids. Thanks!
I have huge dreams for my son too. I want him to be so happy! And yes, I think all kids should be prepared financially. Before they leave the house!
This is a great reminder for parents! Saving for college early is such a wise move!
So important dream for our children! Also show them that dreams are the pathway to make things happen!
My oldest is 13 and college will be here before I know it. I need to start saving as much as I can for him now.
We all have big dreams for our children. We definitely don’t want them to be in debt when they start out in the world after college. Country Financial sounds like a great company to help in financial planning for our kids’ future.
Thinking about paying for college is so scary! My oldest turned 13 recently and my middle is headed to middle school in the fall. College will be here so soon.
My family is my life. I have such high hopes and dreams for my kids too, often I get a little caught up in it. College is something often on my mind!
What a great inspirational post. I too dream big for my family and I. There’s so many things I want to accomplish!
I did Florida prepaid for my kids. It ensured they had at least four years of college paid for when they grew up, and because I started when they were so young it didn’t cost so much either. Best investment ever.
Coming out of the financial industry, one thing I always said was that people don’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan. It’s so important to have a game plan for finances. College is expensive!
I strive to be a good role model every single day. Some days are way harder than others but that’s a promise I made to myself long ago: to just be the best role model I can possibly be.
I too dream big for my children. I want to give them all of the advantages in life.
We started saving for the kiddos’ education, but now that the prospects of college are getting closer we really need to focus our efforts on saving. I want them to have every possibility in the future.
No matter what happens, it’s important that we, as parents, plan for their future. They deserve a good one and I’m sure it’s more possible if we learn to save for it as early as possible.
My kids are all grown and I have never stopped encouraging them to reach for their dreams. I may not have a lot of money but I strive hard to provide them the best education they deserve. I do not have riches, large tracts of land, or stock certificates for them to inherit, but I made sure that they would have the “riches” that would assure them of a better life – a college education.
I dont know if Country Financial was around when I was younger but my parents could of benefited. Its always good to plan something for your kids future.
I always try to be a best mom and for this i always think how do it. I always inspire my children to be a good humanity being and to become a honest person. Thus why they are try to a better things in their life and follow my instruction. I know your blog inspire all mom as like me. So, your article make me happy because it contain epic knowledge that every mom are inspired.
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