Did You Know That Happiness is Contagious in Social Networks? - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Did You Know That Happiness is Contagious in Social Networks?

I am pretty sure that I already knew this but it sure is nice to hear. Happiness is contagious in social networks. I am a lover of Twitter. I have been from the moment that I signed up. If I am having a bad day, I can go on and instantly I am cheered up by thousands of  people posting random things about themselves or others. It is highly addictive but ALWAYS makes me happy.

If you're feeling great today, you may end up inadvertently spreading the joy to someone you don't even know.

This is what happens to me. On Twitter and on Facebook. Social networking can an amazing form of escape or a much needed stress reliever.

New research shows that in a social network, happiness spreads among people up to three degrees removed from one another. That means when you feel happy, a friend of a friend of a friend has a slightly higher likelihood of feeling happy too.

This is so true, isn't it?

Click the fish above to read this article in its entirety and let me know what you think.


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3 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. I agree with this. I am a twitter addict an I am guaranteed to be cheered up and get a good laugh everytime I go there.

  2. That sounds good, but I am still resisting Twitter. I am afraid that my children might starve while I tweeted away! I am easily sucked in.

  3. ellen

    Twitter addict here too šŸ™‚
    Yes, I think it can cheer you up & get you going! Even if people you dont know well are on, alot of times they tweet quotes or sayings that put things in perspective.

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