Coffee-mate Natural Bliss Review

I was never a big coffee drinker. That is, until I discovered creamers. Flavored creamers.
The problem was that many of them were high in calories and contained a lot of ingredients that I couldn't even pronounce so I basically just quit drinking coffee.
A few weeks ago I tried Coffee-mate Natural Bliss creamer. WOW! I love this stuff. I cannot get enough. Flavoring my coffee all of sudden became one of the highlights of my morning.

I purchased the Coffee-mate Natural Bliss creamer flavors in Vanilla, Caramel and Sweet Cream. My husband claimed the Sweet Cream for himself the very first day. I have tried all three and hands down my favorite is the Caramel.
Caramels have long been one of my favorite candies and indeed one of my favorite flavors. I just love it. I went through the container is less than one week and had to go buy another one.
All three flavors are rich and creamy. The taste incredibly high end and a little of the creamer really seems to go a long way.
I am really conscious of the ingredients that we use as a family. I prefer more naturals foods and the less preservatives the better. But let's face it, as an active family of five, that just isn't always possible.
So the more products like this that I can incorporate into my lifestyle, the better as far as I am concerned.
I am loving this product so much that I began to search online for recipes that I could make with it. I had no clue that there were so many so readily available. Most of them are on the Coffee-mate site.
Tiramisu, anyone? How about Honey Vanilla Creme Stuffed French Toast? Just typing that makes my mouth water. So I tried a couple of these recipes using my new creamers. And YUM! They turned out amazing.
The following recipe is my new favorite morning wake me up beverage:

CONGRATS TO JESSICA M! I picked a random reader from the last 1000 commenters
and will be sending you a Coffee-mate Natural Bliss coupon for you to purchase your own creamer.
Check your email!
I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Coffee-mate and received coupons and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.
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