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I am excited to be a part of a new program with Boost Kid Essentials. I have active, healthy children who sometimes need a little boost when it comes to nutrition. Especially my youngest child.
No matter what we do, we cannot get enough food into her. We try and try but she is just such a picky eater.
She is our baby and she went through so much when she was first born (READ: Happy Heart Day) that being a picky eater really seemed to be the least of our concerns. This kid has been through a lot.
Lately though I have noticed that at the age of five, she can still wear the same clothes that she wore at four. She doesn't seem to gain weight and she hovers around the 15th percentile. We have to carefully watch what she eats. She loves her BOOST Kid Essentials.
BOOST Kid Essentials Drink is an excellent alternative when a meal replacement is required. Each serving of BOOST Kid Essentials Drink provides 240 calories, 24 essential vitamins and minerals, and 7 grams of protein.
BOOST Kid Essentials Drink may be consumed with meals, or as a snack, and may therefore be consumed more than once per day. In order to make sure a child receives nutrition from a variety of sources, you may wish to limit daily intake to 2–3 servings. Speak with your pediatrician for more detail regarding how frequently your child may wish to use BOOST Kid Essentials Drink.
There are many other families who go through the same thing that we go through when it comes to our daughter's nutrition. I am constantly worrying about if she is getting enough. Food. Nutrients. Vitamins.
Now you can watch videos and share other parents' journeys as they try to help meet their children's nutritional needs.
If you read this blog, then you know that I am very social person! I love to connect through various social networks.
On Wednesday, June 6, the BOOST Kid Essentials Facebook team will be holding a discussion at 10 a.m. CST, so please join us there:
One lucky reader of The Divine Miss Mommy will win a year supply of BOOST Kid Essentials here (25 product coupons). To enter, leave me a tip for handling a picky eater. Leave your comment below as your first, mandatory entry. Comment must be relevant and make sense. If you cut and paste another entry on this blog, your entry will not count.
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Giveaway ends 06/17/12 at 11:59 PM EST. Entrants must be 18 or older and located in the US only. Winner to be chosen at random. All entries must be properly recorded in the comments to count (i.e. Link to tweets, Facebook page, etc). Winner will be notified via email and has 24 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen and notified.
Disclosure: I am a BOOST Kid Essentials Brand Ambassador.
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Try fun shapes for food, new plates or cups (mine likes milk from a plastic wine glass) and different flavors.
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DDs don’t like beans/peas, so I have to be very creative to sneak them into their meals, such as cupcakes, smoothies.
I have a couple of selectively picky kids. I think the only tip I have is to make sure that they aren’t hungry. Otherwise, the family meal is the family meal. You have to try it before deciding that you don’t like it. If after trying it, you still don’t like it, then you can have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And there will be no dessert for kids who don’t eat the family dinner.
candyland121 at hotmail dot com
I try to let them have choices within reason, especially at lunch time. Otherwise we just try to stay upbeat and positive about it, talking to each other about how yummy it is, etc.
My hint for working with a picky eater is make the food kid friendly. Cut it into cool shapes
My tip for handling a picky eater is to add variety. If the child doesn’t like something one way, try it another. There are ways to add some spice to things so that kids like the food better!
I say give them tons of options! Tell them they have to eat a veggie, but give them three to choose from. The power of choice goes a long way!
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I like to let the kids participate…when they helped cook it, they are more likely to want to eat it.
When my daughter went through a really recalcitrant picky phase I found that it helped to make-up ridiculous names for the food. ‘Tonight we are having fuffle-umps’ I would say and she simply couldn’t say “I don’t like that.’ Weirdly, it sort of helped (not always though).
Adding unwanted food, which usually was veggies, I just added them into things to try and hide them or sometimes i would add the veggies in a fruit smoothie to make sure they were getting there vegetables
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