What is a VIP Fandango Account?
What is a VIP Fandango Account? We are movie lovers in this family. We see several movies each month and often meet other family members to see movies together. That is something that my...
Ok so I might or might not be a child of the 80's. I might have grown up with big hair, ridiculous neon colors, jellies, a boatload of rubber bracelets and more.
Yeah I did.
Some of the fun of the 80's were those hair bands. You remember them, right? One of my all time favorite bands was definitely Bon Jovi.
I love the message behind his new single, “Because We Can.” I consider myself an optimist. I always see the bright side of any situation and honestly, with the exception of just a few people who I have met in my lifetime, I believe that there is a good side to anyone. The Because We Can message speaks to me mostly because that is how I approach my life. I look at situation or problem or really anything and say to myself of course I can.
For more on the “Because We Can” Tour, check out the Bon Jovi website.
One lucky reader of The Divine Miss Mommy will win an autographed poster here. To enter, tell me how the Bon Jovi “Because We Can” message inspires you, or about a time you overcame insurmountable odds.
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Giveaway ends 2/27/13 at 11:59 PM EST. Entrants must be 18 or older and located in the US only. Winner to be chosen at random. All entries must be properly recorded in the comments to count (i.e. Link to tweets, Facebook page, etc). Winner will be notified via email and has 24 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen and notified.
This song inspires me in many ways. It means to stand up and be what you want to be and to believe in yourself and all that you do. No one can take that away from you.
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Circle you on Google+ Joni Dolniak
Circle you on Google+ Joni Dolniak
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Bon Jovi is my all time favorite band! I LIVE this song and KNOW this song. I am the one living in black and white. Life stands still so much for me, as I am not the healthiest. Miss out on a lot. And my husband and I have been together against all odds…and I do believe we can. Just because the promise was made and should not be broken. I do believe in forever. Because we CAN!
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This song got me through the worst couple years of my life when my parents divorced and my dad remarried within a month and moved to another state. My mom was hardly ever around, always out and never knowing if or when she would be back. I was 16 and they left me at home with my 13 year old sister and a 2 year old sister. I worked a part time job, tried my best not to flunk out of high school and be there for my sisters. I have such a beautiful bond with them because of it now and I remember listening to this song in my room at night when I couldnt sleep because I was so worried or scared. It always gave me inspiration
I follow you on google plus as Brynn Dexter
The Bon Jovi “Because We Can” message inspires me to be myself and be the best I can be.
RSS Subscriber – Google Reader as Amy Orvin , 2dogs5catscrew@att.net
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RSS Subscriber – Google Reader as Amy Orvin , 2dogs5catscrew@att.net
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RSS Subscriber – Google Reader as Amy Orvin , 2dogs5catscrew@att.net
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RSS Subscriber – Google Reader as Amy Orvin , 2dogs5catscrew@att.net
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RSS Subscriber – Google Reader as Amy Orvin , 2dogs5catscrew@att.net
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